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Everything posted by fergal71

  1. remember to send link to everyone in your facebook, msn, or email contact list this could spread quickly if everyone just took a few minutes to do...... It would be good if somebody with some insight wrote a couple of lines why people should sign this petition and then add link at the bottom it would be much easy to spread resons and link that way and many more will sign I am sure.... this is everyones data , so it is everyones responsibility
  2. so without warning with little cost to themselves they can report info on credit file which has the same detrimental effect on a person for 6 years same as CCJ. this could be for a small amount of money ie 1 months tv/phone bill..... Hi locotus do you work for Virgin media by any chance???? this has got to be in breach of data protection act which everybody is regulated by?
  3. they have stated by accepting their equipment is fact that I have accepted terms and conditions which I am assuming includes sharing my data... can anyone direct me to wilson case I think in which they were awarded compensation for breach of DPA default would like to reference case in my argument.
  4. hi buzby the company asking is acumen investigation services.... handling investigation on behalf of sky... the person genuinely believed they were ok to show these games via european channels as the salesperson said it was perfectly legal... any advice as they are genuinely scared of what they should do next?
  5. all ths info seems very wishy washy.... There must be a law that states they are aloud to register defaults my account was in dispute yet they registered default... my bill changed 5 times even though I no longer had services... I am sure data protection act is my way to go for this as I have even had ICO letter stating that only serious defaults should be registered, and as they removed it it is likely they were in the wrong.... I am in court very soon and I am just preparing evidence... any help would be great... I am sure they should not be allowed to do this...and if they are then they should follow some kind of protocol to make you aware of their intentions and they damage of those actions.
  6. but what law is it based on... they are not covered by consumer credit act... placing defaults must be covered by something. if they can use them in this way it has to be an unfair contract as surely they can ruin your credit file for 6 years for what could be a very small amount?
  7. i have just found that a case is going to european court regarding the monopoly of sky will that waive any prosecution till the outcome
  8. can anyone help???? how do you add jpeg copy of agreement for people to view and consider on thread???????????
  9. hi incase anyone still reading I am in same boat except default cost me significantly, has since been removed but i am claiming for damaged cause. if they are not covered under cca what legal right do they have to place defaults on credit file????? I can still find no answers????
  10. Hi can sky and virgin put defaults on credit file if they are not covered under CCA. IF yes what protocal do they have to follow in issuing default notices. Surely they are still covered by data protection act... filing default whilst account in dispute etc???? any help much appreciated got court date very soon as default caused significant damage financially...
  11. a friend of mine has recently received a letter stating that they are being sued for showing football even though it was not through sky it was through a foreign box. Is there any legals on this they bought the foreign satellite in good faith and were told they didnt need sky?????? any help would be appreciated
  12. can site staff explain why uk26 v experian has been closed, this is so frustrating for members if vital information as in this case is not shared.... sorry again off topic but any explanation would be better than this?
  13. 19th November the vultures begin to circle, this could be one of the biggest decisions this country judiciary has ever made..... I can not believe the news is so thin they must know ??? you may see leaks before this date or at least the banks starting to posture differently as so many already have.... I for one cant wait.......
  14. is anyone on here suffering due to the mal administration of regeneration in their area... blight , has anyone any advice on law regarding blight and starting a claim against council for suffering blight?????????????
  15. sign it and send link to everybody in your email contact list..... this will achieve many more signatures I am sure as this issue affects everybody....
  16. can anyone explain what is happening with the court cases against experian.... Can somebody let us know if they have paid somebody a huge sum for keeping outcome confidential..... please let us know... this will help millions if we find out we have had good positive results against these people.... this is to bump thread also....
  17. hi peter govn already bailed out banks for mistakes and has as been said unfortunately in this day and age banks are a neccesities....£100 billion will throw the UK into a state of 3rd world country we already owe £175 billion.... all the asset sales in the world would never pay over £275 billion total.... so what do we do. for the govt to sell things is a last resort... think about your own personal circumstances when you got no money and cant borrow any you might sell a few bits.... if the government has closed the territorial army which is our last line of defence then what next... we can not borrow any more from anyone... the queen and her art, jewels, land we are in deep sh*t and i for one can not see how this can be reveresed. I have been a member of cag for some years and have claimed back quite some money for self and others... but this case is landmark and could bring the country to its knees.... I for one am not sure what the lesser of 2 evils is right now?????????????????????????? I might be jumping the gun on the HOL result.... but when things like closing TA for 6 months is not even in the news then what else is being hidden from the masses.... I for one think any sign of recovery is about to be shattered beyond anything we have ever known..........
  18. i think it is time to leave britain..... reading report on here regarding HOL and their verdict it sounds like banks are looking at damage limitation.... if allowed they might have to pay back £100 billion.... the government can not support this amount financially. I have just been told the Territorial army is to close for 6 months to save money as the government can not afford to pay them... this is going to be bad,,,, really bad....armageddon there must be lots of squeeky bums around parliament and the banking ivory towers as we speak....is it still 2 days to announcement
  19. I have asked same question on PPI thread..... wait and see it hasnt set precedent cos of court set in... but if further challenges are made under unfair contracts then I see no reason why not but keep buming question and some of the wiser guys will certainly come forward and maybe prompt more court cases ....
  20. if PPI on credit cards as recent case has proven render the agreement unenforceable.... is there a case to say that misold ppi on loans and mortgages etc render those agreements unfair contracts and make them unenforceable........?????????????? any ideas
  21. unfortunately many issues like this just get talked about there is no action how can MP's expenses scandal is no more... yet when I see daily that mrs bloggs put in jail for cheating benefit system... she was not offered to pay it back...... this country is run by cheats supporting bigger cheats.... yet we as a population can do nothing about it... to say a general election will sort it is misguided.... they are all the same they are wolves in different clothing.... when are we all going to realise and unite to put an end to this ridiculous situation
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