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Everything posted by burlyb

  1. he isnt getting the picture Nyst you'll have to be cruel to be kind 'to yourself' and for gods sake have someone with you when you tell him to leave you alone 'or else'
  2. me..............submerged ok seriously .................I have no idea
  3. a real fear that there will be 1,000's of Deyan Deyanov's coming this way as from January 2014 and lets face it HE had freedom to leave that third world stink hole to wander free and do that terrible thing to that poor lady decapitate that bastard do the world a favour
  4. I hope you get this sorted Nyst just dont be pressured into anything and if it does not feel right then just do what YOU feel is right.....report him if he wont take the hint. Billy and i got in to see a doctor tomorrow I pushed and they fell over ha ha ha
  5. Having to dial 0845 numbers quite a lot it was noted by virgin media so they called me to offer me any number of calls to 0845 numbers per month for the sum of £2.00 so I decided to go with their flow on that one and to be honest it has saved me a few squid since then due to the amount of times I have had to call HMRC DWP and other 0845 rip off numbers
  6. Trying to get through on the phone for going on 20 minutes to make an appointment to get Billy to see a doctor due to he has been waiting for a fresh appointment to be sent from GP surgery 'that has not come as yet' so he can be re-checked over for his epilepsy and now he's had another fit so I needed to get this done and wake - shake them up a bit I also need a new sick note before the 20th or I will lose my sick pay and trying to get this past receptionist just now and then the woman giving me a curt GOODBYE so I stopped her in her tracks and without shouting at her but raising my voice an octave she decided to cry and start to blubber......WTF....all I want are answers NOT more bullcrap and lies so I await the call from the new surgery manager so he or she can have a pop at me and if the call is not made to me by 11 am I will be there at the surgery...............I need answers thats all and for them to be open and honest and NOT have me hanging on the phone for almost 20 minutes to be told................NOTHING and I will not stand for it:mad2:
  7. It's funny I too had a semi dealing with someone for HMRC on the 12th.....I told their BERK to walk away in jerky movements.....I hope that ended up on their recording too
  8. bless her little sweetie too tiny and too young to have gone. Keep your chin up both of you Peter my 59th birthday today and it was the 14th aniversary of my wifes cremation yesterday so i'll never forget either date
  9. get in touch with the stores in the area to ask if they can all check their cctv's I had a problem with a nasty bast about 18 months ago the person damaged my truck and thought he got away with it but he hadnt accounted for the shop external cctv and my having a friend who works in the shop....he thought he got away with it
  10. ahhh ok it's just that I heard a joke about 'vagisil' once and thought I'd try to cheerNyst up but she can take your advice on board and hopefully chuckle at mine
  11. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm S/G reads a bit kinky to me tell you what Nyst ....tell me where you live and I'll pop down there 'no punn intended' and I'll slap the mixture on 'only joking luv I have some idea of what the pain is due to my late wife suffered with it at times. is vagisil not any good.........thats an apt name isnt it 'vag-is-il'l
  12. It would be great on there Dotty and another thing made me smile today....meeting up with a lovely friend who's had her share of crap and having a lovely extended lunchtime chat and put the world to right....she's lost a kidney and the other one is failing her too now poor luv I'll have to make more time for her but for now I'm off to meet some old friends at a bereved group.....left the group about 6 years ago and now feel a new need to go back 'they meet in a sports place that has a bar' so thats a bonus
  13. Sorry to read this about Martin I was shocked and sad to see this had happened he was a good bloke and helped me out on here a few months ago and RIP Martin and my and my son's condolence to his family
  14. being told by a high level consulatant that the terrible sharp pains that are in the vertebrae in the nape of my neck are from wear and tear and age.........what a load of old b-ll-ks....I had no problems with my neck AT ALL untill I tripped on that path in August 2011....he also admitted that he'd not even heard of nor seen the paperwork for the second MRI scan let alone the full body scan I had in november 2011 nor the ultra sound scan I'd had on the lump on my breastbone and when I asked about the x-ray to my forehead and the indent I now have in it due to my head hitting the pavement.........NOTHING was mentioned so I will now be contacting the solicitor tomorrow to give her the heads up on this latest load of shyte I've had to listen to from this local NHS bunch of cocks
  15. Just had a mush con his way into my house to for a survey and here I was thinking ok i'll give him a few minutes of my time and with him NOT selling anything due to I warned him NOT to be a jahovas wit-less or a seller of tripe and crud I allowed him in my porch.....he then went onto the on screen survey and it got to about 3-4 minutes in and I asked him how much longer and he then said ...almost finished and then asked me if I'd like £1,000.00 off a viking river cruise and i said aye up mush the survey was finished he looked at me and said..........oh erm ok then left by his very QUICK own accord he got out the door faster than he walked in
  16. getting an invite from P&O ferries to go on a return day trip to France for £23.00 and a free 6 bottle case of Piat D'Or wine thrown in too ....it's worth that just for the plonk.....I'll have to see if the lads want to go....we have till the 28th of feb to go ....could be a nice thing formy buffdi thats on the 13th lol:-o
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