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Darren MO

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Everything posted by Darren MO

  1. How do you pay these token payments of like £10-£20 i don't want to be payment transactions fees all the time.
  2. How much have you ended up being told you have to repay is it just the loan amount + 1 months interest
  3. They are very good i owe £680 and they have set up a repayment plan over 6 months no added interest or charges.
  4. Sorry what i meant to say was what could i do to stop them harrassing me?
  5. So Fredrickson's just represent the company they don't buy the debt?
  6. See the problem i have is they have work contact numbers for me.
  7. Did you get alot of phone calls from them too? Even on weekends?
  8. I have a pre paid bank card.But how would i stop them ringing me and sending the letters once i have paid back what i owe and 1 months interest. This is my main worry right now.
  9. I am going to default with these on sunday so am expecting the harrasment, i bet they ring on a sunday too don't they,
  10. If i payed them off what i owe though how would i stop them chasing me for the interest and charges?
  11. I have told them that for now until a repayment plan is in place i will make token payments as and when i can i am going to do the same with Mini credit, If i do pay off what i borrowed plus 1 months interest how do i go about making them either leave me alone or take me to court to get the interest because once i have paid i do not want to be continually getting phone calls and being harrased.
  12. I Know what your saying and i know you say amount owed plus 1 months interest but it worries me when they add money on, because i am worried i will end up having to pay it all. If it goes to a debt collection agency do they normally settle for the original amount plus 1 month, i know what you are saying and for now i am going to concerntrate on paying off the lenders that are willing to accept payment plans and payday express and Mini credit can get token payments of £5- £10 when i can.
  13. I have just rang Payday express and they are not budging on the i do not qualify for a payment plan stance, because i havn't had reduced work hours, become unemployed or fell ill i just don't know what to do with them.
  14. Still had no luck with these and my local trading sat they can't do anything and say the charges might be right which is shocking i have contacted FOB too about Pay day express i also know that Mini credit are going to be a pain in the arse and i am just going to give them money as and when i can for now £10 here and there. On a more positive note i have now set up repayment plans withCash Genie Speed e Loans24/7 MoneyboxTxt LoansTower CapitalWongaQuickquidSo i do feel like i am getting there very slowly.
  15. I would love to hear from people who have resolved there problems with Mini Credit as i want to pay them back but know they will never accept a repayment plan so i am wondering if i save up the amount i owe if they will accept it as payment then.
  16. What would i be better doing saving money up and keeping it to one side to pay them or paying them £50 a month even though they won't give me a repayment plan.
  17. I know what you are saying but its like my mum is worried and there phoning work and it has to stop.
  18. What i mean is i borrowed £160 + £40 interest = amount i was suppose to pay back = £200 + 1months interest on £200 = £250
  19. i am offering £250 as £200 was due and 50 is 1 month interest on £200
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