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Everything posted by Karalius

  1. Thank you once again, I will keep this in mind when writing the defence. I am attaching a drawing of the car park & entrance to the car park along with signs inside/by entrance. Look forward to hearing back. Thanks jpg2pdf (1).pdf
  2. Thanks Eric, makes sense and it 100% says CEL who signed it. I am leaving work soon and will stop by there on the way home to take images. Will post them up later Thanks
  3. Hi Eric, hope you are well. I have taken some snapshots in post #11 of the area/cameras/signs, but perhaps they are not very clear. I will walk down there tonight and will take some clearer images during daylight. I did mention in post #1 that I was not the driver and that my partner was a customer at the restaurant at the time of offence. Civil Enforcement Limited signed the claim form. On the bottom it says (Claimant's Legal Representative) Many thanks
  4. Thank you. I just completed AOS according to your instructions. I will get the CPR request sent out to Civil Enforcement today. Assume this is best to send it as signed for with tracking or simple first class stamp with a receipt from post office work? Is it possible that someone can please help me with filing the defence? Thanks and much appreciated as always.
  5. Hi DX, thank you, please see below. In order for us to help you we require the following information:- Name of the Claimant ? Civil Enforcement Limited Claimants Solicitors: Does not state, I believe same as above. Date of issue: 18 Jul 2019 What is the claim for: Claim for monies relating to a Parking Charge for parking in a private car park managed by the Claimant in breach of the terms + conditions (T+Cs). Drivers are allowed to park in accordance with T+Cs of use. ANPR cameras and/or manual patrols are used to monitor vehicles entering + exiting the site. Debt + damages claimed the sum of 182.00. Violation date 02/11/2018. Time in: 17:52 Time out: 19:17 - Connaught House Hotel Total due - 182.00 - The claimant claims the sum of 192.25 for monies relating to a parking charge per above including 10.25 interest pursuant to S.69 of the County Courts Act 1984. Rate 8.00% pa from dates above to - 17/07/19. Same rate to judgement or (sooner) payment. Date rate to Judgment - 0.04. Total debt and interest due - 192.95 What is the value of the claim? 267.25, this includes 192.25 Amount claimed, 25.00 Court fee, 50.00 Legal representative's cost/ Has the claim been issued by the Private parking Company or was the PCN assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim?: I believe it was issued directly by the Private Parking Company (Civil Enforcement Limited), does not state otherwise on the POC. Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment?: No
  6. Thanks HB, whoops I didn't see that one there and just edited! I will read over the provided link. I was not the driver at the time of offence. It does not say if they are suing me as a keeper of the vehicle. POC state: Claim for monies relating to a Parking Charge for parking in a private car park managed by the Claimant in breach of the terms + Conditions. Drivers are allowed to park in accordance with T+Cs of use. ANPR cameras and/or manual patrols are used to monitor vehicles entering + exiting the site. Debt + damages claimed sum of £182, but total amount comes upto £267.25
  7. Good morning guys, Hoping your summer is going well. I have just received a claim form through the post from CCBC in regards to the above ticket.. I am starting to get worried as this is becoming serious again.. I have never had a pleasure of filling this form out, so was hoping someone could guide me and advise of the next steps I need to do please. Obviously as suggested I have plastered their social media pages with no interaction from others, tried speaking with manager who did not care what I had to say etc. Not sure if I mentioned previously, but my partner was the driver of the vehicle at the time and she was a customer at the restaurant, but did not get a ticket for staying as she thought it would be included with the bill etc. Any help would be much appreciated. Something else to add, I am leaving for holiday on 21st of September for 2 weeks. What would happen if my court case would be turned on the days during my holiday? Thanks
  8. Just got home and found letter in the post from DVLA. Actually for both ongoing cases CEL accessed my details. Scannable_Document_on_3_May_2019_at_19_48_41.pdf
  9. Thanks Eric, I have already sent 2x separate letters via post. I did not get a reply for over a month, hence the reason for sending emails as suggested. I will wait till end of this week and hope to receive a letter via post. If not I will follow up again with a proper letter via post. I have just received a letter from Newham Council planning permissions department (See below). I have also searched all the database myself and did not find any licenses or permissions being granted for the specific address. Thanks "From your email I believe you are referring to the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007. I am unable to find any applications relating to new signage/advertisements at 218 Tollgate Road, E6 5YA."
  10. I have attached my V5 document and driving license in the email. Is that not enough? Thanks
  11. Hi Eric, Thanks for the reply. I have sent them two separate emails as suggested in previous post. One to ask who has accessed my details and one to ask if StarPark has access to KADOE system records. I have not yet had a reply who has accessed my details. Thanks
  12. Hi guys, I have just received an email from DVLA regarding the KADOE system for StarPark LTD. DVLA does not recognise them and they are not permitted to get information? Could this be correct? Thanks, please see below. Dear Sir or Madam, Thank you for your e-mail dated 22/04/2019 regarding the below company. As one of the mangers within the Vehicle record Enquiry section this has been passed for my attention. I can advise you that the company Starpark Ltd is not known to me therefore at this time they do not have access to our KADEO service and are not permitted to receive information via this service. Please note your request for the release of details of any request made for your details from our records has been actioned and a reply has been sent by royal mail please allow a few days for delivery. Kind regards, Letitia
  13. Thank you, I will try sending an email. I have actually sent 2 separate letters as suggested by Eric. No reply to either letter.
  14. I figured they would be same company by googling them. Man, such dirty tactics these people use... Thank you DX!
  15. Hi there, I just received a letter from QDR Solicitors trying to recover the debt, which has now grown to £182... Going from previous experience I think it is likely they will be following with court documents soon. Should I file it for time being or start preparing? I didn't get much from speaking with the hotel directly and posting on social media pages... Thanks 2.pdf
  16. Hi CAG! Hoping you all had a great Easter. Update: Having sent 2x letters to both DVLA and Newham Council I had no response yet. I spoke with Newham Council planning department, they had told me that they are not able to provide any details in regards to the ANPR Camera and it must be put in writing (which I did). Same with DVLA, but I am getting no responses. Both letters 2nd time were sent as signed for and they had been accepted. Is there anything else I can do? I have returned home from being week away and found another letter from CEL that I put aside with other letters for time being. Any suggestions are appreciated! Thank you. 1.pdf
  17. Good morning Eric, Hoping all is well. I have sent the letters to both DVLA and Newham Council on 21st of March. It has been almost 2 weeks, but have had no reply. Should I be worried or try and resend again? Many thanks
  18. Wow, it amazes me how knowledgeable you are good sir. All of those points are valid. Thank you! I will get the letter posted out to DVLA today. Can you please advise if below letter sounds ok? ------ "My name & address To whom it may concern I write to request that DVLA provide me with details and reason of who and why enquires have been made on my vehicle during period of February 1st 2019 to March 18th 2019. Further to above, can you please advise if Starpark LTD are permitted to receive automated access under KADOE agreement? My vehicle details are: ------- I also attach a V5C document to prove my ownership of the vehicle." ----- I have also found an address for local council (Newham) that I am planning to write to - any advise on below too please? I am planning to also include the pictures for the specific area (car park) My name & address To whom it may concern Can you please provide planning permission for the cameras and signage at below address: Car Park at 218 Tollgate Road, London, E6 5YA (in specific the car park as you enter Kingsford Way) This is required for proof purposes on my current PCN case. Many thanks **EDIT** Is this also correct address to send into DVLA? Release of Information Paying Enquiries Section DVLA Swansea SA99 1AJ or SubjectAccess.Requests@dvla.gov.uk
  19. Hi, please find attached images of the car park and entrance from the road. One thing that I noted is that upon entering the car park the signs on wall are CEL, however inside the actual car park it is from company called StarPark. Please also see ANPR camera in the middle of the car park. Thanks jpg2pdf (7).pdf
  20. You are correct, that post code and the address on letter comes up as a main road entrance. The car park is located at the back from the main road that you enter via Kingsford Way. I will drive up there right now to get some pictures and will post shortly. Thanks again!
  21. Thanks Eric, I agree with you and I kind of understand it, but I am always paranoid I will do something incorrect and mess it up... This is the first letter I received and no ticket was slapped on the car at the time of event. You are right about google, there is no signage on the pictures, however there are 100% signs now inside that parking courtyard. I will stop by the nursery myself next week I take my daughter and speak to the staff. You are also right about car park being on Kingsford Way, should have made it more clearer. Many thanks
  22. 1 Date of the infringement – 27/02/2019 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] – 04/03/2019 3 Date received – 11/03/2019 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] - Y 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? No 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] - N Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up - N/A 7 Who is the parking company? Civil Enforcement Ltd 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] By Entrance on Kingsford way to a car park of a nursery, E6 5YA
  23. Hi guys, Hoping you are all well. Just received a letter for PCN. My partner was driving at this time. She was picking up our daughter from a nursery. The location where PCN was issued is within the ground of the nursery. Unfortunately she over stayed around 18 minutes without paying. No ticket was attached to the vehicle at the time. She was advised by the nursery that they do not ticket the car if it's under 10 minutes, however did this time as it was longer. Should we settle the cost of 60 quid? Thanks for any advice. Scannable_Document_on_15_Mar_2019_at_12_32_22.pdf
  24. Hi guys, I have just received letter from ZZPS debt collection agency demanding 170 quid for above invoice. Can someone please advise if I should ignore this letter or take some action? Thanks Scannable_Document_on_15_Mar_2019_at_11_46_12.pdf
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