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Everything posted by JoeyJoeC

  1. They're saying it will cost £600 for a garage to repair a head gasket which costs £7 and perhaps 30 - 60 minutes of time. It's obvious it's not legit. That said, you don't know if there will be a problem until there is a problem. OP isn't a mechanic and so saying it is reliable isn't an insurance policy.
  2. I'm asking them again as I think she doesn't understand how the parking company works, also copied Mr CEO in this time too.
  3. Got a reply from head office. They said it was down to the customer to return within time. They offered to "discuss" it further with me if I send them a copy of the NTK. I guess I better start the appeal process then?
  4. I have already, a mod updated the title with the full address, the NTK has the full address too, and I provided map links. Feel free to delete this post as not to go off topic.
  5. I've also read the BPA Code of Practice, and realised that where they put the sign for the car park entrance is beyond the ANPR. the ANPR doesn't even cover if cars are entering the actual car park or not. There is no way that they can prove if any cars captured on ANPR even entered the car park. There is a a separate sign just before the ANPR that only covers parking in the service area. I couldn't find this mentioned in the CoP, but is it worth complaining to the BPA about anyway?
  6. After complaining to the Customer Service team, I got an email from the Head Office who want more details. I emailed back mentioning about the tax they are putting on their customers and some other points. I will update again once I have a reply from them.
  7. I have an over stay from Euro Car Parks from staying too long at a Sainbury's. I emailed their customer service (waste of time), but made it clear I didn't want any of my details passed on to ECP unless it is to instruct ECP to cancel the notice. This way they can't pass on details which would show you as the driver. I was then contacted by someone from Head Office who want to know more about my complaint. (Not sure if I'm allowed to post email addresses here, but I can PM?) I looked at the Bolton Store on Street view and I can see the entrance ANPR, but I cannot see the exit, since the car park slowly turns into another car park managed by another company and there are many ways to exit the ECP operated carpark.
  8. Even then, you're not a mechanic. It 'failed' after they bought it and used it, it wasn't sold in that condition otherwise they wouldn't have bought it. Don't offer them anything.
  9. You sold it privately, they saw it before they bought it, it's their issue now. Did they not say the head gasket had gone and the water pump broke, but then said they don't know what the issue is and a garage is going to have to strip it down? It does sound a bit dodgy, probably trying to get you to pay up for the fake garage visit. Not much they can do.
  10. Thanks ericsbrother, I'll get an email written up today. Do you think it would be worth me asking who owns the garages next to the car park as the driver may have parked here and I can use this as a defence? If a car were to reverse in front of the last garage, it would have been caught on ANPR. Does ANPR record video? as this may show this.
  11. Yep customer service. But I didn't give details yet. I wanted to see what they say before giving any details or dates. Passing any details will be against GDPR anyway since I didn't ask them to get ECP to cancel, just asking if they would be willing to. I've sent a follow up email demanding that my details are not passed to ECP unless I agree so. I'll email Mike Coupe, is there anything in particular I should say? Should it be an email on mitigating circumstances or complain about the parking company themselves and that the driver parked on public land just after the ANPR camera?
  12. Email to head office without giving any exact details. I'll see what they say. I'm not so good on the phone and get a bit anxious. If this doesn't go anywhere then I'll do the letter.
  13. I get where Almond is coming from. Someone recently gave my brother a car as the engine went. He fixed it, gave it to a friend to borrow and they got a ticket. Now the owner is getting lettings for a car they don't own any more. I can see why you wouldn't want to annoy the owner. Hopefully they will understand that there is nothing they can do to claim the money.
  14. Many thanks. Still unsure if I will be able to get there to take pictures. My car isn't doing so well and has MOT due very soon. I've contacted Sainsburys to see if they can do anything.
  15. Sainsburys - Golders Green, 614 Finchley Road, Golders Green, London, NW11 7RX Streetview link from my first post: https://goo.gl/maps/yh1ehnDVUsR2 Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/LyLBTBaVGuM2
  16. They did specify which Salisbury's in the letter. Further down they gave the full address. It's going to be difficult getting there to take pictures of the signs, it's around a 3 hour round trip, or 2 hours at night. How important is it to get those pictures?
  17. I'll get some pictures when I can get there, it's only 16 miles away but is in London so would take me more than an hour. The signage is the same as what is on streetview if that helps? The images were taken recently. The public highway is a one way system where you can't avoid going through their ANPR, and it isn't obvious that it is a car park, no signs until after ANPR. There is what I believe to be public land after the ANPR in 2 places and cars often park there instead. I have emailed Sainsburys HO to confirm who the land belongs to. The driver did some shopping in Sainsburys at the time.
  18. Yes I understand fully what you're saying. I will have to speak with her to see what she wants to do. I know they have nothing to do with it but she may see it differently. Shes away so I haven't discussed it yet. Will update shortly.
  19. We'll see what comes through the post (if anything at all). She was awarded a scholarship to the university and so doesn't want to **** them off.
  20. Sorry not sure I understand what you're asking. I'm guessing Euro Car Parks owns the signs. They say "Working in partnership with Sainsbury's". https://goo.gl/maps/MptscCpybjw I have emailed Sainsbury's to find out who owns the land infront of the garages, as the driver may have parked here.
  21. Apologies, I opened the letter today, but it came yesterday on 10th. Max time on the signage is 60 minutes (No return within 2 hours). I obscured the exact times as I wasn't sure how anonymous to make it. Total time was 3 hours 20 minutes. Driver shopped for lunch in Sainsbury's but also visited the local area. They don't think they have the receipt but apparently may still be in my car. Just to add, there are garages after the ANPR which appear to be public. I am unsure where the driver actually parked, but if they had parked in that area, then surely this is invalid?
  22. I got a NTK through the post today. Attached is the NTK and sat view of the layout. The entrance ANPR camera is before any car park signs, It does not say whether the driver was parked in the actual car park or on the forecourt. Street view shows the signs, I am unable to get a picture of the sign without a drive into London to get there. https://goo.gl/maps/yh1ehnDVUsR2 For PCN's received through the post [ANPR camera capture] please answer the following questions. 1 Date of the infringement 27/09/2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 08/10/2018 3 Date received 10/10/2018 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] Yes 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Number plate only 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal]No 7 Who is the parking company? Euro Car Parks 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Sainsbury's - Golders Green jpg2pdf (3).pdf
  23. Signs attached. Unsure if the driver parked on double reds or the cross hatched area. Sign doesn't mention anything about double red lines. The car park is always full and cars always parked at the end of rows in the 'restricted' areas. Nice money earner for them! Plenty of space for cars to get around even with cars doubled up like that. Nice little earner for them.
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