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Everything posted by laineynic

  1. Dx100uk - thanks for that I had missed the interest rate out. Sorted now and yes I get the same as you. Sirbob10 - I got a letter in May saying it was only for 26 weeks - that was before I was put in the support group does that mean I will get it for another 26 weeks? I really didn't know I was just going by the letter in May. Thanks for that it is a relief that it won't finish in 2 weeks. GE Money - rang me on Monday - when I amswered the phone he was talking to someone else and laughing and then he realised that I had answere. He was very patronising towards me and as I spoke it seemed as if he was carrying on laughing at me (don't think I am that paranoid) He reminded me that there is no payment plan in place. He also said that I need the contact my local council regarding the mortgage rescue plan. I got really upset at this point as the thought of it going to that stage. I spoke to the National Debt Line and they toldme that the mortgage rescue package is the very last resort. She has told me that GE Money have not gone through the mortgage code of conduct - does anyone know anything about this?
  2. Thanks have tried to use the calculator but it doesn't seem to be working out the compound interest.
  3. Today I got a final respinse from Ge Money they disagree with everything I have said - say that they have done nothing wrong. Even though the FOS ruled in my favour which covers the period in November 2011 - February 2012. They also have said that we do not have enough income for them to offer any kind of solution. They do not offer us any help at all and have not indicated what will happen now. They have refunded all the mortgage charges which totals £522.95 which they will deduct from the arrears - hgiher than we expected. Good news but they have shut the door on us and what we have is no assurances that they will not press for repossession. We managed to scrape together the full mortgage payment for November by askin family to help but we can't do it again in December. My ESA finshes in 2 weeks as its contributions based and I have had my 26 weeks. This is going to be tough as I am not expected to go back to work in the next 18 months if ever. To top it all Nat West Bank took another £66.00 of charges from us due to unauthorised overdraft now making the charges £442. they refuse to refund even though we have quoted the BCBOS at them and threatened court action. Everything seems such a mess. After contatcing my MP he has written to the CEO with his disgust at their behaviour, he has also told me to do the same and exzplain everything. He also said that GE Money had shown only an interest in the Mortgage Rescue Scheme. These days it is all I seem to be doing contacting cusotmer services, CEO's and the FOS. I am not sure who the CEO is for GE Money so if anyone has an idea it would greatly appreciated.
  4. Hello dx100uk I have just checked and there is a 11 x £40.00 charge plus an admin charge of £12.95 x 11. I shall take alook at the mcbos thanks
  5. We have had issues with GE Money and their attitude towards us. They innundated us with phone calls over arrears in 2010-2011. After a long drawn out complaint the FOS ruled in our favour and told Ge Money they had behaved in an unprofessional manor. We were awarded a settlement and GE Money were told to sort things with us. That was February 2012. I had to give up work in October 2011 I lost my sight in my right eye and have other health issues. Because it took so long t sort my benefits out we got behind with our mortgage. In May Ge Money rang to make arrangemnts for them to help we did all the income and expenditure forms bank statements and a payment plan was set up. The lady told us she would be back in touch in a month to talk about extendidng the mortgage to clear the arrears. But she never rang us back. In October 2012 I rang Ge Money concerned that we had heard nothing. I was asked to do all the income and expenditure again provide medical evidence and bank statments. Yesterday a person from GE Money rang to go through everything. We wereon the phone for 35 minutes, he made me feel so uncomfortable about why I had left work. He said at the end of the call that he could not offer us any help at all. He said we don't have enough income to work out a payment plan and he is not prepared to add the arrears to the mortgage. He said that we should go back to paying the full mortgage and more to cover the arrears. He apologised and said that he would refer our case back to collections. (which will mean constant calls and possible court action) I was beside myself I don't need this. I contacted the FOS yesterday again and we have done a new complaint. I also cpntacted my MP. The complaints department from GE Money have just rung me to say the same thing. They said it would not be in our best interest to set up a payment plan at this time - but is it in our best interest to have court action hanging over us? When I told him about the FOS he said he would refer this to the litigation department. When I toldjimabout my MP his tone changed - he was concerned that I had contacted him. He wanted to know what I had said. I told him everything. He said we should have spoken to them before going to our mp. Just wondered if anyone knows what we can do next? does amyone know about a mortgage resue plan? Thanks in advance Lainey
  6. Thank you that is very useful I have taken that letter and adapted it tomy situation.
  7. I read Bankfodders post your story on the forum and you will get help in the normal way. If it is a BCOBS case then we'll show you what to do. Is my case against the Nat West BCBOS? Thanks
  8. To DX100K - yes he was an apalling excuse for a human being. He made me feel so small. I just don't think the BCBOS argument is working as the banks are not recognising it and they don't want to. I am on DLA and have about 4 weeks left of ESA. I was in hospital last week, we are struggling to make ends meet and the last load of charges were taken whilst I was in hospital. We were away in Birmingham and my daughter had to send us money because the Nat West took our last £70.00 in charges.
  9. After an email from the FSA who gave me some good advice on what to do regarding the bank which they told me to take my complaint to the FOS. I completed the forms for the fos however I am feeling very peed of today. I have had an email from the a consumer consultant at the FOS regarding my complaint against the Nasty West Bank He wrote in his first email "I am writing regarding your complaint to us about the unauthorised overdraft charges made to your current account. As you may be aware, the Office of Fair Trading brought an important legal “test case” to establish if it could assess whether the amounts the banks were charging were fair. As part of this legal ”test case”, the Court was also asked to consider whether these types of charges amounted to “penalties”. Put simply, during the course of the legal “test case” the Courts ruled that these sorts of charges: · did not generally amount to penalties; and · cannot be challenged on the grounds they are too high. The legal action ended in a decision by the Supreme Court – the highest court in the United Kingdom – on 25 November 2009. The decision, and a summary of it, can be found on the Court’s website (at www.supremecourt.gov.uk). In the light of these decisions by the Courts, we could not uphold a complaint that the charges were too high, or were penalty charges – including that they did not properly reflect the bank’s costs for the task. From what you have told us, those appear, broadly, to be the arguments on which you have brought your complaint. It follows that I cannot see we are able to help you further. There is more information about our approach to complaints about bank charges on our website (atwww.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/faq/bank-charges.html). If I am mistaken, and your complaint is not as I have described, then please contact me with the details of your complaint. I responded by explaining the unfairness of them putting me into a debt of £3756, charges on charges, unauthorised overdraft charges etc. His response has been to say "Thank you for the reply. The response previously sent sets out the findings of the court in regard to bank charges rather than my own personal interpretation of your complaint. That said this ruling does also encompass the 'fairness' of charges, a term you have mentioned in your email. We cannot therefore consider any complaint regarding the fairness or otherwise of such charges. Furthermore I must add that the banks are allowed to place charges on top of charges despite your clear rejection of this policy as unfair. We may consider complaints concerning 'financial hardship' in relation to charges. However, in order to do so you must first have written to the bank specifically complaining that you are in financial hardship (as opposed to writing to complain purely about the application of the charges or the fairness/level of the charges) which is related to those charges. In the case of the former the bank does have a duty of care to their customer but they are not necessarily under any obligation to make a refund of those charges. But, we may consider such a case where this complaint has been put to them and then rejected.
  10. Hello In July the Nat West Bank paid a direct debit that took us £7.94 o/drawn. Unfortunately we were unable to clear the £7.94 for 11 days which incurred a charge of £66.00. Every penny we have is spoken for and we have to live to a strict budget. If the dd wasn't paid we would have incurred a £12.00 charge not a £66.00 charge. This has escaleted and wehave now paid the Nat West £271 in charges. We spoke to the Nar West the very first time it happened and they told us th\t they could do nothing and the charges stood. We wrote to them raising the fairness of them creating an unauthorised overdraft, charges on charges and how it was causing a debt that we could not afford. Yesterday by phone - not by letter they told my husband that they had followed the banking rules and they had domne nothing wrong. They maintained the charges were fair and that as a gesture of goodwill they would refund £24.00 worth. We advised him that we don't get paid until 28th Novembr and we are o/drawn today because of the last £66 in charges. We will now incurr a charge of £120 for 20 days of being overdrawn. His response was speak to amember of your family to see if they will lend you the money to take you out of ovrdrawn balance. He also told us that going to the FOS would make no difference as the Nat West has done nothing wrong. Having gone down the avenue of using the new banking code what is left. Everytime we have been to the FOS regarding banking issues they have ruled in favour of the bank. Please if anyone has any ideas it would be greatly appreciated.
  11. Starting with the Jacamo account I would request a copy of your SARS from there seprate the charges from the goods charged. The PPI is this dependant on how much is on the account balance? Ask for this to be removed immedaitely take a look on here at the letters which refer to payment protection to find out about the PPI - if you werent aware of it being applied challenge them over it. UCLAN - Sorry I have not dealt with them before but others may have further advice. 3G - Do you have the contract that you took with 3g? maybe you have more information that would help others advise you of what to do> VODAFONE - I have had dealings with vodafone - my complaint was not dealt with proper;y - my son went over the minutes and he ended up with a huge bill. We contacted Vodafone by email explaining everything and we had our problem sorted within days as opposed to the 12 weeks dealing with cusotmer services.
  12. Hi Thanks for your reply. I decided to discontinue my package with them and refused to pay the charges. I had to send the machine back myself as I got fed up of waiting for them to collect it. About 6 months after the machine went back they sent a courier to collect it.Wouldnt use them again.
  13. I will try and cut this sag with Npower down as much as I can. It Started in Janaury 2007 when British gas fitted a new gas meter and we swapped over to Npower. We had a final bill for December 2006 topay which was £78.00 for the last month. We started with Npower and set up a payment plan. We set up the same as British Gas which was dual fuel of £40 for Gas and £40 for electric. We never thought anything more about it. In 2008 almost a years down the line I was going through my bank statements looking at bank charges when I realised that Npower had only been taking £20.00 each for gas and elctric. I panicked contacted Npower. We set up a payment plan and everything went finr. Then I discovered that all bills were estimated and sent a revised reading. Then we got a shock. The electric was bearable but the gas was £1180 for a full year. We only have central heating and with BG it worked out our average bill per month was £68-78. Npower said this was correct. But the seria lnumber they held for our meter didn't match For the last 5 years we have battled with Npower to pay this back. I have been seriously ill I have an ongoing heart problem and other complex health problems. I have had leave my fulltime job and until I got dla I had my ssp. We have struggled. But Npower have ignored us until consumer focus contacted them. They have changed things when they wanted to. They would not accept payment plans. We have been backwards and forwards to the consumer focus. In June when nat west had its technical issues it affected our npower payment. It wasn't made on time. they withdrew the payment plan. We have continued to pay religously every month since then but they don't want to know. 10 days ago an absoulute arrogant so and so from Npower got involved. He has been rude, unhelpful and has withdrawn our payment plan. I contacted the CEO from Npower a Volker Beckers and he has not even responded to me. I am now preparing myself for the DCA and charges being applied. Whilst the arrogant people of Npower where sending my account to the DCA I ws in hospital having a liver biopsy as my liver is failing and they don't know why. I amalso waiting to have complex heart surgery and all of this is just becoming to much for me to handle. Npower have chosen to ignore all of this. My Dr even wrote to them to ask them to back of me and they have refused. ANy ideas what I do next.
  14. It is very difficult trying to get the Lloyds to help with a situation like yours. We have been there but not as much in debt as yourself. It was easy at one point for you to walk into the local branhc and they would have bent over backwards to help you. My suggestion to you would be to go higher than the branch., We deal with a man in cusotmer relations called Nigel Conibear he is in Customer relations his address is Customer Relations, City Park Three City Park The Droveway Hove BN3 7AU I don't know if this will help but please give it a try> I sent a strong letter to him laying down in my terms I also said that the bank was not treating us fairly by not helping us come to an sensible agreement. We now pay £30 per month for an overdraft (that they created) and for the credit card £50.00 per month. It is just managble. Hope this helps. Lainey
  15. I am still struggling to find the right letter to send to Zebra finance. By the time they had applied there charges for missing a payment (caused because my DLA was late) we had to pay £68.56 for a direct debit of £31.00. Does anyone have an idea of what I can say to them why I want them to refund them It seems that a number of other companies are using Zebra finance and first premuim. Our season tickets and car insurance are now with them
  16. How doI go about doing that is there a different proceedure from what I have done with getting bank charges back. Thanks
  17. Hi Duckwaddler I look forward to reading what you have to say. Thank you.
  18. Has anyone else had any dealings with either Zebra or Premium Credit? We have had the misfortune to have by accident become involved with them. Zebra - are the company who have provided the finance for my husbands season ticket. We have just been charged £25.00 fee plus a £5.00 charge for using a debit card to pay it. My husbands wages were late in the bank and the payment didn't go through. We did try to change the due date but they didn't want to know. The payment was for £36.20 with the charges we have had to pay them £66.20. How can they charge £25.00? for what there was no letter issued as they rang me> Why are these companies so quick to charge? Yes its in the t&c's but you have no other option of buying your season ticket if they use companies like this. First Premium - Due to the fiasco with Nat West bank our wages didn't clear in the bank. We informed first credit and have basically told us to claim from Nat West. What is the £25.00 for again a letter was not sent but emailed. On this I don't know about t&C@s because our policy or these never came. Advantage Finance - a charge of £51.00 for 2 letters because my husbands wages were late. It is bad enough that you get bank charges but now you are getting charged from the companies to. What can we do to stop them from being so unfair!!!
  19. Hi Duckwaddler - thanks for that so what do you suggest I do take it to her manager or I have a number of the things that youmention and I cannot do without any heating. If you could give me an idea of how I could go about it it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Debt4get I have had British Gas today to give us a price for the work and boiler etc £4660 which is £1000 more than a local enginerr and the interest that I would pay would mean I pay for my central heating £7960. I don't really thinkI can pay that amount for a new boiler etc. It is just so high. Its added just over £3000 to the original cost. Thanks
  20. Thanks for your advice not good news from my OT. " Unfortunately Disabled Facilities Grants do not fund heating and boilers unless they are part of a larger adaptation such as a ground floor extension. I have been informed that Sldc sometimes has funds available, you can Contact ,,,,,,,,,,,,, (Housing Renewal Officer) to discuss - her number is 0000000 (she works Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays). - no they can't help as a boiler is not in there criteria - however if Iwanted a full downstairs extension then it would be done. She also recommended Warm Fron - but I don't get the right ESA and DLA does not count. Warm Front have sid no. First time I feel mortified that I have no mney, nowhere to turn and no one who seems to help. I know thisis what somemight say the real worl. Which is cruel and uncaring. Iam not being melodramatic here when I say that this winter I will not have any heating only a gas fire in my kitchen and nothing upstairs. God what amIgoing to do?
  21. Not sure if this is the right place to post this. We have a back boiler that is over 30 years old. A few months ago we had to have it looked at because it is not running properly. The company who cameout to us said that it isnot worth fixing and more or less condemned it. We don't have the money to buy or have a newboiler fitted. I do receive DLA and ESA (contributions related) but I have been told that this does not mean I can claim a grant from warm front to pay for it. This week we had help-link come to give us a price to have anew system fitted, but the finance has not gone through. My husband works and whilst he has a reasonable paid job we do not have any money ofour own. Because I was refused DLA for so long everything we had in savings has gone on paying everyday bills. I have anumber of health problems and the fear of having no centralheating during the coming winter scares me. We have also been told that the boiler is no longer economical to run and with a new boiler we could save alot of money per week. My dilemma is the same as everyone elses - where do you go when you just don't have the money to replace something so important in your home? We can't get a loan because of our credit rating - (all gone to pot with me having to give up work) - I have spoken to Warm front and a rather rude lady kept saying well if its contributed ESA no you can't get any help and DLA does not count, Our family don't have that kind of money. We have never been in this position before and it worries me and I wondered if anyone new of any other options?
  22. After 9 months of wrangling the FOS has ruled in my favour against the treatment from GE Money. I have endured endless phone calls harrassing us and despite the Resolutions Department setting up payment plans the Collections Department over ruled them and refused to doanything to help us. We have been tohelland back with Ge Money it has gone since 2009. They have treated us with disrespect spoken to me as if I was a piece of dirt. I have enough stress health wise without GE Money behaving the way they have. The FOS have agred with everything that has been said by us and have ruled that GE Money failed to help us. We were delighted at her response. The came the insult. She ruled that GE Money must pay us £300. To us it is an insult it works out that we receive £12.50 for every month. Every month we were receining 5 -6 calls per day, Despite telling GeMoney I was on bed rest they continued to phone our home and our mobiles. We endured threats fromone of GE Moneys collection Managers who said to me that paying the mortgage was more important than feeding our kids. I feel that £300 is nothing compared to how we have been treated. Will £300 make a difference to them? will they thinkoh my god we have to pay mrs .... compensatio? no Idon't think they will even notice. I am pleased the FOS ruled in our favor but £300 is a pittance.
  23. Just to update on the recent claimwith 1st Central. They rang my daughter to tell her that they propose to use the £548 remaing to clear the previous policy and that willlower her payments from £82 per month to £27.20. She told them that she really needed the £548 towrds her new car and they have refuded. In themeantime we had sent the t&c's to trading standards and we got a response from them. They did say we should have donemore to ensure we had the t&c's to read and check them to make sure they wre correct with what we wanted. I totally agree but what can you do when you ask them on a weekly basis for copies of them and the certificate goes without action. What we did do was holdthe credit agreement which has still not be signed because we never received the t&c's. TS told us that the young drivers excess is quiet difficult to find and well hidden. They also expressed concern t the insurance company not making you aware of this excess when you apply online. They also have said that we donot have to accept that thyey will take the balance and use it to clear the policy. They have told us to go back to the companyand insist that they pay the balnce of £548 to us. They have also recommended that because of the issues we have that we take it to the FOS (not this bunch of idiots).
  24. She has never received the documents fromthem. We have sent numerous emails and phoned and they promised to send it through. The policy was bought via compare the market and I have read through eveyrthing that was sent on that date and there is no indication of a inexperienced driver policy. I have been through the paperwork for her policy fromswift for 2010 - 2011 and there is no inexperienced driver policy. The policy was taken out in March and we have waited forthe policy when she claimed we have hadtotellthem no policy was rteceived> I do not feel that they are a reliable insurance company and because we have not been able to see the terms how could we agree to them in the first place.
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