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Everything posted by jon8214

  1. yes carry out those steps can you confirm the exact last payment date?
  2. removed just pm'd you, don't know why its 404 the full link works for me but when I put it on the forum the 404 comes up
  3. Heres a link to it -https://johntkruse.files.wordpress.com/2019/01/ROOF300818APP-c.pdf?utm_source=Expert+advice&utm_campaign=d94a196915-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_31_01_00&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_19bd99be06-d94a196915-284159817&mc_cid=d94a196915&mc_eid=b93782f2c9
  4. I hope that the charities the ex forces homeless interact with will publicise this widely so they can get the maximum help that they need myself as ex forces agree with both your comments of this being too late, but hopefully it will be easy to apply and will actually make providers listen and get veterans the help they need and deserve I personally have had issues with a GP and also my hospital about my status which I eventually got sorted out but was a long drawn out process
  5. my thoughts would be if the original creditor can't provide you with last payment details how is Lowell going to be able to I would follow DX's advice and file a statue barred defence but please wait for confirmation from Andy or DX
  6. I would leave it until you get anything from lowells I take your last payment was in 2014 through the DMP? as that is the last date in the statements
  7. did they send you statements? looks very short for a CCA but ill let those with more knowledge to comment on that
  8. The NOA from Moorgate is dated 11/2015 even though they said they sent it in Feb 2013 - garbage
  9. can you upload their exhibits less the statements lowells put that line In most of their WS it means absolutely nothing
  10. Hi and welcome to CAG do you have the cci reference number? if you do, ring Northampton CCBC and ask for a pdf emailed copy of it we need to know the exact issue date of the claim also go ring Canada square operations and ask them for the exact last payment date - you may have an issue here but worth asking
  11. are you certain you haven't paid anything on this for 6years?
  12. Wait until you get the information they we can advise on next steps
  13. phone CCBC tomorrow and give them the claim number and ask them for a copy by email PDF did he not receive any court paperwork?
  14. is the writing on the copy you received as illegible as your upload is?
  15. Bounce any emails you get straight back to them, its a free way for them to harass you make them pay for postage if they want to talk to you they are trying to scare you into paying and until you get sealed court papers ignore them
  16. They are trying to scare you, those papers aren't worth the paper they are written on as they haven't been registered with a court as there's no claim number etc How did you receive these? Was there a covering letter?
  17. The main thing is, you got an outcome that was suitable for you, well done
  18. please read this - https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?481827-The-Pre-Action-Protocol-for-Debt-Claims-is-made-by-the-Master-of-the-Rolls-as-Head-of-Civil-Justice.-1st-Oct-2017
  19. hopefully they get something sorted out for you FK
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