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Everything posted by laineynic

  1. The rabbit didn't make it he was killed at the roadside. I have requested the details in full and will see what that says. It just seems so convenient to add a inexperienced driver.deduction of £250 not sure what that is have not seen it anywhere. My friend who is a broker said tome that he wouldn't touch 1st Central with a barge pole.
  2. My daughter crashed her car on the 26th May 2012. She swerved to miss a rabbit hit a grass verge which bounced her into th emiddle of the road. She did a 360 turn before crashing through a dry stonewall. She is very lucjy to have got out of the car alive. The car was assessed as a write off and the assessor told her the car was worth £1100. She put in her claim to 1st Central and everything has gone well until now!! Today she received a call from the claims department to say to her that after all the deductions were made there is a payout of £0.00. Out of £1100 there was £250 excess and voluntary excess. £250 inexperienced drivers charge? was not aware of such a charge and finally they have dedcuted the rest as a balance againt the old policy despite my daughter continuing with the insurance. They have said it was due to what she owed on the previous policy? but that policy has not been cancelled it is continuing. She has on numerous occasions asked them for copies of the insurance and they have ignored her. She has no terms or conditions to check any of these things. The insurance company has told her she could view on line - but the policy etc is not available. So how can she check if this iscorrect? she has paid in premiums £520.01 and there would be a balance of £356 still to pay but she added her new car. Can they do this?
  3. At my tribunal I was asked about whether I go out for the day or go on holiday. I said my family use my wheelchair so I can go out but I can't afford a holiday.One comment by the panel on why Ididn't get it was because of my "lifestyle" when I quiried this - the Dr said because Iamcapable of leaving my home and can spendmore than 30 minutes in Town. Yes but I have a wheelchair. I also thought DLA was supposed help improve life.
  4. We are so powerless to do anything. Bit by bit its all being chisselled away from us. As a a family in the last 6 months we have had to fight for DLA and eventually got it. But we have lost our tax credits, my sssp will run out in 5 days and I have to go through applying for ESA. My daughter is a personnal assistant for a young girl of 22 who has severe mobility problems, learning disablities, epileps, needs 24 hour care with her toileting. The girls dad has told us that he has just lost a large chunk of funding for her which means he has to loose one of her carers. He is not 100% fit and that is why he has carers for her. She also finishes colleg in June and will be more based at home than before. With the funding he has lost his daughter will not have the interaction of other carers to help. What the hell is this government doing.They don't listen, they don't care, if paying DLA put the austerity plans up there ib gleeming lights they wouldn't cut it they would be shouting about it. Shma on David Cameron whos son was disabled and they must surely now how hard life is for us.
  5. Thats a really good point will anyone get PIP? It sounds as if you will have to be near on bedridden and house bound to get it. Bothe me and my husband have been tax payers all of our working lives, we have paid our fair share. I do not object to doiing so if my tax is being distributed fairly. Why when I have had to leave my job due to complex illnesses not be able to ask for something back? Why can't I have DLA and Esa without having to fight tooth and nail to get it? Why can't I fill in the forms, my Doctor and consultants say yep she is ill and no she shouldn't go to work? I tehn get the benefit I'm happy and I get to take the time I need to get well again or now that because of my disabilities I have a safety net. Thats in my dream world I know. I have learnt alot since I started applying for DLA, I now know that it is noway as easy to get hold of as it is readily reported in the press. I have met and had contact with so many lovely people who have had to fight to get DLA for themselves and a family member. I never thought I was so naive but I am. I don't know what can be done to stop the changes but god help us all.
  6. Iian Duncan Smith desire to take on disability benefits and reform them is very worrying. I find this man to be callous and heartless. With his sweeping of the benefits system many we know will loose out. I make no secredts about the horrendous time I have just had trying to claim DLA. I have never in my entire life had to deal with such hositlities, disbelief and arrogance. I faced a Tribunal of so called experts and was hung drawn and quartered. I have very complex illnesses that don't fit into a pigeonj hole and this caused problems. Also a lack of help from my GP was also a blow to me. I would not wish what I went through on anyone - I walked out of the Tribunal and felt humiliated, they made me question myown disabilities. My Tribunal is well before the changes that IDS will make and that is a worry. Many more of us will be humiliated. Many more of us will question is it worth the hassle. I am to ill to go to work and my next battle is for ESA. I am really dreading this. I have looked at the website benefits and work. I did get some very usefulinformation on there. I didn't pay a fee. But without the CAG and the support I have had I would never have kept going. What now for me after the last Tribunal I have the backing of my MP and we are going through the process of the Parliamentry Ombudsman. Why am I going that far - well I was brought up to fight my corner and never give up. I was awarded DLA 4 weeks ago on a new claim. My new GP filled in the forms correctly sent all the information that should have gone previously. I sent photos, video footage everything - I would have sent the kitchen sink if it would prove how much I deserve DLA. I know that anyone who is claiming PIP will have to fight for it and it is so wrong.
  7. Don't know if you are still hunting for a list of email addresses for Vanquis. I have one for the CEO I know he received my email as the Customer Action Team contacted me and they weren't to impressed I had sent his email to him. I am not bothered by this as if there apalling company had done there job properly I wouldn't have had to contact them peter.crook@providentfinancial.com ; hope this helps.
  8. http://www.ceoemail.com/ I got his email address of this site which I found when I was looking for something else.
  9. I have had major problems with Vanquis bank and have even gone to the FOS - but they were useless. Today I received yet another call from them and a not too nice letter. I have been in contact with the Cusatomer Care team and again they are useless. But today was just to much to handle. I am seriously ill and have been for over 18 months. I returned the inocme and expenditure form, proof of income and a letter from my doctor. the letter from my Docotor has some very personal things about me. Today 1st Credit wrote asking me to provide all this information all over again. They claim Vanquis do not have it. I sent it recorded delivery and it has been signed for. But I am not waiting anymore. I got the email address from a and they gave me this as the CE peter.crook@providentfinancial.com. I hope you get somewhere as I am getting nothing sorted from these idiots. I wish I had never taken the card out wither.
  10. Having sat down yesterday and ranted on hear I decided to do some research to find out who the Chief Executive is and to find some sort of way of getting hold of him. Found a really good website that lists many companies. http://www.ceoemail.com I found the details of the CEO for Shop Direct who is a Mark Newton-Jones. I emiled him full deatils of the last 18 months saga plus all lettersincluded the ones the sent me. I even sent the CEO complaint number. I received an email from his PA - and not surprising he didn't have a clue or a record of who I was. Its now in the hands of his PA who has requested all details of this complaint. I shall let you know how I get on.
  11. Thank you - I saw the letter from the CSA yesterday it states the payment plan to include arrears is £50.16 per week. The company who he works for have doubled that and added and admin fee that is why he is paying £119.16. He rang CSA again ysterday and yet again no help from them. They did tell him that it is the HR dept that has set the amount and not them. I told him to go to see the lady who does the wages and get some sort of answers ( he's a bit useless at this sort of thing and needs a kick up the jacksy) I gave him your info to digest and hope he does something. Thanks
  12. I have had a catalogue account with K and Co for almost 10 years. I have always bought Christmas presents via the catalogue and paid it of as soon possible. I have always used my bank card to pay the money of. Last year for god knows what reason I thought I would set up to do it by Bacs. This was the biggest mistake I have ever made. I made 2 payments totalling £300 to k and co. I received a letter from kays saying that I had not made a payment in 2 months. Whilst the money went out of the account Kay’s claimed they had never received any of the payments. I have been able to prove to them that my bank did send the money and that they did receive it. But Kay’s deny it. To cut a long saga in half I have refused to pay this £300.Also due to illness I have fallen behind with the remaining balance of £700. For the last 8 months my account has been with the CEO. I have been unable to do anything. They won't arrange a payment plan with me; they won't discuss anything with me. I have a had TV that is fault which cost £199 that they won't allow me to return because they have told me the account is suspended and they won't accept the TV back. I have sent emails and numerous letters to the CEO's office and have been blanked. Then in Febraury I received a call from Dan @ "Lowell" he is rude, arrogant and very unhelpful. He said to me that if you don't pay what you woe people like me will ring you. But I have refused to acknowledge or speak to Lowell. The last letter I sent was 15th April to the CEO at Kand co I went through everything again and have heard nothing Following CAG advice I sent a letter to Lowell asking for proof that they have received proof of the debt. I sent the £1 for a copy of the contract. Yesterday I received a call from them saying that kand co have still not provided a copy of the contract. I do not think I signed anything 10 years ago. The debt that is outstanding still show I owe them the £300 I paid. k and co are still not acknowledging anything I send them. I am appalled that they can behave like this. To then send it to a DCA - who are the lowest of the low? They won't listen to me. I do not know what to do next? Any advice?
  13. As far as I know it was about 12 months ago.He wasn't working at first contact. He contacted them in August 2011 when he started working>
  14. We had a lot ofproblems with both Equifax and Experian which was due to GE Money having us down as for 2 months in arrears. It wasn't correct and Ge oney eventually agreed they were wrong. But the Equifax and Experian would not change our credit records. Someone on CAG recommended contacting ICO - The Information Commissioner's Office - we contacted them and they took our case and both had to amend there records. It worked for us maybe thats ab avenue you could go down.
  15. Firstly I would like to say that this is something I know nothing about and would like some advice. My daughter's boyfriend has two children from a previous relationship. After being of work sick 3 months ago he finally got himself and job. He notified CSA immediately and they sent a payment plan through for the children and to cover the arrears. It works out he pays with the arrears £50.00 per week. He then moved out of his parents’ house into his own flat. Through January to March he only worked 20 hours and his take home pay after CSA was £115.00. He has found it a struggle to pay his rent etc. but with help from his family he has managed. At the beginning of April he was taken on as a comis chef and his hours have increased which means his wages have increased. But no matter how many hours he has done he is still coming home with only £115.00 a week. Last week with the hours he did his employer took £109 for the CSA. If this keeps happening he feels he will have no choice other than to either go home to his parents to quit his job. He rang the CSA last Monday and felt he was being fobbed of. They told him that his employer was paying a percentage of his wages to CSA and he needed to speak to his head office. He spoke to HR where he works he told them about the situation and they said that CSA has changed it from a weekly payment plan to a percentage of earnings. Does anyone know what he can do, who he can speak to? It would be such a shame if he lost his flat and then gave up his job because he doesn’t have enough to live on. He wants to be in a position where he can afford to manage but also he has always bought his children clothes, shoes etc. but fears if this goes on he won't be able to do any of it. Thanks
  16. ********Awarded DLA*********** after months of battling I have won DLA - it is to be backdated to June 2011. I am still in the processes of complaining but I am over the moon that I will now get DLA. it is for 12 months after which I have to re-apply but it will mean such a difference to me. Thanks everyone for all you greta advise as always. My final point is don't give up even if it brings you down to tears its worth the fighting. But we shouldn't have to fight so much to get it especially whe you are disabled ot seriously ill like I am...
  17. I asked for help on this foum to translate the letter from the cardio theracic surgeon into laymans words. Thank you to the people who helped me. It has shocked me what I found out and I believe it would have made a significant difgference to my claim. One member actually told me that my condition was so serious that I should go to my surgery as soon as I could because of ill health. I have also had the help from a friend of mine who's husband is a paeditrician - it wasn't his field but he has helped me with alot of the things in there and he too told me that my condition is serious. I have now sent this letter along with yet another complaint to the DWP because why did they not ask my GP where the letter was? why have I had to provide it. I have also sent a copy of the letter from the surgeon and a complaint letter to my MP. He is part of the coalition government and I want him to feel as uncomfortable as possible as to what this government are doing to people like me. This letter could have made a difference to me 12 months ago and I may not have had to face that awful tribunsl. I am even more determinded now
  18. firstly thank you everyone for all the help that you have given me. It has helped me get my head around the facts. I may have missed ords out, sorry my eyesight isn't great. The letter was sent to my GP in May 2011 - this letter was supposed to go to the DWP for my DLA application. My Dootor advised the DWP that it was attached - but it never was I only found out when I went to my tribunal on the 22nd March that it was missing. I needed to know if this letter would have made any difference to my claim to DLA. I have a number of other medical problems that have delayed the surgery, but I have been in constnt contact with the Cardiotheracic Surgeons Secretary. Firstly I had a hysterectomy in December 2010 because I had a large cyst on my right ovary. The cyst was borderline cancerous cells. It took me a number of months to recover and my blood count kept coming back low so that was the first delay. Then I had a problem with my diabetes, I had become insulin resistant and my insulin was changed that took 3 months to sort out the diabetic nurse and consultant weren't as supportive as they should have been and it seemed to take forever for them to give me the ok. Then in September I had a haermmorhage on my right eye and I lost my sight - I was sent to Manchester eye hospital and had laser treatment, this didn't work so they decided to delat until after my heart op. On the 8th December the cardiotheracic surgeons secretary rang to tell me that there had been a cancellation and they wanted to do the heart op on the 19th December so could I come i9n for the usual checks before an op. SO I did and it was all going ok until I told him about the eye bleeding still. The operation was cancelled because when I would go onto a bypass machine my blood would have been thinned - this could have caused further damage to my eye so they said they could notrisk my sight for the heart op. In January I finally got my eye repaired and all seemed ok - but my liver function test which had always been high all of a sudden went through the roof to 947.Following ta ct and a ultrasound scan they found that my liver was enlarged. I saw the cardiotheracic surgeon and he was still not happy to do the op with my liver being enlarged and my liver function being so high. He refferred me to a liver specialist. I was admitted to hospital on the 25th Feb 2011 because I could not breaht and my abdomen was so bloated. Our local hospital is awful!!! and I did not receive the treatment I should. Whilst in there I was put on a ward where the winter vomitting virus was rife and I got it. By the time the medical tam came to see me my abdomen had reduced. I mentioned to the liver specialist who cameto see me about the refferral and he new nothing about it in fact he looked at me as if I was some kind of mad women. To cut a longstory short it turned out that my refferral letter from January was still in the assessment unit and had not been seen by the liver specialist. The secretary to the cardotheracic surgeon (she is based at another hospital) went mad when she found out that my refferal hadn't reached the Dr so i was finally seen by him last tuesday. Whilst he is concerned about my liver he does not want my heart op to be delayed and thinks that once this has been done then my liver may function properly. My Gp retired a few weeks ago, my new dr starts this week and I have a consutation with her on the 13th April. I am going to email the cardiotheracic surgeons secretary today to let her now I am really struggling. I have formed a very good relationship with her. I will takeall advise thatyou have given me and go from there thnak you again. Lainey
  19. Due to several medical problems I have had my heart operation delayed and cancelled a number of times. I am awaiting a replacement aortic valve, they are to dio a valve repair? not sure which one and a bypass to the left ventricle. BRIGADIER2JCS your advise is straight to the point and I really appreciate it. I could do with a Dr whoo could put it into terms I understand or give me another opinion that I could send to the DLA. Gbardm - you seem to have great knowledge and that has helped thank you. I have been going through the letters from the DWP and a registered Nurse commented on the class 111 angina and they stated - moderate limitations with ADL's. I feel this letter from my consultant will be swallowed up in the mass paper trail and not given the airing it deserves. If you as strangers can see that this letter shows how serious my heart is then why wasn't it sent by my GP I wonder if this would have made a difference to my DLA claim. Thank you.
  20. I am seeking some medical advice but I am not sure whether anyone can help me. I have a letter from my cardiotheracic surgeon regarding my heart condition. I do not understand how serious the condition is. This letter was written almost 12 months ago and should have gone to the DWP for my DLA application. My dr advised the dwp of this letter but did not send it. 1 there is significant damage to right coronary occlusion and aortic stenosis. by the same token this would suggest that she may well have mediastunal radiation adding to the the technical challenge of aortic valvee replacement and CABG. Inyerestingly her full pulmonary function test show relatively normal spirome and lung volumes, but moderate impairment of gas transfer reflection in depressed TLCO to 48% and KCO to 65% predicted this may also reflect some concomitant radiation injury to the adjacent lung. Although we do not routinely offer surgery for moderate aortic stenosis, given the fact that she is very symtomatic with class 111 Angina and dyspnoea and concomitant right coronary occlusion, this may well be excepteptional indication logistic Euroscore predicts an operative risk of 2%. Since this letter was written my condition has worsened to such an extent that my abdomen fills with fluid and immobolises me for days. I just need to know if anyone could give me any advise on what it all means.
  21. Before my tribinal I had a letter from the courst to say that my Doctor had said she had attached a letter in June 2011 formy claim. This letter was from my Cardiothercic Surgeon and was missing. It has taken until now for the surgery to provide e with this letter. The letter is very informative of my condition, My Doctor had put I had Class 1 angina - but the consultant said it was class 111 angina he writes "whilst this lady has moderate aortic stenosis that is more than likely to change in the near future, she is very symtomatic with class 111 anginaand dyspnoea and concomitant right coronary occlusion ................ There are some other things I don't understand and wondered if anyone has any medical knowledge for instance TLCO 48% is that good or bad? KCO to 65% This appranetly shows how my lungs have been damaged by radiation. I have sent a copy of this letter to the DWP complaints department and just don't understand why they did not ask my dr for a copy in June lastyear.
  22. Thats it Nystagmite you might get there but getting home again can be just as bad. Did you eventually get DLA or are you still fighting ofr it?
  23. Did you take it any further? and have you re-applied?
  24. Did you get the benefit? I have read that if you don't attend they quite often rule against you. Not sure if that is true.
  25. it was actually the second ribunal that I have been to. My frst one was March 2011 which was for a claim made in April 2010. I lost that tribunal. This tribunal was from a claim I made in April 2011. I has taken almost 12 months for this tribunal o be heard. I found out on the day that I had not been successful again. The reason the DWP have been in contact is because my MP has taken my case to complaints. The guy who rang was from the complaints department in Blackpool. He was already well informed because of my complaint against them. He already new about the tribunal etc. So I disclosed no more to him than he already knows. My MP even took my case to the parlimenry ombudsman whilst at this point they can't help but they have given me such alot of advice on what to do next. I just have to wait now to see what the complaints manager says to me.
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