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Everything posted by fergal71

  1. hi ricky d agree with all you have said apart from the fact that everyone on here is on this kind of site for a reason we do not have problems with companies making money as this pays our wages what we do not stand for is greedy companies flouting laws to suit themselves. and when they make huge profits they get even greedier and pile on even more misery then the get it wrong and we bail them out... how can you take the view you do.... I agree we should buy something that we know we can afford.... this would be the case if it werent for companies changing interest rates inflating charges and ruining our credit historys for making a payment late because of errors their computer system made?????????????? please dont tar everyone with the same brush... the country the world is in recession/depression for one reason only... greed of the few at the top... and whilst they suffer on golf courses, general population suicide rises because we cant pay our bills, cos business we worked for cant get credit to maintain through hard times....
  2. I have never felt such happiness in others misery... i remember some welcome posts from staff in which they said business was booming.... happy days boom to bust just like the economy.... arrogant beastards....
  3. hi guys ask the MP's also to look into new legislation for the credit reference agenices also and give the ICO and fsa more teeth to be able to prevent such companies circumnavigating the law.... the crowther report in which they rely on was written thirty years ago.... the internet and data was a small thing then. no these ltd companies sell our data to any one willing to pay and stuff the damage info right or wrong.... there should be new laws based on the data of today not in the 70's.... it is credit reference agencies fuelling the credit crunch by holding inaccurate data and listening to companies who dole out defaults like smarties becasue they can without getting ccj....
  4. it infuriates me when people get on high horse, stating that if you have used money then you should pay it back.... I think everyone on here would agree with this.... but and it is a big but! when we make a mistake they come down on us like a ton of bricks, increased interest, penalty charges , info on credit file.... now when they break the law by not making agreements lawful, what can we do..????? charge them penalties,,, no, reduce monthly payments ,,,, no, put markers on their credit files,,,, no... Their is no recourse for the consumer other than a long and costly court case.... Many companies work on this same principle that it is difficult for average joe to do anything to harm these large companies.... welcome finance staff used to write similar things on these forums... loook where they are??? ;-) I bet the first person at the branch of marc gander when he asked for a refund of his charges on that fateful day no longer works there... look what has come from somebody standing up and challenging these large institutions.... maybe it is time we grew some bollocks and stood up for what is right.... like the french... I am sick and tired of spending my days looking into legalities of something or other due to companies not fullfilling their promises..and abiding by law.. why should these people get away with breaching the law if we cant get away with missing a payment or being late .... they deserve everything they get and I do not think it will end here.... credit reference agencies break the law by their shere existence, government ministers claiming expenses they are not entitled to and not going to jail,,,, would they allow me to pay back benefits that I had unlawfully claimed or would they throw me in jail " sorry judge fair cop I will pay it back and carry on like nothing has happened" cheers ... I dont think so... when are we going to get united and do something. look around, what has happened to our great country that we all appear so proud of.... it is in a right mess....to say the least and getting worse not better... where do you go to complain.... MP's ,only in it for themselves, lords selling favours, courts overbooked and judges often not versed with all aspects of the law.... where does it end who can help????? we need many many marc ganders... uk26 is fighting CRA's, we should all support these mavericks as they have reshaped democracy for the many... get on board and support... lets get back to basics , manufacturing etc... lets not bail out banks with billions that dont even exist in paper form.... lets do what we can to push these villains over the edge... whilst they sit in mansions never having to work again for the rest of their families lives we suffer and their actions push our families into a spiral of deprivation and dispear.... please dont say if you have spent it then pay it back.... I spent £1000 buying furniture on a credit card and with charges and interest I will end up paying approx £5000 back to this **** so once my £1000 is paid back am I ok to take them to court for their breaches will I ever see my extra £4000 ,,, I doubt it.. they have been repaid and some... rant over
  5. can any admin from cag update this without jeapordising the case?????
  6. thank you so much for all that advice.... I must just point out that it is not me in this position, I am trying to help someone else who does not use a computer... They own a pub which is licensed to a brewery... They have their name only above door ... does this make them a sole trader?????? thanks again for advice already given..
  7. Hi they are for paid referals £35 each mainly... business is sole trader and not doing so good mounting debts... Bank has called in overdraft... difficult to get account elsewhere so stuck between rock and hard place... they already charge huge commissions just for using business account when others are offering free business banking ,,,, not sure what to do????
  8. If business is not doing well but have charges claim of over £2000 can I claim for refund of charges under financial hardship for business charges...£35 per time???? Any help appreciated
  9. does anybody have particulars of claim for an unforceable agreement???????????
  10. how long do the banks have to appeal decision to house of lords what are we waiting for it should be open season... the oft should have had their house in order expecting this result??????????? fred goodwin vandalism I believe is only the start of worse to come... mp expenses banks charging £4 direct debit admin fees gross mis selling of insurances, endowments , shares 0845 and 0870 numbers.... increase in council tax, fuel tax almost every other tax what next?????this country has been brought to its knees by greed this government or any other government does not know how to stop the train rolling on
  11. hi if there is no agreement or it is unenforceable... what then??? how do we go about taking them to court to clear debt and repair credit file????
  12. once we have consumer credit agreements/application forms and they are clearly unenforceable what next.... do we take them to court if so what do we put in POC. or do we just wait 6 years as they will destroy credit file either themselves or by selling to DCA...????? got lots of old agreements 10 years old not sure what to do next????
  13. surely the oft investigation should be complete expecting this scenario as the earlier judge even asked them to to bring this farce to a swift end.... well done everyone on here and other forums it is thanks to everyone for fighting back.... in these tough times we will need all our fight to reduce the gap between the classes to make us a much fairer society....
  14. yes contact the customer service dept of the bank , by phone if you need to to get correct address of dept deaaling with case then ask for financial hardship form...
  15. no all they say they have but have not sent is offer of loan?????
  16. I pay one amount but they are listed as 2 seperate amounts on mortage statements etc and they have different interest rates.... one fixed and one variable
  17. I have and they dont have anything for second loan other than offer of loan .... no agreement they say they dont need one on secured loans
  18. hi yes it had to be added to my mortgage as a second secured loan.... I want it written off because they have no agreement... not because I have paid half???? I really feel strongly against these institutions that have destroyed many aspects of many peoples lives...
  19. I would like them to write off the additional borrowing as I have paid nearly half of it plus many charges and fees... they do not have any agreement
  20. conatct them asking for your case to be looked at as financial hardship they will send you form to fill in ins and outs expenditure . then they will make decision
  21. thanks altona but you have no understanding of my circumstances, or how I have been treated by these companies.... If consumers are expected to abide by companies terms and conditions even when they are considered unlawful then why should companies flout the laws of the land and treat us with contempt..... why should they not suffer as we have for years the whole economy is in the state it is in due to the greed of these people.... whilst the bosses of these companies earn millions we are left struggling to cope with their charges and disregard for our circumstances...
  22. it is for less than 25 k , it is on land registry but they have no agreement they are saying they dont need one as it is secured loan???? any help from any legal eagles????
  23. fergal71


    this is standard way of dealing with financial hardship fill it in send back give them a few days to receive and give them a call and ask how long it will take because of your situation.... once they have made a decision and by what you have said it should be in your favour they will send you an offer letter... it may say we need your cheque book and switch card and all direct debits cancelled.... good luck
  24. aunt has stopped paying credit card as they have not provided agreement , can they take money out of her lloyds account without her say so to pay off card???? it appears they are doing...
  25. what is the best way to proceed with unenforceable agreements to prevent any adverse info.... on credit file do we take them to court?????
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