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Everything posted by Diesellily

  1. right thats good, back on course in the morning. Should've been today but someone had a birthday today at work and it would've been rude not to eat a cake.
  2. Ohhh dear thats the second time in as many days I've been a plank LOL
  3. Essex is home to the 'secret bunker' which has a road sign pointing it out!
  4. To Determindator: how long does the update take on posts? ......mne's been 10 since yesterday and I've overdosed on posts today .......
  5. When you learn more of me, dilly will soon become Silly LOL......BB I've read about the cage and whether it's to stop her 'walking the earth' or to stop grave robber is very interesting. the second is questionable as she was the only one to have been fitted with such a device. I'm not done with this one yet.
  6. selling baby frogs called tad poles.............. (I know its one word but I'm emotioned out)
  7. will do it now, very curious regarding the name and boot fairs..........
  8. Honestly appreciated, understood comments are difficult...................calming down now (though still could easily be fired up) .....lets change this........... So, if temporary, what family member would you exchange..........??
  9. Hey BB, Thanks for 'inbox' will reply when I get to the required 30 posts ........word association and 6 word story don't count . LOL but this one will.
  10. My 8 month pregnant niece regaling the events at her visit with the midwife. Apparently my great nephew was totally unco-operative and moved away from the midwife's hand when she was trying to check his position. He also booted the heartbeat thingy LOL. He's gonna be a right sod, like his great-auntie whoop whoop!
  11. Me too! I just can't get my head round it. My mum said it didn't come out like he meant but I just cannot see how it could've been said any other way and not mean the same. I just don't understand how and why?? We all say things we regret the moment the words leave our mouths but I just don't get why those thoughts were in his head.......if someone can explain or suggest I'd be really grateful. The way I feel at the moment I can't see anyway to forgive my brother, ever.
  12. Hey Janie, can I start again tomorrow tomorrow i.e Wednesday? Didn't have a good day today either LOL x
  13. Yeah it is LOL..................what was the last word? Oh yeah: bye
  14. To cut a long story down, my 8 month pregnant niece broke down and called her Dad to come and get her rather than ring her partner who works nights and had just gone to bed. My brother goes out to her and takes her to my mums and then proceeds to have a go at her about not having breakdown cover. Fair enough she should be safe especially now and at 35 shouldn't be running to her Dad everytime something goes wrong. I know she can be exasperating at the best of times but he yelled at her that she should get her priorities right and not spend so much money on the awaited baby and should've got this sorted. True, however money wasn't the problem and she held her hands up and agreed with him that this shoud've been done.. However, there is no excuse on this earth for telling my niece that she may not have a baby at the end of the pregnancy. NO woman should ever hear that especially as my niece has had several miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy that almost took her life. At this momemt in time I cannot comprehend how the thought entered his head let alone him voicing them!
  15. oooooooooohhhhhhh DOH! what a plank LOL I thought it was a spelling error and should'be been 'beer' garden!
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