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Bigmac versus

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Everything posted by Bigmac versus

  1. Just4let im speaking from only my experience and I do work for several of them and hear both sides of the stories from not only agents, the owners of the properties and the tenants and this does go on I can assure you. Obviously there are good and bad ones maybe my contract work is from some of the bad ones. One example i remember was a letting agent asking me to supply trades to repair a trashed house asap as the landlord was due back in the country next week and they werent aware of this damage, this was due to lack of home inspections and the reference given not being followed up, I was told this was due to pressure of filling the property quickly so the landlord didnt jump agents. This landlord was then told by the agent that the tenant had moved out but a new tenant was already in place and would be in within 2 weeks, when I asked how can that be when all the damage has to be repaired first I was told they had no one in mind but this would buy them time to find someone. There are a lot of letting agents around now and this gives landlords the upper hand when choosing who to deal through, but this also puts the agents under more pressure to have the premises occupied, some agents will play fair but some will also play tricks, im sure you will agree.
  2. Well as you are probably aware we are in limbo so to speak due to the test case which has been going on. The only cases which are being dealt with are those who claim hardship. The waiver runs out on 26th Jan so there will be further updates available nearer the time which will almost certainly be to extend the damn thing, however we live in hope. You should start the process now. I suspect when its all done n dusted this site will be mayhem with many users returning to see whats next.
  3. You have the thirst for knowledge and the focus to keep at them which will serve you well and see you through these times. Im glad you are in control now but remember dont let them away with a penny as its all yours, treat them as they have treated you over the years.
  4. Yes unfortunately thats when they get their hooks in, ive often wondered if some sort of financial advice was made part of school curriculums would so many leavers fall into debt or have such an uphill struggle at such an early part in their adulthood life. The default is only there for 6 years then it will be removed.
  5. Well they will argue the limitation act will prevent you from claiming as 6 years have passed. You mention 2003 but that the default has been removed now, did you have charges in 2003? do you have your statements as this may be the stumbling block.
  6. Now this is a common trick played by some letting agents so you DONT move your property to another agent, they stall in this way to find time to get you a tenant giving you the impression they are processing an application. A few questions to the new tenant should reveal exactly this. They know all the tricks.
  7. Sorry but this is all wrong, your gas fitter CAN check for a faulty meter by carrying out gas rate checks on any appliances. The problem may be he didnt want to go to the bother of such checks but it would identify any meter problem.
  8. What are a landlords duties in relation to gas appliances. They have duties under the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 to arrange maintenance by a corgi registered engineer for all pipe work, appliances and flues, which they own and have provided for your tenants use. They must also arrange for an annual gas safety check to be carried out every 12 months by a CORGI-registered installer. They must keep a record of the safety check for 2 years and issue a copy to each existing tenant within 28 days of the check being completed and issue a copy to any new tenants before they move in. What if a landlord breaks these regulations? They are putting lives at risk and breaking the law. HSE gives gas safety a high priority and will take the appropriate action to ensure compliance with the regulations; this could result in a substantial fine and/or a custodial sentence. Here is a link to see what HSE can do enforcement page Also the local authority keep a register of landlords and can remove them from this if they fail to act.
  9. Hi metrolandman im glad this thread has helped you in some way and may I offer you some further advice on your problem. What you have is an open vented system which has a feed pipe from the F & E tank which drops down and is teed into the heating system and a vent pipe which is also teed into the heating and rises to the F & E tank. THE SECTION OF PIPEWORK BETWEEN THESE CONNECTIONS IS CHOKED and will need cleaned or renewed, it is likely to be NO MORE than 150mm in length. A good plumber should be able to diagnose this and take no more than 2 hours maximum to renew or clean it, i would do this and have your system added with an inhibitor/cleanser.
  10. There is just no way a leak would cause such an increase what is more likely is that they have taken an incorrect reading or you mention new meter it is possible they are confused over this and are still putting in the imperial reading (4 digits old) instead of the new metric meter (5 digits) this is quite common.
  11. Speed is never something they excel at, Caro touches on some good advice there regarding hardship and court and you would be very wise to follow that up.
  12. Hi Ell-enn thought you would get here, nice explanation. George
  13. Agree with flyingdoc, challenge the scores if you feel they are incorrect.
  14. There are situations where you get angry because your left with no hot water or heating but remember safety must come first, your life would have been put at risk with continued use of this appliance. I am not a great fan of BG and have said many times before that they throw warning labels at appliances like confetti. This is quite common for AR (AT RISK) or NCS (NOT TO CURRENT STANDARDS) but unusual for ID (IMMEDIATELY DANGEROUS) You refer to the flue and regulations changing which now make this classed as ID, this is quite simply not the case. There must be something seriously wrong for this to be classed as ID and if you could provide further information on this I can advise you accordingly. (more info will be on the paperwork left with you) I suspect its an open flued appliance showing signs of spillage (fumes) and possibly no ventilation or lack of it. If you are going to get this repaired outwith BG please check they are CORGI REGISTERED.
  15. Send this to them and you will get your old statements, then start adding up the charges. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/516-1-data-protection-act.html
  16. James75 why dont you do this yourself its really straightforward and you will get any advice you need along the way.
  18. Hi chloe55 there have been others who have been compensated for no shows, your case is a little different as there has been a problem with parts and they have kept you informed of this. They didnt come out today but did they phone you or did you phone them to find this out? A similar scenario the other week in here and they were offered £20 but they stuck to their guns and im sure they got what they wanted which I think was £55 but they did have to fight for it. By the sounds of it they incorrectly diagnosed the part required which has led to your current probs so I would go down that route. Its unlikely they are awaiting a part for it.
  19. So do I. A campaign for change would not return earlier charges and would have had no success IMO, banks stick together and none of them would have broken rank, the same could be said right now but are any of them breaking rank? snowballs chance in hell. Obviously they were used but they were never the main point of any argument, but you know better eh, and as far as bus stops went I never heard such a thing being discussed.
  20. Well the appeal will not be decided until this complaint has been dealt with which I feel is the correct way of doing things as it was the reason for your departure.
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