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Everything posted by fletch70

  1. TJ By you two, do you mean Jase and myself? If so, I am sure we don’t have identical ideas; after all I could walk into them in the street and not know. For the record, I believe most of the policies in the labour manifesto were sound, denationalisation of water , taking rail back into public hands - I assume that would be a slow process as franchises came up for renewal. Education and health , who can argue and not setting artificial limits on migration, well I didn’t see anything to say it wouldn’t be managed. I worry as I always have about letting membership decide the leader as that can be and is manipulated. I see nothing intrinsically wrong with MPs having to be reselected at each election. I know of one ex Tory MP who would have been deselected because she did her job and stood up for what she believed as opposed to the Tory coffin dodgers who ran that area. Just to note, your misquote of from each according to ability, seems to me to be some sort of social contract so if you are able you work and get an income. If you swing the lead you don’t and if you are unable to work you still get an income. I think you also misrepresented what Jase said in that I also agree Thatcher destroyed any industrial base we had and hurt the unions. This has led to low skill, precarious jobs. Also she fooled many in social housing into thinking they were middle class when they bought their homes, also artificially boosting the economy when they released equity ( because of discounts up to 70%) and went on a spending spree. I have no idea how old you are but I have lived through the 70s and 80s , can remember Richard Coles when he was a pop star and saw the convoys of police driving to pits to take on the NUM. .
  2. You may think you think what I think but you are so wide of the mark as to be laughable. I don’t think I said any of those things and your interpretation of what I did say is really rather amusing.
  3. Do any kindles or similar have convincing text to voice ? I know audible is good , it even makes The Origins of Totalitarianism easy but not many of the books I want are available like that.
  4. It may be a world wide problem but much worse in what used to be called the first world I think. As some know I am on my jollies in Kyiv and in 5 days have seen less homeless people than I see walking up the ramp by McDonalds in Birmingham. I’m not convinced it’s just down to the weather as it has been quite mild here. The new right and neo liberalism have a lot to answer for, small state=less support unless you can afford to pay extra for it. Then the ideology seeps into the public consciousness which makes people believe it’s the homeless people’s own fault. If they didn’t drink/smoke/inject/ gamble all their money away there would be no problem. Personally if my life was on the streets I think I could see the appeal of blotting it all out. Oh and the one nation Tories say isn’t it awful and then vote for Boris while many working class seem to think if it wasn’t for the EU migrants all these people would have a job and vote for Boris. I give up I really do. I would rather have a centre Blairite party in power than this lot.
  5. I hope you’re right , sadly I am less optimistic. I am relatively well insulated, at least for the next 4 years but I think inequality will widen and possibly back to the dark days of Thatcherism and riots. Let us hope I am wrong.
  6. There is no snow and the temp is very much on a par with the uk . They have forecast snow for the weekend but not much, a little different to my first visit in about 2011 when it was -16 on the first night. Yes they are the same place, Kyiv is the Ukrainian spelling and Kiev is the Russian version so you see why they have changed it. It’s still cheap and the people nice although not many speak English ( except the one in the Metro today when I tried to use fingers for the number of tokens I wanted and she said ‘ I can speak English you know’. I should have asked but most just shake their heads.
  7. Belated Happy Christmas from me although here it isn’t Christmas until 7th Jan - you might have guessed I’m in Kyiv on my jollies.
  8. I stated a fact about China , I did not say the methods were acceptable. I suggest you look into Marxism and compare it to what happened in the Soviet Union. Possibly save for a couple of years, Marxism did not exist. Incidentally Marx did not think we were evolved sufficiently for communism to succeed , hence the step of socialism with the dictatorship of the proletariat - think the short lived Paris Commune -Nationalisation and public not private ownership of the means of production. Kyiv is NOTHING like the UK was 50 years ago. Well certainly not in the North West where I lived. You just can not compare the two. Incidentally I think you have fallen for the hype of the New Right and Right realist authors when you think socialism means excuses to be lazy. Why not just admit you are a New Right Capitalist and be done with it. Being a remainer and New Right doesn’t have to be mutually exclusive . Ask David Cameron and Nick Clegg
  9. Oh Toby where do I start Firstly what is voted for at conference does not automatically become political policy or at least not a priority. Secondly you are misunderstanding increase in profits. I do not mean inflationary profits but real profits provided by real increased sales and real bottom line profits. This is the goal of capitalism. Also what do you mean by a proven inferior product? Socialism is the next stage after the collapse of capitalism so I’m not convinced we have fully seen it yet. You might not like the methods but China has pulled more people out of absolute poverty than anyone else in history. Lenin and his NEP was a passable move on the way to socialism. Let’s look at it another way, travel in the less developed regions of Eastern Europe and you will see less beggars, more cooperation and more respect for others than you ever see in the UK. I am currently in Kyiv and would, in the right circumstances move here.
  10. The problem is, many of them ended up being totalitarian and diverged from the evolution discussed by Marx. The closest to Marx may well have been Trotsky while Lenin was pragmatic. Stalin decided he would have one nation communism. As by it’s definition, capitalism must at some point fail, you can not keep increasing profits for ever the question is, are we in late capitalism as many think. Ny the way Toby, can you tell me where (apart from in the right wing press) Corbin ever offered open door immigration and full benefits (not that they are worth much) as soon as you arrive?
  11. Can you explain to use the difference between socialism , Marxism, trotsky etc . Stalin was non of the above, nor was he a communist, well not by the end. When you talk about socialism do you mean democratic socialism ?
  12. If they had done what we told them in the first place we would be running the show and not these pesky continentals And don’t forget they need us more than we need them !
  13. It is a fallacy to say the EU stops nationalisation. I think it stops subsidies but not nationalisation. Look at Jadrolinija in Croatia, state owned.
  14. Jase I disagree with you on some points. Don't get me wrong, I do think Labour won some of the arguments, nationalisation and the NHS. I think they did make a mistake on Brexit because what they proposed was just more agony of potentially months with no outcome in sight. If this election had happened a year ago they might have won but people just want closure. The tories won the argument on getting it done and these promises to spend billions on the health service- something that they will not be able to afford to do without significant borrowing should Brexit end up being a no deal. The Tories also won because all but one of the mainstream print media was for them and peddled lies . I also think they need to take a social democrat position on the economy and social policy , a leftwing government at the moment just won't work and it hurts me to say that. Once Brexit is done and dusted then maybe a socialist government will work particularly as the Tories really start to alienate 'Workington man' . I just hope that Farage will now sink without a trace as what he did in this election was dreadful and gave the Tories victory although how anyone can see a vote for them as more palatable than Johnson is beyond me.
  15. The Labour Party do need a leader who is, or at least is perceived as, being from a working class background. Maybe with a strong regional accent and possibly a Trades union background such as old Two Jags Prescott had. failing that, get someone like David Miliband back, he was much better than Ed (more pleasing to the eye as well (marginally)- sorry for being so shallow but it does make a difference). Northern people are tired of having a country that is run by, and for the benefit of those in London and the Home Counties. I also think Labour supporters want to have MPs who are local and not dropped in on them. My fear of course is that as the leadership is voted on by the membership and Momentum seem to have a stranglehold on party activists, we could end up with another leader who is too left for public consumption- however much it suits me personally. I would rather have a centre Labour Government than any Tory one.
  16. I can not see any real world benefits from Brexit- well certainly not for us mere mortals. Now what worries me is what will happen at the end of the transition period, of course BJ has said it will not be extended but there again he said he would rather be dead in a ditch than extend Brexit. IF and it is a huge IF , a trade deal is done in the next 12 months, the only option I can see is something that is already in place such as membership of the EEA or similar but that will come with freedom of movement etc. Of course the Government is entirely within its rights to tighten up rules about access to benefits etc. Let's face it, we really do need EU migrants for many jobs, the Health service, agriculture , Social Care , hospitality and catering - all jobs that many people think are beneath them.
  17. The proof of the pudding as they say will be in the eating. As far as I saw Labour did have a costed manifesto but they failed because they had the wrong leader. I say that as someone who believes in nationalisation, taxing the rich more and providing a real living wage with real living hours. Of course we will now have to wait 12 months to see what sort of trade deal we get, if we don’t get one then Johnson will be unable to hit his spending promises which don’t even undo the cuts since 2010. So yes maybe the Tories won and we are leaving and maybe you got what you wanted , but I think if you have the ability to reflect in 5 years time you will regret it.
  18. Sadly I think the right will win. In part directly because of leaving the EU but also because people are tired of not seeing the country being governed - they think Brexit then down to running the country. I am holding my nose and voting tactically , we have a new Tory candidate and a strong LD machine. Labour didn’t even select until the 11th hour
  19. Yes technically they have the 12+2 working days to comply. After that time the debts become unenforceable but only until the do fully comply. Depending upon the type of debts you now need to make a decision; do you stop paying or carry on for another month for so and see what transpires. Only you can make that decision
  20. This is the problem; can we fix the problems in their own countries. Can we make it safe for queer people to live in certain Islamic/African/Russian areas or do we do what a compassionate and modern society would do, take them in. Priti Patel would have them go back and be discreet, for many not only is that not an option it is wrong. I love whom I love and denying me that opportunity goes against all the values even the Tories say they hold dear. Even Cameron moved on Queer equalities.
  21. To throw oil onto water I agree in principle to a national wage but question 1 is, at what point would a migrant become eligible for it? On arrival is , in most cases wrong as it encourages economic tourism but if they are genuine refugees it’s different. I think we all agree ,(well the three of us) doing away with the hostile environment is a must. It makes me ashamed to be a human being when I hear some of the rhetoric coming out of many Tories and other right wing mouths. Tell me, do you risk death in a freezer unit because you think staying in your country of origin is really good?
  22. I don't think it is strange but it is complicated. I know I say capitalism is evil but here is one example of why it is. New ways of generating profit have led to targeting people to believe they 'need' things such as an xbox or £200 trainers or a 1/2 mile wide HDTV that washes up and hoovers as well( Ok I exaggerate ). We do not need any of these things but the capitalist machinery needs us to believe we need them. Add to that the stagnation in wages and as you say the very real increases in housing, rent, council tax and utilities , we see why households need two incomes, Add in the politics of envy and we have another strand. Just sayin like!
  23. Well I do not agree with completely open borders but am totally opposed to the guilty until proven legitimate hostile environment of the Tories. I am also against the minimum income particularly if we leave the EU. How would we fill our low wage vacancies? Just for the record and probably no surprise I am also against the low regulation economy sometimes referred to as Singapore upon Thames. A living wage is an absolute must and I don’t mean the Tories fake living wage
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