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Everything posted by spacecadet5767

  1. Well a very weird (but surprisingly good) result in the end anyway. I advised them I wanted to make a F&F settlement using the template. This after they advised me of the amount. And they then replied that having spoken to their client, the matter was closed due to the age of the debt, and there is zero payable. All of this after I spoke to their client who told me to make arrangements with the DCA. Um ok. Thanks! I appreciate your input anyway guys. As always you've been a wealth of information.
  2. Hi dx. Long story, short. It's a very tiny debt that I want rid of. Just wanted to confirm whether email is good enough or not as a means of 'in writing' communication? Thanks.
  3. Hi all, Just a quick question. If making arrangements for a full and final settlement, everything should be done in writing. I get that, no problem. Here's my quick question : is email sufficient, or does it have to be in writing in hard copy? Thanks.
  4. Update : After a lengthy quiet period I finally thought all was good. Turns out, too good to be true. Earlier I had someone pitch up at the door claiming to represent Aktiv Capital. Said that they are looking for XYZ (me!) Quick chit chat and they left. Seriously. Where do they get these people?
  5. Final update : she has been contacted by her father in law who unbeknownst to her has himself contacted NR and paid the debt off in full. He said he felt it was unfair of his son to drop this in her lap and that he would deal with it in house. She's happy. So that's that. No more stress. Thanks anyway guys.
  6. Has applied for a free Experian account and so far it just says FAIR, and she is now waiting for her pin to access the full report. She did speak on the phone to them, where they demanded an I and E form to see her affordability for repayments. And she thinks she may have given them her address. And before you say it, yes I have told her off! NEVER EVER talk on the phone. Only in writing! She has learned that lesson. Up till now she has received nothing in the post (default notices etc etc). I also advised her that she may want to consider reclaiming PPI etc etc. Good idea?
  7. SB, even though he has been making payments? That won't work, surely?
  8. No dx. As I said above. I am just the messenger trying to help out a friend. The ex of this friend has been making a very small nominal payment every month but has now filed for bankruptcy. They are now chasing her for the debt as described above. What, if anything, are her options?
  9. Is it safe to assume that this poor lady can't be helped? And her only option is to come to some sort of payment plan arrangement?
  10. Thanks Staraker. I realise hindsight is 20/20, and perhaps with the benefit of it she may have made different decisions in her life. However, here we are, and we have to roll with the current punches Any value in doing a CCA/SAR request to see where she stands? Or should she just accept her fate and make some sort of repayment plan agreement? Thanks for taking the time to answer my queries. Appreciated!
  11. Hi guys, Need your advice on behalf of a friend. You were all so good to me with my problems. Hopefully you can advise them too. Here is their story (as told to me): My ex and I bought a house about 6 years back, we took out a 25k loan on top of the mortgage, 10k to put towards the mortgage, and 15k to pay off his car/graduate loan/other debts etc. He paid extra towards the loan/mortgage as it was his loan. So we break up, sell the house, make enough to pay back the 10k towards the loan which leaves his 15k to pay back. This loan then became unsecured and he said he would take my name off when he sorts himself out. 6 years down the line with constant emails asking him about getting my name off to no avail, he tells me he's filing for bankruptcy. Therefore completely disassociating himself from this loan. Now I have to pay it as my name was on the original agreement from the mortgage. He tells me there is nothing he can do, he's sorry?? Called solicitors, they say there's no point putting an order against him as I'll only become part of his long list of creditors and I won't get much or anything. I can't even go for his car as technically it's mine now that's the way I see it. He's no other assets. The repayments he has been paying towards the loan was something like £120 a month.... For the next 30 years. He couldn't transfer it to another account as the repayments were too high for him. Idiot would've ended up paying back £57k total. We can't afford to take on this loan and I don't want to continue paying off his debt for the next 30 years. Iv been offered redundancy 8k but I don't want to use the money on his debt. I'm now arguing with hubby he doesn't want me to go back flying we have no childcare etc its not ideal but I don't want him working all hours trying to pay off this loan if we transfer it to another account. My option was to continue working once maternity is finished and the quit once the loan is paid. He says, take redundancy and transfer the loan to another account and he work overtime to pay it. I think my way will pay it quicker? Also, if I just ignore it the solicitor said technically way down the line Northern Rock can go for my half of the house. We can't transfer the house to hubby's name as we've just arranged this mortgage and we'd have to pay 8k early exit charge, also he can't afford to buy me out (according to the banks). Iv emailed his sister, she said there is nothing she can do either sorry etcetc Any ideas?? I'm at my wits end angry and annoyed at this moron I knew this would happen one day. I don't know what to do, looks like ill have to pay it and shut up? It's not fair! So. Is there any light at the end of this tunnel? What's the best way forward? Thanks everyone for your help.
  12. Thanks for the advice guys (or gals). Need to go away and consider my options.
  13. Which is exactly the response I received from the OU. They said, and I am paraphrasing - we are not preventing you from studying. We are simply unable to provide you with an OU Student Budget Account. So I can study, but will have to fund it via other means. Thanks for your help guys. Looks like I will have to contact GL and make some sort of arrangement. Either that or look into alternate funding sources.
  14. Ok. I'll do that, and update when I get a reply.
  15. Should I send that as a reply email to the one I received, asking me to contact Geoffrey Leaver?
  16. They haven't said anything other than "please contact Geoffrey Leaver on xyz telephone number and quote abc ref nr and sort out any outstanding balance before we will consider taking your study registration further". This was in reply to an email I sent them. No mention was made regarding the SB nature of the debt, by me or them. Would it make an iota of difference to them that it is SB, or would they simply say "no pay, no study"? I would hazard a guess, and say no and yes respectively. What do you think dx? Thanks for your input by the way.
  17. Hi all, I need some further guidance/advice. Some years ago, I started studying with the OU. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond my control as detailed elsewhere, I couldn't keep up with the payments. I ceased studying, and left it at that. I am now ready to dive back into the books and hopefully complete my studies this time around. However, having contacted the OU, they will not agree to finance my studies until I sort out the previous Budget Account. This is where Geoffrey Leaver comes in. They have been assigned the debt recovery. I believe they are solicitors? The debt is now well and truly SB'ed so I am not worried about it's enforceability. I'm just wondering what might be my best line of attack, considering that I would really like to study again. SB'ed can't be undone if I contact them to try and sort it out, even if I acknowledge the debt is mine? Should I see about making a full and final settlement of X pennies in the pound? Chances of success? To be brutally honest I am not even sure of the amount in question. The OU said to call them, but I am always wary of speaking to any of these people on the phone. Any advice will be gratefully accepted as always! Thanks.
  18. Hi all, A very quick question re limitations and 6 years. If a debt is SB'ed after 6 years, and I am going to also include debts that fall off your CRA file after 6 years (defaults/CCJ's), is there ANY (and I mean ANY) reason that it could become un-SB'ed or for the default/CCJ to come back (CRA or otherwise)? Under current law? Or even future law? Thanks. This is purely hypothetical of course.
  19. Thanks Brigadier, as always, your fountain of knowledge has come to the rescue.
  20. Hi all, just a quick update to my saga. The disputed debt is still gone, so hopefully that's that. Also my CCJ has expired and has gone from my CRA. Very soon a default will also drop off and my file will be squeaky clean again. Just for the purposes of clarification, if a CCJ or Default expires after the 6 year period, it can't come back onto my CRA right? Also, another quick conundrum : I am wanting to study (distance learning with a uni) and I have an unpaid student loan with said uni. It doesn't show on my CRA, so I assume it it is SB'ed? Thing is, they won't let me reregister until its paid off in full. So IF it is SB'ed, and IF I decided to make payment so I could study, would that start the clock again and un-SB it? Thanks for any advice guys. Appreciate it.
  21. Dx, default was reported as 2008, when it was still showing on Noddle. So nowhere near 6 years.
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