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Everything posted by veganite

  1. Hello Hastings / Jamie, During early July 2014, I made a Subject Access Request with yourselves. I made this request within email to yourselves. Your email reply to my SAR is as follows: I can not understand what your requirements are! As far as I am concerned, the request has already been in writing. You are now past the time limit in which you should have sent me my subject access request. Your reply to my written email request for a SAR does seem strange since you tell me that I am not required to fill out your form for my SAR although you do require the request within writing. As far as I am concerned, I did make the request in writing through email. Please will you chase up my SAR as I require this in order to compare the information you have concerning my claim against the information I have. Thank you.
  2. Keep everything in writing making an offer of payment, - maybe use email as it would be easier. If Brighthouse will not accept your offer then that is their problem, not yours. Brighthouse would need an order from the court in order to retrieve their property - the 3 items they have. I do not believe that Brighthouse goes to court... You could also send Brighthouse notification that you do not want anyone calling at your home - they have to abide by this request.
  3. Hello, With all respect - I do not see what there is to discuss! Your earlier post in thread stated discussion about specific account details, your latest post states that a manager will discuss this matter further. What is there to discuss? Apart from arranging a delivery of a new product or a refund, there is nothing to discuss. IMHO, the first post in this thread (from 2 weeks ago) provided yourselves with sufficient information in order for yourselves to ascertain who your customer is and provide your customer with the product / services that have already been paid for. Brighthouse are undoubtedly aware that the customer has rights - whether that be delivery of a replacement product or alternatively a refund made (less small deduction for usage). I reiterate that there is nothing to discuss other than that of a delivery date of a new product or a date when the refund can be processed. The fact that your customer has already waited a considerable amount of time for this after you have been informed that a new born baby is on the way is absolutely disgraceful upon your company. Jason - the customer is entitled to either a replacement product that works (not like the replacement you delivered prior). Alternatively, they are entitled to a refund, albeit a refund less a small amount deducted in respect of usage of the product. I do not see any reason why this can not be arranged for your customer! You can not charge extortionate prices and then pretend the customer has no rights... Well, you can do this as you already do do this since Brighthouse business model seems to take advantage of people who are not fully aware of their consumer rights. (Look at other threads for many examples). As stated, there is nothing to discuss apart from a delivery date of a replacement product or alternatively a date in which you will refund your customer. It is quite a simple process... You can tell the area manager that in this instance they have to abide with consumer legislation and not fob people off.
  4. hi, if I were in your situation, I would want a refund in respect of all the payments made for the fridge. As it is a HP agreement, Brighthouse can deduct a small amount in respect of the hire you have had of the product. Since Brighthouse prices are very expensive, even after they deduct their small amount you should still have enough money to buy a fridge freezer from a different retailer with some cash left over!
  5. You can not remember what you did on the night in question - because you had been drinking alcohol, so, why did you complain? As you admit to not remembering things, this suggests that you were not in a fit state to be anywhere near the railway. Seeing someone killed by a train is an image that will probably stay with me forever, - other people likewise! You are complaining because you were ejected from the railway station? Would you have preferred it if you were just ignored and then due to your drunken state managed to kill yourself? If it were me, I would be grateful to the police if they kicked me out of a train station if I was not sober and would be writing them an apology and thank you letter - and not complaining. I can not see what it is you are complaining about.
  6. Hi, sorry I can't help as I don't know much about ebay. If it were me, I would message him back saying that the phone which has been returned to you is not the same as the phone that was sent to him and if the buyer is not honest then you will report 'your' phone as lost or stolen - making the buyers phone more or less an expensive paper weight..
  7. Hastings have not upheld the complaint. Can anyone advise me what I should think about doing next? Prepare money claim? FOS? ??
  8. I went to the council tip and managed to get the broken TV back. The staff there also said they doubt if the retailer would want it back. I just find it strange that the retailer does not want it returned so they can claim on their insurances.
  9. Hi Jayne, Just wondering if Brighthouse have delivered the replacement fridge? Personally I would not accept a like for like replacement since the same fault has happened on two separate fridges - suggesting it is a manufacturing fault. You need to be tough with Brighthouse. Don't take no for an answer. You are entitled to a replacement product or a refund. When I say refund, unfortunately it is not for the entire cost of the product since it is a HP agreement. Brighthouse can legally deduct a small amount in respect of the use of the product. But the extortionate prices Brighthouse charge would mean that you would have cash to go to another retailer to buy a new fridge with probably some cash left over! If it were me, I would be wanting a refund (less small deduction in respect of the usage you have had) Good luck dealing with this retailer!
  10. Giving the laptop back to BAYV seems to be a very good idea since you will then be rid of your contract and people banging on your doors etc. You say that you have been threatened by BAYV rep and also BAYV reps have been banging on your door. This behaviour is not acceptable. Because of the behaviour shown by BAYV, I am wondering whether you would be able to claim more or even all the money you have paid back? Maybe someone else can advise on this? If you can't claim it all back, then you should be claiming the insurances back. Paying £1354.06 for a £250 laptop is ridiculous... so even if you can't claim all your money back it is still better to return the product to BAYV and be rid of their reps who have been banging on your door.
  11. Thanks DX If this was not linked to my parents address i wouldnt worry about it and would just pay them when I could afford it, but am worrying because it is linked to parents address and i do not want to cause them and worry or stress. So it is possible that retailer is not interested in collection (especially as I had to chase them up about it) and that it is in its rightful place, the rubbish tip?
  12. maybe a stupid question - perhaps the retailer is not interested in collecting the TV (which is now in the tip) because having a smashed screen as well as looking as if it had been just thrown together would be of very little value? it this possible? since i had to chase them up to collect the smashed TV, maybe they are not interested in collecting it? especially when they said they would process the refund for me - and i am not entitled to a refund? or am i just clutching at straws and false hope?
  13. Here is what has happened: 1. I purchased TV for my parents. 2. TV was delivered, looked like it had been thrown together and also smashed screen. 3. Contacted store who said they would arrange replacement and collection of smashed TV. 3. As parents elderly and mum stresses for no reason, I put smashed TV somewhere in house where she doesnt go. 4. Replacement TV delivered, but courier would not take the original smashed TV despite me pleading with him and explaining that I do not want it in house and it should be returned to retailer. 5. Contacted retailer again to ask them about collection of original smashed TV. 6. Sent email to retailer asking them to collect the original TV. 7. Retailer replied saying that I should let them know when it would be convenient to collect TV. They also said that they would process a refund for me. 8. I took smashed TV downstairs ready to be collected. 9. Day later, I writing email to retailer (now saved in draft email) explaining that they could collect anytime and also explaining that I do not want a refund as not entitled to a refund since they are only collecting a damaged product as it was replaced. 10. Parents wrongly assumed that the TV box I took downstairs was full of polystyrene and cardboard and put it in car and took it to the local rubbish tip. Someone from the tip took it from my dad (my dad is elderly and I guess they were helping). So, my parents assumed that the box was full of rubbish and have taken this to the local tip.... and now I do not have the smashed TV to return to the retailer!!!! Since contacting and emailing the retailer to make arrangements for collection of the faulty TV, there is now not a faulty TV to return to them since it is in the local rubbish tip. My problem is this: I work 6 months each year abroad and the other 6 months in UK. I am not entitled to claim DWP benefits in UK and have a weekly budget of money. If i were to pay the retailer now for the return which is not possible, then this would cause my weekly budget to go down a lot! Is it possible for me to tell the retailer that I will pay them in approx 5 months time, explaining that I am not working until that date? Also, would it be possible for me to ask the retailer whether they would be willing to provide me with a discount for this since the value of a smashed TV is probably next to nothing? The TV is at my parents house and I do not want them to receive phone calls / letters / visits about this. Infact I do not want them to even know that they had thrown out a TV that should have been returned to a retailer. Since the retailer does not seem to be at all concerned about a missing TV and I have had to contact them about it, even so much as explaining that I am not entitled to a refund, then - I am not going to contact them again until I have started work again in a few months and can afford to pay them. But they may contact before then.. Any help / advice appreciated, thanks!
  14. Hello again Hasings, The £25 compensation does not even represent the amount of time in dealing with your latest error in respect of the lower payment. For example, my time looking at previous emails, dealing with the bank to ascertain payment and contacting yourselves via telephone etc. If the £25 compensation is in full and final settlement for my complaints, then I reject this compensation. If however the £25 compensation is a gesture of goodwill then it will be accepted. I am far from satisfied in the way my complaint has been dealt with by your company. As far as I am concerned, this matter should have been resolved in 2007. Information from yourselves such as: The above information from yourselves show that it took over a year for the claim to even be registered on your system! The delay in the claim has caused myself a financial loss. Such financial losses are the amount of time I have had to deal with the claim during several years. Even when you paid the claim, I still had my time wasted as further error was made and you paid the incorrect amount. If I were to total up the amount of hours I have spent in dealing with this, for example - visits to Swinton the broker, writing you letters, contacting you via telephone, then in my own estimation I have wasted an accumulated total of around 200 hours. The time I have wasted in dealing with this matter based upon the rate of national minimum wage is more or less the same amount as the settlement figure! Another example of my financial loss is that whilst I had protected no claims bonus, due to the amount of time you took in dealing with my claim, this consequently resulted me in losing my no claims bonus. For example, if I were to use the money in respect of the theft to buy a replacement vehicle, then I would have to insure the vehicle with zero no claims bonus since it took several years for the claim to be paid which resulted in me losing my no claims bonus. A further example of the financial loss is that the valuation figure you provided to me was far below that what I would have reasonably expected. In complaint of this, I sent you details of car prices from THIS YEAR (bearing in mind that the car was stolen several years ago and prices several years ago would have been significantly higher than todays prices). You state in email the following: and in respect of this part of my complaint you then increased your settlement figure to £1645.00 whilst stating that it is your final response. Due to my own opinion that Hastings has shown incompetence in dealing with this matter plus the fact that you said it is your final response, then I felt I was under pressure to accept this increased offer as I had no other alternative, being that you also stated it is your final response! Another question for yourselves: Do you intend on compensating me for the amount of time it has taken for this matter to be dealt with? For example, 8% interest as well as a payment in respect of my time I have used? Your recent error of not paying the full amount of the claim is just ludicrous. I am now wondering whether I should proceed legally with a claim against yourselves to represent my financial losses and/ or to proceed with a complaint with the financial ombudsman. Please will you deal with this complaint and issue your final response in order for me to either accept your response or take matters further. Kind regards
  15. After speak with Hastings yesterday, they said that they would send me email concerning the incorrect amount. Needless to say email was not received yesterday as stated. However, email was received today. The complaint concerning incorrect payment appears to be sorted out (although I do need to check the exact amounts). Other complaints were not upheld by Hastings. Thank you again to Jamie the Hastings rep for sorting this out. I suspect that without CAG and the Hastings rep, then my claim would be no further forward than it was at the start of 2007!
  16. Hello (yet again) Hastings / Jamie, This matter is still not resolved. Whilst you have transferred money into the bank account, the money transferred seems to be payment for the first settlement figure and not the increased settlement figure which was agreed upon after I had sent you detailed information (links) to same car being sold this year. Is there any reason why you have transferred a lower amount other than the amount which was agreed upon? I am not willing to wait any longer for this matter to be resolved. If this matter is not resolved by the end of this week, then it will be my intention to proceed through the small claims court and claim a nominal amount of money (£100) to represent the inconvenience. I don't wish to appear rude but your lack of communication is absolutely ridiculous. Now having experienced money transferred into the account which is below the money which had been agreed upon just adds to the farce this claim is. I reiterate that should this matter not be resolved by the end of this week, then legal action will be initiated against yourselves with no further reference to yourselves.
  17. For anyone stumbling across thread through search, if you are waiting for an insurance company to pay a settlement and you are not satisfied with the time involved in payment, then post number 4 in this thread provides very good advice: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?430756-Order-for-specific-performance I didn't need to follow the advice as Hastings are paying the settlement, but it is good advice for others.
  18. I am not in Russia now, I am just there for a few months each year and avoid the winter. One experience of winter and -24 made me decide it is not the place I should be! But money is handy for winter fuel as you say, I've decided to use the money and buy solar panels, invertor and controller for parents house, a DIY project. I can not justify buying a replacement car from the insurance money because the insurance is expensive for me now because the delay in settlement had caused me to lose my no claims bonus, making insurance premiums expensive for me.
  19. No. My personal valuation of the car was quite high because the car had been in the family since new and had been looked after. I did send Hastings links to cars at todays prices and they increased their offer by around £300 ish... which matches todays prices. The guide they used was from 2007? or from when the car was stolen. I did send in full service history and receipts for work done. From what I remember, I had complete set of new tyres about 2 or 3 weeks before the car was stolen.
  20. Hello BankFodder, thanks, your suggestion does seem a much better way. Also, if the insurance company is being slow in making payment then the customer can get the £100 figure as compensation, something which I am guessing would not be possible if making an order for specific performance! UncleBulgaria, thanks for your help here and in other thread. I was not in Russia at the start of the claim several years ago. I understand the insurance company wanted to ensure that the money was safe as it was going into a different account but don't understand the reasons why it took such a long time. Luckily, the insurance company informed me yesterday that payment should be in the bank account today. So, to anyone who stumbles across this thread on search, if your insurance company is playing delaying games then the suggestions in post number 4 seems the right way to go!
  21. Hello Jamie, Excellent news, thank you! I suspect that without you & CAG, I would be without the settlement. Thanks again for all your help and apologies for being persistent asking continually for updates etc.
  22. The Brainwashing Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) probably has not announced that Russia is sending 280 trucks full of emergency supplies to Ukraine... Also prob not announced the other fact that Ukranian women and children are still fleeing Ukraine to seek safety in Russia. The general Russian attitude toward Ukraine is that they are uninterested in invading or taking over the country. Why would the largest country in the world be interested in such a small piece of land? Russian media view on this is that Russian military are in Ukraine to protect the life of Russian people living in the country. When Yulia Tomoshenko (prob spelt wrong lol) said that it is time to grab the guns and go kill the russians and their leader, then I think it is only right that Russian military are in the country to protect the Russian citizens living there and to stabilise the situation and prevent it from becoming worse than it already is. Ukranian citizens are split between those that want to be part of Russia and those that want to be part of EU.
  23. hi again honeybee! you must have a very good memory!!! yes, it is the Hastings claim. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?425787-Car-theft-insurance-didn-t-pay I started new thread for 2 reasons: So information given will be concise and not lost in amongst the Hastings thread so it can be found from other searches - and I don't want the Hastings rep (Jamie) to think I am being awkward in asking this since he is trying his best to help. The reason I am asking about an order for specific performance is because I believe the insurance company have taken a long time to sort this claim out in the past, so much so that I had even forgotten about the claim for a few years! Since seeing the insurance company on CAG, I remembered about the claim - and even now I believe they are taking a long time. If the claim is not sorted out by the end of this week, then unless the insurance company inform me of a valid reason as to why it is delayed and provide me with an expected date of payout, then I would like to take this to court and make an order for specific performance to force them to pay me! I have tried to read and learn about this, but there is very little info from google.
  24. Hello, If I think that an insurance company is deliberately taking its time in paying me my claim, can I go to court and request that a Judge make an order for specific performance so that the insurance company then has to pay me? If so, how do I go about this?
  25. Hi, I am sure starting a small claims would be of any use to you since BT have done nothing wrong. As post number 2 says, it is not interrupting your business. However - if you can prove that the cables are disrupting your business then you may be in with a chance. Maybe another way of dealing with this is to deny permission for BT to attach cables to your property? For example, if the flying cables are attached to your property and you do not have a 'deed of easement' which gives BT permission, then you could demand that BT remove the cables from your property and reroute them. Though there would be no guarantee as to how they would reroute the cables.
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