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  1. wow long time since i've been on this thread! as you can guess the charges are now way over the orginal amount, hardship was refused quite a while ago. Just wanted to blow the dust of this old thread now the test case is over because i will be back on the fight with HSBC
  2. em_19uk

    Class action

    Thanx Kermit! Are we just waiting now for advise on the next step? Anyone any idea what that is likle to be? I really want to get going again after all this pointless waiting around the last couple of years!
  3. Did anyone else get this today? I haven't read it all but basically say they are lowering their charges
  4. em_19uk

    Class action

    Sorry if this is a really stupid question but i keep hearing on news etc about people waiting for bank charges may use a class action. Does that mean everyone goes together for one big lawsuit? or i am completley off track lol
  5. Good luck! Hope it turns out well for you:)
  6. Well its not over yet and i for one am certainly not going to roll over. There is another avenue avaliable to us so all hope is not lost yet. I think we need to get our voices out there, get how unhappy we are into the press or go and comment on the national newspapers forum about your disgust, petitions etc. Lets let them all know we aren't going to take it lying down AND MAKE OUR VOICES HEARD!!!
  7. em_19uk


    Hsbc refused my claim today on grounds i can pay my rent and council tax! even though i have more going out that coming in. Also got a county court claim against me drop through the today..... What a crap day Hope the judgement goes in our favour tomorrow fingers crossed
  8. em_19uk


    Hi all i called them today and gave them my income and exp, they wanted to know everything!! including when will my partners apprenticeship be finished? when will i go back to work? (i'm at home with baby at the moment) loadsa questions and then he said he will pass me over to hardship department so i take it now i just wait! Do they normally take everything off you if you get your money back then?
  9. em_19uk


    Hi yes they did, i don't know why because i have already sent it to them already - i need to find the copy i made before i phone them
  10. em_19uk


    ps i just realised i am in the wrong foruum and should be in HSBC! ooops!
  11. em_19uk


    Hi all applied for hardship with HSBC and this morning received a letter stating ..' We would like to help by carrying out a reveiw of your individual circumstances with you and as part of the reveiw we will be able to verify that you are suffering financial hardship. Subject to that verification, we will explore with you what we may be able to do to assist. This will include considering whether some or all of any current debt could be re - scheduled or whether alternitive borrowing arrangements could be put in place. The fact that you have incurred overdraft charges and are claiming a refund of those charges will form part of our overall assessment of your circumstances (as will all other relevant factors) but our focus will be on considering what we may be able to do to assist, not soley considering refunding charges as you have requseted..' What does this mean!? are they going to offer me yet more debt!? has anyone made the phone call to them? what should i expect? they are asking for income and exp when i have already sent it to them! any help would be brill Emma
  12. em_19uk


    Hi all, A few questions i hoping someone can help me with I want to get my bank charges back on grounds of hardship but does this count as hardship? - I don't work as i stay at home and look after my 21 month old but my partner does and he is an apprentice only earning £100 a week, we get WTC, CTC and CB but are strugglng to pay our debts, bank charges and our rent( in arrears) and council tax. We currently have a case on hold with HSBC dating back to the test case but have had many more charges since then (just paid them another £75 this week!) Do i write to them with the new amount and ask for charges back on hardship grounds or do i start from beginning again with template letters? I got my charges back from natwest in 07 but have now incurred another £440 and counting but have not as yet as for them back. Do i send hardship letter along with the standard letter askng for my charges back? sorry for the long post but i am a bit confused! hope someone can help Emma
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