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Everything posted by JoeyJoeC

  1. I were thinking that too. First parking do seem to 'no-contest' a lot of their appeals compared to other parking co's. This was the appeal, we know some points may not have had any bearing, but we had characters left and decided to use them:
  2. I would never give in! According to POPLA, exactly 50% of POPLA appeals for 'First Parking LLP' charges were not contested by First Parking in 2018 53 Allowed, 257 Refused, 310 Not Contested (620 In total).
  3. SUCCESS!! First Parking LLP decided not to contest the POPLA appeal. Can upload the appeal wording if needed. Thank you for your assistance. Will donate shortly (I would have done it either way).
  4. Yes I've seen those ones, I'm just using this as a log of the time frame for reference and to others etc.
  5. Just keeping log of where this is at. Nothing worse than reading old posts that didn't say the outcome. Finally have a copy of the charter. Uploading it here in case someone else needs in future. I will have a read through it tonight. BC GB.100.2.7 Bedford College Charter of Incorporation 11 Jan 1909.pdf
  6. Perfect, would be nice if they stopped it here. I'll fight in court if I have to, there is no proof at all. I'll compile something later today.
  7. remove your documents as you haven't redacted correctly. It's possible to open the document and extract the image without the black squares.
  8. You didn't redact your documents correctly. You need to save as JPG's, use PAINT to edit them and then convert back to PDF. I can see your full reg and everything else. Entrance sign says "Pre-authorised vehicles and permit holders only", Were you pre-authorised to park there despite not having a permit? Signage is terrible there, one of their signs is about 1 foot off the ground in a bush.
  9. Appeal rejected by ECP. See attached. Images taken of the car are not on entry or exit to the car park, they are on entry and exit to the public right of way, the images don't show the car entering the car park, or even parked in the car park. Plently of places to park around the service road and in front of garages which have no markings or restrictions. Which points should I raise in the appeal to POPLA? appeal rejection.pdf
  10. Thanks, the images are taken at each end of this right of way. You cannot enter or leave the land without being in view of the cameras, and the only access is the same access as the public right of way. I have now contacted the planning enforcement to report lack of planning, and also pointed out that it's a public right of way. Probably won't go anywhere but wouldn't hurt to try.
  11. Thanks. Should be be submitting an appeal to First Parking to get POPLA code? Any point in making any effort on that first appeal?
  12. Obtained the title and plan. I'll have a better look at it later. Shows a right of way running through the land, guess they can't enforce tickets there? P.S - Am I allowed to share these documents here? RegisterNGL546551.pdf PlanNGL546551.pdf
  13. Got a response from the FOI request (I know you said not to bother). No planning permission for ANPR or signage and Sainbury's likely don't own the land, need to speak with the planning dept.
  14. It's pretty clear, what have I misunderstood? They need permission from the Council before engaging in contracts with other entities, and the Council doesn't appear to ever have approved the parking contract. You're very confusing, it was you that brought up the whole thing about the charter, the charters don't seem to be public, I haven't found a single one online and no information of where to find them. I found the act that now governs the college but you say this doesn't apply? You also started saying that I'm wasting my time as this is all secondary buy you brought all this up in the first place. I mentioned previously about getting FOI requests and you agreed with it, but now again you're saying I'm wasting my time? You seem to be trying to one-up everything we're saying or doing. You don't know if I've asked the council if they have planning permission or not, but have assumed we haven't. Are you getting confused between multiple threads?
  15. Any other requests to the college go ignored. The people behind the FOI requests are helpful and fast responding. No, not in the future, they already joined. "Since 1985 called Royal Holloway and Bedford New College. Now governed by Royal Holloway and Bedford New College Act 1985" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_organisations_with_a_British_royal_charter). In terms of the NTK, should we appeal to get a POPLA code, or wait longer?
  16. I work in IT, it can be common for spam emails to be sent to randomly guessed names and initials. I've watched several brute force spam attempts where they would literally try every name possible @domain... and also name.commonsurname@domain... as well as simple 2 and 3 letter initials. Type your email addresses into http://www.haveibeenpwned.com and see if they've appeared in any known (public) databases. Also possible for a malicious attachment to grab contact lists from your PC. One of our clients opened a bad attachment, now they get spoofed emails from their contacts, so it can't be proven where the spammers got the contact details from. In fact I get a couple weekly from a client after they opened a malicious attachment. I've also long has suspicions that there are dodgy email blacklist checkers which are harvesting email addresses in this way.
  17. Ok so have read through the Act and section 4 part 5 says Well we've just spent the afternoon going through all of their meeting minutes going back to 2009 and there is no mention of car parking or First Parking other than some money being spent on one of the car parks to renovate. They signed the agreement with First Parking LLP in Oct 2014. Looks like they've not followed the Act and didn't get approval from the Council (unless done before 2009). Another FOI request should clear that up. Slight chance that another board has discussed this but the council will still have to agree. Even then, they will need to explain in accordance of the act how it assists them with the objects of the college.
  18. Permits were issued by the university. You apply on the Royal Holloway website and then take documents with you on the welcome week. They then sent the permit in the post, we don't have the original letter, but the permit itself does have "First Parking LLP" on it. I found a copy of the "Royal Holloway and New Bedford College Act 1985" here: https://www.royalholloway.ac.uk/media/1441/rhbedfordact1985.pdf I believe this is the College Charter? I'm having a read through now but I'm not sure I understand much of it!
  19. How long do they have to consider my appeal? It has been 18 days and I've not had a response. Their website said it would be via email and I've not had anything, also checked spam. Edit: Reading the letter, they said they would acknowledge the appeal within 14 days and will respond in 35. Edit2: I'm an idiot, they emailed at the same time I sent the appeal which is the acknowledgement. I expected a further email.
  20. Their actual registered address is 16 Queen Square, Bristol, United Kingdom, BS1 4NT according to Companies House today. The sign says their registered office is 20-22 Bedford Row, London The NTK has neither address.
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