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Everything posted by missy

  1. Hi I am talking about a credit card. I did not start my own thread because I was asking the OP a question about their claim, which looks very similar to my position. I asked about the wording of the letter sent by the op and asked the op to clarify which calculator they used? regards
  2. Hi I am following this thread with interest as I am about to embark on a similar journey. Can I ask to see the wording of the letter you sent when you first asked for your money back. I am confused as to which compound interest calculator to use. In the posts above there is mention of calculators here and here When I test them they each give different figures. I think the diference is this. The calculator used on the egaLegal site gives you the option to set the calculation to be compounded monthly and the excel ss calculator compounds each payment annually. This creates quite a significant difference. In one a ppi payment of £9.79 on the 18 March 2004 with an APR of 20.89% shows interest of £28.21 and the web based calculator set to compound monthly gives £34.19. Obviously I would prefer to claim the latter but it has to be right. Regards Missy
  3. Can I still do that with this judicial review?
  4. Ok this is what I am going to do. I am going to send letter stating my PPI was mis sold, and demand money back including compound interest. I will give them 14 days to reply and if no satisfaction given then I will instigate a claim through the small claims court. How does that sound?
  5. The thing is they have sent all info except the ppi stuff. What I would be looking for is any documentation to show I signed to agree to this or an indication on how it just started. The clock is still ticking on the original 40 days so should I just ask for the info because they probably know I am going to ask for the money back. Is there a calculator to work out the interest due on PPI payments? How long did it take you to get your money back? Thanks again for your help. This site is a god send. Regards
  6. Hi Could you give me more info on how you proceded. Did you actually sign up for PPI or was it added like mine? How did you calculate your interest? What letter did you send asking for money back. Regards
  7. Thank you for your reply. Should I be more specific and ask for evidence of when I was supposed to have signed / agreed to start PPI?
  8. I have been reading about mis selling of PPI and how they sometimes do not pay out. It got me to thinking that as I work in the public sector and would recieve full pay for 6 months and half pay for 6 months in the event of sickness and the chances of losing my job is next to impossible then maybe I had been mis sold. I sent a SARN and what was revealed was my accound started in 2000 and the PPI kicked in misteriously in 2004. I do not remember signing anything to ask for PPI to start. In fact when I sent the sarn I asked for all information they held about me including any contracts etc and the only mention of PPI in the reply was: ' In regards to your request for all information relating to Payment Protection Insurance (PPI), I can confirm that under the Data Protection Act 1998 we are not obliged to send documents which do not contain any customer's data. If you wish to make a complaint regarding PPI you must contact us seperattly setting out the reasons for your complaint. However if payment protection insurance was added to the above account you would have been provided with all the relevant details of the PPI policy, including the terms and conditions.' I find the last sentence interesting. Does it mean PPI was just added and maybe I had so many days to reply to cancel? Is this the sort of thing they did. Lastly why is the information regarding PPI not covered by the SARN? Surely ALL information held by them about me should be revealed. Any help on how to procede would be very helpfull. Regards
  9. You can claim back as far as you want. The six years is from when the debt was known to you. I claimed back over 12 years from Halifax without a peep from them.
  10. Hi Thank you to everyone who has offered an answer. The point I am trying to make is if the account is in dispute then should the DCA stop reporting untill both parties resolve the problem. If not then what is the point in sending a letter with ACCOUNT IS NOW IN DISPUTE in bold across the top. I am sure there is a letter template in the library thas tells the account provider to stop reporting as the account is in dispute. Regards
  11. Hi I have an ongoing problem with a DCA after requesting a true copy of a signed CCA. I also sent a letter saying the account was in dispute and told the CRA to stop reporting. I am insisting the CCA is unenforcable the DCA said it is ok. This has been going on since Mar 2009 and I have had a defaulted payment mark against me for 22 months. I have written numerous times asking them to stop reporting until the matter is resolved. They say the debt is enforcable and will continue to report. In my last letter, Last Oct, I had had enough and said "if the debt is enforcable then take me to court". I have not heard back but they still continue to report. What can you advise please.
  12. Hi 2 days before Christmas I noticed Direct line had taken a double direct debit payment from my account. This was clearly an error and I asked the bank to honor the guarantee by giving me an immediate refund. They refused, and when asked why they said that too many people were asking for refunds when they had problems with direct debits and they were having problems getting this money back from the companies involved. So is this guarantee worth the paper it is written on?
  13. Last August my daughter who is a named driver on my policy had an accident in my car. As a result my premiums went up. What I did not notice due to me not checking, was the premmiums increased from £40/month to £120/month. I finall noticed this month and contacted Direct Line who said that my no claims had dropped from 5 years to 1 year. I thought the premiums excessive and shopped around. I found another company that would insure me for £30 even with 1 Years no claims. I contacted Direct line to initiate cancelling my policy and when asked why I explained as above. However after checking I was told the reason for the big drop in no claims was that the accident last august had been entered twice and it showed 2 accidents in 1 day. My no claims was increased to 3 years. I then realised I had been overpaid nearly £400 due to their error. I asked for this money to be refunded to me and was told I could not have it back and that because I paid by direct debit then the overpayment would be deducted from the rest of the years premiums. I was not happy abut this and asked if there would be a charge for cancelling my policy and was told £30. I said I would be ok with that and asked if i would get the £400 refunded when the policy was cancelled and was told, no, I would lose it. I then agreed to have the original option of having it deducted from my balance but the new payments were still £60 obviously more than the other quote. I now feel trapped by Direct Line where if I leave I lose £400 and if I stay I have to pay more that that qoated by another company. Can they do this?
  14. Its been a while but I was wondering if anyone had any advise on the above point? Thanks
  15. Thanks for replying The point I was making was that whilst the account was in dispute then all reporting on the account had to stop. missy
  16. Hi I have just checked my credit history with check my file and found out that 1st Credit have registered a default against my account every month since march 2009. This obviously makes my credit file look very bad. Now I thought that when in the process of checking CCA agreements all reporting had to stop. Can I get these defaults removed? Missy
  17. Hi Update, Ist Crud have still not supplied evidence of a valid CCA and I have now received a demand from Mackenzie Hall demanding full settlement. I thought that if a CCA request had been sent and not resolved then the account was "in dispute" and could not be passed on to another DCA. Can someone please advise as the deadline is tomorrow. Should I contact MH or !st Crud Regards Missy NB I have found the appropriate letter in the library.
  18. Hi Thanks again to everyone helping me work through this. Update: 1st have written back saying they have basically sent me everything everything they have and the CCA is on numerous individual pages due to the limitations of photocopying. So by their own admission they have not provided me with a 'true copy of the original CCA'. Does anyone have any advice on how I should proceed. Thanks Missy
  19. Hi Just wondering if anyone can please point me in the right direction on this one. I am not sure how to frame the letter to 1st regarding these defaults. I am not very good at putting these kinds of letters together so they make sense. Or if someone knows of a template. Missy
  20. Thank babybear I have had a look in the library and did not see a template to help with the wording. I have also searched for a thread but have not been successful. Can anyone help me by suggesting a format to send to 1st with regards to these illegal defaults. I am not sure how to tackle it. Should I ask then to provide evidence of the default notice that was sent etc. Missy
  21. Thanks for the advice Babybear39. Should I also contact 1st to get the defaults removed, maybe with some kind of threat of legal action? Missy
  22. Hi I have just checked my credit history with CheckMyFile and I am shocked at what I find. 1st have registered a default with Equifax in Jan 2009 and a note on the account saying Account closed on 31/01/2009 with an outstanding balance of £x,xxx.00 A default with CallCredit registered in March 2009 and a symbol each month after showing an icon of a padlock. The legend for the padlock means Transaction not received this month This means that the lender operating the account has not provided your account information to the credit reference agency this month, sometimes due to the lender keeping the account status private. Now this has caused my credit score to drop. I do not remember 1st sending me a default notice in Jan and in March. This account is in dispute and I thought they were not allowed to do this. Any ideas on how to proceed with this please.
  23. update Received letter from 1st saying they are going to ask original lender for true copy of CCA. Why could they have not done that months ago????
  24. Hi Thanks for that. My point is not the figures being incorrect but I did not see the figures when I signed. I thought a valid CCA had to have all the elements as part of 1 document however I was only shown 1 page. Missy
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