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Bigmac versus

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Everything posted by Bigmac versus

  1. My god you have been busy, love to see someone with so much enthusiasm, keep at em.
  2. Wellie81 your heating isnt working correctly when you have to put the hot water on to get heating. You should inform your landlord of this as it will cost you more. You have a faulty zone valve on the heating side, probably the microswitch.
  3. Think i have the longest running claim with CB and a hoard of letters all stored away.
  4. Evening all, Neil im sure is his first name, he refused to talk to me in the end as he couldnt answer what i was asking. Then when they sent me someone elses bank book with tens of thousands of pounds in it by error and I went to the papers (as you do) he was on the phone to me for days and crawling, even got a payment for my honesty from him which I donated to kids charity. I will again speak to this man when I get me dosh back and remind him how they said they were not in the wrong.
  5. Well the amount changes depending on the amount of complaints received regarding said company and is only charged if that said company is found to be in the wrong after the FOS have investigated. If the company pay up after the FOS first contact them for an explanation there is no charge.
  6. Much of what you say michaeljcliff76 I can relate to however I must disagree with your understanding of what is expected from a service. There is no way a simple flue gas analyser reading is acceptable and all these services should be carried out completely including gas rates, pressures and cleaned, not to mention the electrical tests prior to starting. There is pressure applied regarding sales and upgrades and it does seem that the elderly customers are easier prey. The boilers used are worcesters except they have a BG badge, does that make their prices justified (no way) There are cheaper alternatives and often better workmanship when looking for gas works.
  7. Sorry I cant advise you of anything except to check your policy for what is and isnt covered. I just wanted to say Hi and wish you all the best. These situations usually do take a few weeks to be sorted out. What have they said up till now?
  8. Hi FLAGGER the best advice for you at this moment is to spend some time reading up in here, it will help you loads.
  9. Thats good news cleo4patra. You are not the first to be in this situation nor will you be the last, the banks are ruthless in their pursuits but you know whos in the right here. In the worst scenario they would default your credit file but you can make the removal of this default part of your claim so keep your chin up and dont let them grind you down. Remember before going to the FOS you need a final response from the bank regarding your complaint or if 8 weeks have passed whichever is quicker.
  10. Yes however why not call the FOS regarding this as they have passed the 8 week deadline, it may be just enough to make them deal with it swiftly.
  11. Please do so and keep us informed of their response.
  12. Hi jjjack your system was choked at the filling point and by renewing this section of pipework or removing the blockage your system will run far better. It is not unusual for an open vented system of this age to do this infact its quite common. There are alternatives to powerflushing at a much cheaper cost and I would suggest you consider them. The cheapest way to help keep your system clean or to break up any sludge is to purchase a cleanser or inhibitor (typical cost £14) and the best thing is you can add this to your system yourself which avoids engieers costs. The radiator that has a cold spot may require flushed out and in the extreme case where it dosent clear you may have to renew it. To add the cleanser/inhibitor you simply pour into the Feed and Expansion tank situated in the loft space, make sure it is the correct tank and not the storage tank. The F & E tank is the small one. There are a few products out there which offer an alternative so dont feel PF is the only way. Some systems dont warrant spending a lot and some WONT benefit from a PF. (one pipe system)
  13. Assuming you have copied this letter and gave to the FOS, then I cant understand this decision. I would want a written explanation from the FOS regarding this final rejection letter (date) and the date your complaint reached them. The bank will no doubt have pointed out their initial rejection letter to the FOS not the latter.
  14. Does it ask for a certain amount or just a payment? If you are overdrawn then they remove the overdraft due to no payments into account the full amount becomes due and if they dont get that payment back within a set timeframe then they could default you. If no amount asked for deposit a token amount to keep the overdraft.
  15. Well they will be removing you from that list then. I had fun with them for weeks a while back eventually they do get the hint but it aint quick.
  16. No, a few years ago (6,7) I went for an interview with them and all was going well until they told me how the bonus scheme works, selling PF's alarms, upgrades etc and reminded that if you were not reaching a certain amount or you were in the bottom range then pressure may be applied by other team members of your group (pooled bonus) I reminded them I was an engineer not a salesman and stopped the interview there and then. Also interesting to note that BG's contractors who carry out the annual services do NOT receive these bonuses. It would be very interesting to compare the amount of PF's that are said to be required from both BG engineers and contractors, i reckon there would be a large difference. BG would never provide this info mind you. George
  17. Littlewren thats good its sorted but in the bigger picture how many people are put in this situation and feel under pressure to have it done. Can you confirm that you had contacted them about the neccesity of this powerflush as it strikes me that without raising your concerns to them they would have indeed went through with it. The major problem concerning the PF is the bonus engineers get when instructed to go ahead with it, this in itself will lead to situations as above which WILL damage BG's reputation. Mind next year mention the seals.
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