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Everything posted by spacecadet5767

  1. PS RW's letter states Cabot are the client. Aren't they a DCA?
  2. Ok let me try and clear things up. I've dealt with one of Lowell's claims and they have admitted SB and closed the account. I've sent the 'unequivocal proof' letter to Crapquest after they said there was a £1 payment. The 'proof' was rubbish and you advised holding out till 3 July in any event. This is another SB account from RW this time. The one above that I detailed numerous calls and texts etc. I sent the SB reiteration and included the harassment bit. Sorry if it's confusing but I'm dealing with multiple DCA's chasing multiple accounts. Not to mention dealing with my partners story on another thread (where you're being extremely helpful Brigadier! ) Any information needed just ask. It feels like just when I think I'm making headway another DCA appears!!!!!
  3. UPDATE: Received a response from RW. In it they say only a court can decide if something is SB, and even if I could prove SB doesn't mean the debt disappears. In any event, they go on to say that they dispute my SB claim, as according to them the account was opened Aug 2008 and defaulted Sep 2008 (the exact dates are 5 weeks apart). They have said that my phone number has been removed from the account but dispute any harassment claim. Where to from here? I don't recognise any account from that time period, not to mention that an account of 5 weeks in age smells fishy! Any help appreciated. PS My CRA is clean and has been for nearly 6 months.
  4. UPDATE: I got a reply from the court asking for a hard copy of the company's email where they confirm receipt of the money and that nothing else is outstanding. I sent a hard copy to the court manager as requested. Anybody know what happens next? Will we receive any kind of confirmation that the matter is officially closed and done and dusted? Thanks.
  5. UPDATE: Sent the 'I reiterate SB' letter along with a 'telephone harassment' paragraph included to RW. Also sent a letter from my wife, after she got one from SnottyCall demanding payment and threatening a home visit. I told them it's SB and we do NOT accept home visits!!! Sound good? Thanks.
  6. Ok, so I found the following template letters. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/content.php?420-Letter-to-use-if-a-DCA-still-try-to-collect-after-Statute-Barred http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/content.php?493-Harassment-by-telephone-response-letter Firstly are these the right letters? And secondly should I send the first one or the second or even both? Thanks.
  7. Thanks guys. I will start making a log of every call and voicemail. Also, I'll send RW the telephone harassment letter referencing the SB. See what happens after that and take it from there. Appreciate it as always.
  8. UPDATE: Hi guys. This is getting ridiculous. RW are starting to take the proverbial. Constant landline calls, constant mobile calls, and when missed or declined a never ending mountain of voicemails!!!! Do I just have to put up with it? What happened to their so called investigation into my SB claim? Doesn't chasing an SB debt when the alleged debtor has informed the alleged creditor in writing that said alleged debt is SB constitute harassment? It's bad enough when I have to deal with this myself but when I'm not the one picking up the phone I am concerned for my partner or worse children. Advise please?
  9. Thanks again everyone for all the help and support. You're all brilliant!
  10. UPDATE : My father has agreed, and already paid the original creditor, in full (thanks Dad). Having already sent the paperwork to the court and the creditor's solicitors, what should I do? I sent an email to the CCMCC centre advising the Court Manager that the debt has been paid and that I have had a confirmation email from them stating that the matter is now paid and settled in full and they consider the matter closed (is an email sufficient written proof?). Anything else I need to do? Do I need to write to the solicitors as well? Thanks.
  11. UPDATE : Hi Brigadier, I need your help again please. Had a phone call from Robinson Way regarding their alleged debt. This after I sent the SB letter and they sent a reply stating that they were investigating my SB claim. Since the letter regarding their pending investigation I have had no further communication from them. The person asked me to identify myself and run through the security questions. I refused to play ball and said I do not ever confirm/deny my identity and I assuredly never ever give out personal info over the phone to ANYONE! At that point I hung up. Advice? Another letter? Thanks.
  12. OK. Thanks again Brigadier. I'll update as and when anything happens.
  13. Thank you Brigadier. I'll leave it be for now then. Just out of curiosity, what did you mean by doing something silly?
  14. Alleged payment is July 2007. No repayment plan. And it would be a strange one at that if there were sporadic one off £1 payments with no set sequence?!?!?! I have NEVER made a CCA/SAR request to anyone EVER! Thanks.
  15. UPDATE : Hi Brigadier, I need your advise (and possibly another stern letter). I have just received a very thick envelope from Capquest, regarding the SB account, which they are claiming is not (due to a mysterious £1 payment). In it they have included a stack of photocopied statements from the original creditor, one of which contains the mysterious payment of £1, on the date they claim. However, nowhere on the statement or in the covering letter, does it state who made the payment, by what method etc etc. This isn't 'unequivocal' proof that I made any payment is it? They state in their letter, that this stack of photocopies proves that the account is not SB as a payment was made in the last 6 years and they await my letter/call for payment. Your help as always would be appreciated. Thanks.
  16. I will do as advised. A copy to the claimant's solicitor, and the original to the court manager of Northampton County Court. I will update as and when anything happens. Thanks again for your patient help Brigadier.
  17. We have decided to go ahead with your suggestion regarding the Tomlin Order/Mediation. I will be filling in the N9A form (Admission) with my partner's details etc. Also the part where it states (under section 11) that my partner can afford monthly payments of £xxx, and not full payment in one go, and state a short reason (unemployment/no savings/etc?) I will then return this form to the claimant's solicitors tomorrow via recorded delivery (or even special delivery?). Sound good so far? Then we wait for the next set of paperwork? Side question : As this is my partner's debt and not mine and action is being taken against my partner, can I be dragged into it, be expected to pay it for my partner, affect my CRA etc etc? Thank you.
  18. Thanks for that information Brigadier. As to the edited second section of the above question : Further to this, how do I go about making an application for mediation/Tomlin? I don't see any options for this on the Admission form. Only details of the claim and an Income/Expense section and payment details etc. Thanks for your help Brigadier.
  19. So if we decided on mediation and offered £xxx per month, there would be no need for a CCJ to be recorded, even though normally this only occurs if the payment is made within a month??? Correct? Further to this, how do I go about making an application for mediation/Tomlin? I don't see any options for this on the Admission form. Only details of the claim and an Income/Expense section and payment details etc. Thanks for your help Brigadier.
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