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Everything posted by burlyb

  1. Reading that Cameron was going to warn other EU leaders 'theres a joke there already' about the UK leaving the EU ....sorry but I see that as yet another smokescreen for we the BRITISH public and that 'was' is NOT 'will' leave.......................he again shows he's gutless and needs to go.....we need solid backbones here in the UK Nigel Farage on questiontime got it right last night
  2. they mailed me a questionaire this morning .....I ripped into them and told them that their costs are too high and that we are NOT all in this together
  3. I had a run in with them too on wednesday and I'm sick to my back teeth of Vigin......it's gone from being a good company to one of utter selfishness and Branson needs to get a grip of where his companies are trying to drag US the paying public
  4. reading that Thom Yorke will sue the s--t out of Cameron if he tries to use radio head music for his election campaign......Thom hates bankers and their ilk
  5. I'm trying the tesco meatballs today .....I'm told they are the dog's bo--ocks
  6. I bet Tesco are fuming about the donkey killed by the Google street map car .....look at all the burgers they could have made:violin: poor donkey
  7. I had a death threat this morning........woke up with a tesco burger on my pilow:| tesco veggie burgers are being tested for traces of uniquorn:-) to beef or not to beef............thats is equestrian:-) I think I should have started this on another thread lol
  8. sucker doobries to be attached to...................just be carefull in you're replies ha ha
  9. shot to bits now having returned from what I thought would be a nice bracing stroll .....I keep forgetting that this cold air is going to try to rip my lungs in half Big fire in the grate now though and re-joining the widowed group here can wait another week now....I'm staying home now tonight
  10. nay nay:-)....I knew they would not be on their shelves furlong
  11. hence 'and they're off' lol they also found that tesco beef burgers have a higher than average Shergar content than other burgers
  12. looking in my fridge today at the date on my Tesco beef burgers and they're off
  13. yes D/T and barclays had to give it back .....what a bunch of a-holes to have ripped off so many people for so much money....no wonder Cameron didnt hammer them like he should have done he'd have hammered his daddy and their ilk too:-x:mad2:
  14. we'll probably read it was yet another 'LET LOOSE' by a white coated ologist with a bunch of letters after their name who foresaw that the said person is no longer any threat to society and they will stake their PHD on it but still they keep their job.....how wrong will this be again I said probably
  15. this is exactly why this should not stop now this is why there should be follow ups to arrest anyone who was in management at the BBC back then to be taken to police stations and arrested for something ....anything whereby they can be prosecuted ....a witch hunt ....not just a hunt for the wrong do-ers and their **** helpers who turned away from the children who were attacked
  16. I doubt it will be right while the abusers have people in powerfull offices who will skim over their abuse...............I'd like to see a whole raft of investigations that go further than where they are at now and to even look into others who live in the BIG house who have friends who were investigated a few years back into their child abuse
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