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Everything posted by Diesellily

  1. ...So did I LOL......Congratulations to Labrat, Sod'em & family!
  2. One of my immediate neighbours saying how wonderfully polite my kids are and how I'd done a great job...........awwwww it doesn't get much better. Thanks Pete & Sue for putting up with us over the years xxx
  3. He wrote a book back in the late 70's which I believe he boasted about his liaison's with underage girls >
  4. You cannot let this lie. You are obviously very uncomfortable with this unwanted attention. Can you write down any dates and scenarios when these events have happened? You may well find other work colleagues have been subjected to the same but are afraid to speak out. Is this guy in a higher position than you?
  5. I'd love to live in a place with an extreme name. Don't think I'd ever get fed up of peoples reactions hehe
  6. me too, all my 3 boys are with me this weekend, it doesn't happen very often (1 at Uni, 1 at college, 1 here) so a great excuse to make one
  7. BB it's the stuff that makes us smile that we remember them by
  8. My boss.......he makes words and sayings up. Today we had " up a tree without a paddle" and WOW is now transtriloquist.....the mind boggles! And a big welcome to pearly!
  9. darn it ! I always get Andy and Al Murrary muddled up!
  10. count me in too (I have a cold and can't smell a thing!)
  11. If there is any proven evidence then I agree that his knighthood should be stripped and his assets sold but not given to any 'victims' . The proof would have to be enough for them. The money should go to a charity who supports victims of 'kiddie fiddlers' like RACPA for instance.
  12. Hmmmm whose so called Solicitors: Horwich Farrelly, reside at the same address, I suppose?
  13. Is Robinson, Way & Co the same Robinson Way Limited that I have the pleasure (said through gritted teeth) of knowing?
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