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miley_b ob

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Everything posted by miley_b ob

  1. Over the last 4years I have been receiving letters from N Power at my address, but for the previous occupants. As I used to be an Npower customer I have opened a couple of these thinking they were my bills etc. and have found that the previous owner of my house is getting gas and electricity supplied to another address,but having all correspondence sent to my address still. I have tried contacting Npower dozens of times to stop this and every time they have said it will stop,but it never has. About 18 months ago they offered me £20 credit as compensation/goodwill gesture onto my account for the hassle it has caused. I have now left Npower and changed supplier yet despite their most recent promises I am still receiving mail to my address for this other account. Last night I called Npower again and once again explained the situation. I am now told that as I am not the account holder, that they cannot do anything and that they will keep sending mail to my address. I have explained that I am worried that somebody could be racking a debt up against my address and that if they are, that they could end up sending bailiffs etc. round to my house. Is thereanything I can do, or do I just have to accept that these clowns will continuesending me somebody elses mail.
  2. Was it definitely the DVLA that have seized the car? Was it definitely on the car park at the time. Could the supermarket have removed the vehicle from their premises? Yes the 3 month limit should apply, however it all depends how the log book was filled in by the previous keeper.
  3. Ok thanks. Should I get any paperwork through from the courts to confirm the judgement etc as I haven't received anything yet.
  4. Well we had a day out to the court yesterday. The seller turned up, but the Judge found in my favour. She has given him 14 days to pay what is owed and to collect the vehicle. Do I now just wait to hear from the seller and if nothing has happened after 14 days, escalate it upto the high court enforcement officers?
  5. £75 No when I filled the claim form out, I couldn't find the receipts so I didn't add them. I have now found the receipts though.
  6. Please see below for the defence that the seller has filed. I believe I have worked with Mr ??????? over the past four months to resolve any issues following the purchase of the Nissan X-Trail and dispute his right to a full refund. All vehicles sold by Kevin Adey Car Sales come with an up-to-date MOT and are fully serviced before customer collection. Mr ??????? also gave the car a thorough test drive before purchase. At no point throughout the MOT, test drive and service did there appear to be any unusual noises which could have revealed any issues with the Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve (EGR), timing chain or turbo. Had there been a problem with the EGR when the car was purchased, it would have failed its MOT. Used vehicles are also sold on the understanding they are subject to levels of wear and tear commensurate with their age and mileage. The agreed sale price of £3300 reflects the fact the above Nissan is 11 years old and had done more than 135000 miles as at January 13 this year. Like the majority of 2006 cars with a relatively high mileage there is also the chance certain parts may need replacing due to natural usage levels. I have always endeavoured to help customers if it transpires there is a particular issue with a vehicle purchased from Kevin Adey Car Sales which was not present at the date of sale. On being contacted by Mr ???????? on February 6 this year regarding a noise from under the bonnet - and following subsequent investigation by Trenton Nissan in Hull - I took the vehicle to Tockwith MOT Centre for further examination. They carried out checks on the turbo/EGR and found excessive play in the bearing in the turbo so it was replaced with a new unit. After a further on-road test, this resolved the issue while no warning lights indicating an EGR fault appeared. The £200 bill for the checks and repair as well as the £650 cost of a new turbo were paid by myself. To minimise inconvenience to Mr ????????, I lent him a car while the Nissan was being repaired. I heard nothing further until March 28, 2017 when I was informed Mr ??????? wanted to reject the vehicle and receive a full refund due to what was believed to be an issue with the EGR and the timing chain. Had there been a problem with the EGR when the car was purchased, it would have failed its MOT. I subsequently offered to work with him to resolve any problems - even though the faults became apparent several weeks after sale - and after speaking to the Engine Repair Centre in Hull agreed to pay £600 towards the cost of replacing the timing chain. Mr ??????? was not happy to accept this offer which I confirmed in a letter to him in May, 2017. After already spending £850 on repairs in February following Mr ???????? purchase and collection of the vehicle as well as offering £600 towards subsequent repairs, I believe I have done more than enough to resolve these issues and feel he does not have the right to a full refund of his purchase price. By working with me, he means he has had me run around several garages trying to get the issue diagnosed. I have paid all diagnostic fees and when asked for reimbursement was told no. He also fails to acknowledge that I reported the engine was still making a noise and running rough the day after I got it back from the turbo been replaced (I have email proof of this, including his reply).
  7. Copy of the claim form should be attached. Do you want to see a copy of the defence the seller has filed? X trail claim form.pdf Can anybody tell me if the PDF is viewable in the post above. Its the first time I have tried uploading a file onto here.
  8. Its got 140'000 on at the moment and is 11 years old. The claim was filed a month or so back. The seller has entered a defence. The court have set a date for in October. I am away from home at the moment, but will upload the court claim form when I return.
  9. Earlier this year I purchased a Nissan X-trail from a 2nd hand car dealership. The vehicle was 11 years old with 138,000 miles on it, but was described as in excellent condition. Within 3 weeks of collecting the vehicle the engine management light came on and the car was sounding very rough. After reporting it to the dealer it was agreed that I would take the car to my local Nissan garage for them to diagnose. They diagnosed that the EML was due to an EGR fault and that the noise could be due to the turbo been worn. They also advised that the intercooler was leaking oil and required replacement or the turbo & intercooler. The seller took the car back for 3 weeks and fitted a new turbo, but claimed the EGR fault was non existant and the intercooler was fine. The day after I got the car back, I reported the noise was still there, but was told it was a 11 year old car and that they make noises. Over the next 3 weeks to noise got worse and the engine management light re-appeared, so I got it looked at by 2 different garages for them to diagnose the EGR fault is still present and that the noise is due to the timing chain about to fail. I then rejected the car under the Consumer Rights Act 2015 but the dealer refused this and instead offered to put £600 towards the repair bill, but I would have to arrange all repairs etc. I was quoted £1200 alone for the chain, plus an unknown sum for the EGR fault as it needed more investigating. Add to this the fact that the Intercooler is still leaking and I pushed for a refund/rejection but the dealer wouldn't budge. I have now filed a small claim against the dealership (named the dealership and the owner as he is a sole trader and not a limited company). I have the following evidence to supply when it goes to court. Copy of receipt & report for diagnostics work from local Nissan Dealership. Report from another garage of investigation work they undertook and their diagnosis of EGR fault and timing chain issue. Quote from 3rd garage for cost of repair for timing chain. As I am new to this whole thing and have never had to make a claim before, is there any other evidence I may need? Also do I need to quote relevant sections of the Consumer Rights Act / supply copies as evidence? Thanks in advance for any help.
  10. I have had nothing back in writing from the dealership (Kevin Adey Car Sales, Tockwith, York), but I have spoken to him on the phone several times. the car has been sat at a garage after the dealer requested further diagnostics. It has now been identified as s the timing chain making the noise and I have been advised that its ready to fail. The garage cannot get the car booked in for 2 weeks and want £1200 for the work. After speaking with the dealer, he is offering to pay half of this cost, but no more. He will also not provide a courtesy car/hire car for the period whilst I am without the Nissan. I now have the car parked up in the drive at home and without a car and am looking at sending a letter before action as its been over 2 weeks since I sent the original rejection letter. Before I send the letter am I right in thinking that under the consumer rights act, it is up to the dealer to pay the full cost of the repair. He is trying to tell me that he doesn't have to pay anything and that by offering to pay half he is going above and beyond his obligations.
  11. Did you put your number on to retention or are you transferring it directly from the old vehicle onto the new? If transferring directly from one to another, are both V5C's in your name? if not, you will not be able to transfer it. Also do both vehicles meet the criteria for transferring numbers? We need more information if we are to be able to offer and assistance.
  12. Why couldn't you tax your car? Did it have insurance, a valid MOT and were you in possession of the green New Keeper Supplement of the V5C? If so you should have been able to tax online. If the system was down you still had chance to tax at the PO. The fact you didn't (regardless of the reasons) wont wash with the courts, and you will lose and just end up with more expenses to deal with.
  13. Hi All I bought a 2nd hand Nissan X trail on 13th January from a local dealership. On 6th February I reported to the dealer that the car was making a loud noise from under the bonnet and that the engine management light had come on. We agreed to send it to my local Nissan dealership for them to run a diagnostic check. They diagnosed the fault code as an EGR fault and said that the noise could be coming from a worn turbo. They advised replacing the turbo and intercooler. After speaking with the dealership I bought the car from, I returned the car to them to investigate and they diagnosed a worn turbo which they took over 2 weeks to replace. They acknowledged the EGR fault, but did nothing to rectify it as the engine management light had gone out. Upon receiving the car following the new turbo, the noise was still there. I reported this again only to be told its to be expected with a car of this age and mileage. Over the past 3 weeks the noise has gotten worse and the engine management light has come on again. I have had 2 garages look at the car for me in the last few days and both say that the gear box is shot and that the EGR fault is still there and the EGR valve needs replacing. I have written to the dealership rejecting the car under the Consumer Rights Act 2015, but after speaking to them this afternoon I fear that they are just going to ignore me and try to fob me off. He is all ready talking about trying again to fix it. Do I have to accept this? or is there anything I can do to force the refund?
  14. My father has received a Parking Charge Notice from Parking Collection Services. The reason been for Parking on Yellow Lines or in Cross-hatched area at a car park in Ipswich. However my Dad has never been to Ipswich and the vehicle pictured isn't his (different make, model, colour and has a different reg number) !!!!! Adress of the alleged parking infraction is The Hub, Ipswich, IP1 2QA Dad is looking at sending the following appeal to them I am appealing as the registered keeper against this unjust and unwarranted parking charge notice. I appeal on the grounds that my vehicle was not parked in the location at time or date specified and that as a result no contract was formed. I ask that you cease and desist from sending me anymore unwarranted communication on this matter other than to confirm acceptance of my appeal. If I receive any further communication otherwise from yourselves or your representatives I shall charge an administration fee of £25 per communication. Do you think this is an adequate reply? We are also looking at complaining to the DVLA that they have released Dad's information to these cowboys, for no reason as its not even his car that they have pictured.
  15. You don't get a dsay in what plate goes on the vehicle if it is re-imported. The DVLA will normally give it back its original number, if this is still available. So in this instance the vehicles original reg no (Not the OP's private plate) would be re-assigned to the vehicle. Unfortunately there is very little that can be done to get the cherished number back, short of trying to re-purchase it from the DVLA.
  16. How come you have waited from 7th December until the other day to get in touch with them about the car? When did you try to contact the impound to get your vehicle back?
  17. I'm confused. You say the car was clamped on the 7th December, and crushed 2 days later, yet you couldn't get through to the car impound because of the flooding in Leeds. If there was nobody at the pound due to flooding how did they crush the car? As I remember things, it was much nearer Christmas that Leeds suffered from flooding. Also you mention that you don't remember if you sent the V62 off or not, but then state that you have taxed the car via direct debit. Why were you using a V62? Did you ever receive a V5C in your name.
  18. It depends what the modifications are. Even slight modifications can cause issues with type approval.
  19. If he has the V5C then he is the registered keeper. To get this he will have filled his details in on the V55/1 form at the dealership when agreeing the purchase of the vehicle. If this isn't the case than the dealership must have put his details on and signed on his behalf. You don't have to be the owner or be in possession of the vehicle to get insurance. Most likely it was insured on a short term policy by the dealership in your Husbands name. This is pretty common practice with dealerships when selling vehicles as it makes it easier for the buyer to tax their vehicle. The vehicle still needs taxing. It is not exempt it will be in a free tax class, whereby you don't have to pay, but this doesn't mean that it doesn't need taxing every year. As for the alterations, it depends what these are as to whether it would need to go through the type approval issue. What changes are they making as part of this standard disability adaptation? They will have struggled to register the vehicle without it been built as the manufacturer will not have issued the relevant paperwork and certificates to allow the vehicle to be registered without the vehicle actually existing.
  20. If the vehicle has been registered in your Hubby's name, it will have had to have had insurance in his name at the time it was registered. Also it will be taxed as when you register a vehicle you have to tax it at the same time. If the tax had been cashed in since it was registered your Hubby would have received a cheque from the outstanding balance from the DVLA. I am guessing that the vehicle was registered in November to get around the alterations made for you disabled access having to conform with the Vehicle type approval process. If it was done pre-registration any alterations would have to conform 100% with the legislation, which would add a large cost to the conversion. If done after registration it is classed as an after market modification and is much cheaper as there is no testing/type approval paperwork to go through. Its worth remembering that you will need to inform your insurance of the modifications if this is the case as the vehicle will have been modified.
  21. You obviously plan to give up driving when you reach your 70th Birthday then?
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