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Everything posted by Rexroth

  1. Report the matter to the Police, including details of exactly what the men were doing, and let the Police sort it out.
  2. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-supports-awards-for-valour-protection-bill Might be a helpful link to resolve this. Quoting from the link "The Bill rightly protects family members wearing relative’s medals as a sign of respect and theatrical, TV or film productions." So there should be no problem.
  3. Good, and a shame they don't extend the law to include discrimination against service personell and make the selling of medals illegal. I have some idea of what my father and grandfather went through in two world wars and I shall always be grateful to them and all the others who gave and continue to give service.
  4. I've read the whole thread and can't find the vital bit of information as to which debts are yours as distinct from your wife's. This needs to be the starting point. If you don't look after yourself in this you will be ill and nothing will be resolved. Might I suggest Debtors Anonymous or Gamblers Anonymous for your wife if she is willing to go but it needs to be her decision.
  5. Can I be clear on one point, it is your boyfriend who is signing the SAR letter? Because I can't find this information in the thread.
  6. "My she said you are a bright one,there is only one arm left to have go at." There are alternatives!
  7. Well according to Pandora.com "This month’s Full Moon in Aries packs all the punch of Uranus and even the staying power of Ceres can’t stabilize it. When several planets join the Moon in Aries there’s going to be fire. Use this forceful, energizing and lightning fast mood wisely. Now is the time to begin something great, to break new ground and push your point home. Be the initiator, not the terminator." Being a Taurean I think that it is a load of bull. Even so, the moon does look very peaceful over London this evening.
  8. Take Love Thy Neighbour, for example, this made fun of the racist attitude of Eddie Booth a white man living with his wife next door to a black couple. The programme is now often described as racist but the programme in fact made fun of racism.
  9. The ignorance of many people who did not understand satire mocking racism and bigotry.
  10. Still using Windows XP and need a new computer with new stuff on it. "stuff" is the level of my understanding.
  11. No that is not correct they have every right to consolidate accounts.
  12. Might I recommend, Games People Play by Eric Berne, in particular, WDYYB Why Don't You Yes But and this is my final posting on this thread. I wish you well.
  13. One sure thing is that you are drinking too much at particular times which is binge drinking, you are drinking more in general, you are drinking to avoid stressful situations and you are concerned about your drinking. Now excess drinking might be a secondary problem at present but it will become primary if you keep drinking in the way and for the reasons you are. I strongly suggest you get yourself to AA.
  14. "The diagnosis is not why you get ESA, it's how it affects your daybto day life." At the moment the "diagnosis" is trivial stress and anxiety states. Also without a diagnosis any discussion about how it affects day to day life can't occur. I'm not a clinical psychologist and if I were I would not be trying to diagnose any condition over the web. Might I suggest you don't either as it can be very misleading and confusing. Could you get someone to come to your GP with you as an advocate? Also, does the GP know of your suicide attempt? This is something GPs tend to take seriously as they ought. Could you get support from any other organisation?
  15. CBT is rather different from what you suggest. The start is what you think and do.From this baseline, you try out other alternatives both in thought and behaviour. Also, it involves looking at expectations "The only complete cure would be acceptance in society" which you define in a particular way. But there will always be people who will think of you in a particular way as they do of anybody. Perhaps their opinion need not matter to you as much as it does. These ideas and similar ones would be presented in CBT for you to test. Again wishing you well.
  16. "Nervousness" isn't really a medical condition though is it? Anxiety, another name for nervousness, can manifest as several mood disorders like generalised anxiety disorder, social anxiety, various phobias etc. and is very real and can be very disabling and certainly a medical condition. Stress is serious and should not be trivialised. Edited post as some not now relevant.
  17. I agree that you need help but what kind of help. What is.are the medical conditions you suffer from? As far as I can see they are depression and various anxiety disorders for which treatment is available. Why does the GP not diagnose these and offer treatment? I do sympathise as a long time ago I had to leave teaching following a breakdown. Wishing you well.
  18. Thank you, that is very useful information. I've only one contactless card and when I tried it it did not work. I check my bank accounts each month and will keep doing so.
  19. A Google search shows that this is a well known problem (disgrace) as the system is overloaded particularly as regards the Met. There does not appear to be any way of resolving the problem in the posts I've read.
  20. No lass, we do give them a wash every so often to keep them clean, generally, every three or so months is about right.
  21. Grow a manly beard and stop this nonsense. Wish I knew how to add an image. Wonder how much I have saved over the years.
  22. There is another argument about whether teachers are required for duty during the school holidays. I certainly was.
  23. I though that section 75 applied over £100 so as the goods were £40 perhaps a charge back?
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