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i hate bailiffs

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Everything posted by i hate bailiffs

  1. As you know n power do not care about you of any of their customers They will proceed with the warrant and trash credit file I would change supplyer any one is better than them As the ombudsman upheld your complaint I would send n power one last letter headed letter before action Then issue a court claim against them
  2. You have seen how they operate they will be trying to rack up fees No harm in contacting local councillors and explaining the situation to them with job situation And how you move forwards sorting this as you do not need any enforcement fees added on How you have clearly made payments ahead of agreed and how bristow and stupid can't manage it No harm in trying perhaps council will take it back given situation If you get a bailiff visit keep them out No right of entry no locksmith
  3. Confused have you court paperwork and submitted a defence already Please answer the question asked by HB
  4. That paint on sealer is brilliant stuff for a temp repair It is not a perminant fix and cheep to buy so way overpriced. Frankly the bloke is a cowboy and will not resolve this unless he puts a new roof on You have seen how he works he won't change now
  5. As this was brought over the phone You would of paid by card If not forthcoming with a refund simply do chargenack via your bank
  6. What they are doing is a [problem] Getting deposits of people as many as they can to secure the property I expect they will leave the flat shortly as their victims will have a moving in date
  7. That's good now you have a paper trail\ incident number In the event of taking things further with retailer\ insurance ect BEKO had faulty fridges that were catching fire Not a good track record however yours may be a one off
  8. Perhaps it may be a good idea to contact the fire service and see if fire investigation are interested in doing a report / investigation of the incident It may help for any insurance claim
  9. Simple answer at this point No No locksmith no right of entry No pushing past you The bailiff is relying on fear and intimidation as there is not a great deal they can do If they are kept outside of your property There is no arrest either
  10. There is no right of entry to your home and you do not need to let them in Goods outside are at risk but if they are not worth anything or not there not worth taking If they can not enforce this debt and no entry to property not a lot they can do Given time it will get passed back to council but that may take some time Complain to council about their agents demands Contact local MP and councillors
  11. Being suspended is not a form of punishment in any way It is a neutral act that will allow any investigation to progress And not allow the situation to get any worse Do not contact any work colleagues in any way wile this is underway
  12. Union would be a good move Also time keeping needs sorting All the time you are early no one notices when you are late they all do Would you employ someone who was late regularly ? sort time keeping!
  13. Stick to court time line Otherwise you may well end up with a ccj against you by default I also have court paperwork from them this week I expect they are doing a big batch at once
  14. The amount of money the councils waste on pointless things It must be their way to get some back from those who can least afford it
  15. They send out loads of claim forms And panic people to pay in full Or accept the debt and get a ccj They don't expect people to challenge them Sounds like statue barred check dates to make sure
  16. Stay away from Anglian you will get a better price,build,quality from a local caring building or glazing firm Anglican are top prices poor quality I have used them in the past learnt the hard way
  17. I very much doubt the bailiffs are collecting both fines together they will probably be dealt with separately There is indeed forced entry for court fines Sounds like letters been ignored until now
  18. As one door closes another door opens................ May be the start of better new things
  19. The money is long gone Chance of getting money after this time is low to nothing Court would not work after this amount if time passing Try luck at lottery chances of winning are far higher!
  20. Pay TW directly Ignore the debt collector Any communication in writing
  21. Sounds to me like the bailiffs have tried to collect and failed There last attempt to get you to pay them is to threaten you with prison Sounds like you are at thee stage where bailiffs move on to another victim and hand your account back to the council I would make sure bailiffs have no levy of goods outside car ect And keep them out of your property there is little they can do Any further action will be stopped with a repayment arrangement Sit tight and wait for it to be handed back to council If you do not hear anything contact the council
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