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Everything posted by Gick

  1. If he did not provide the policy details and the company name is in question, you could report this to the police as failing to provide details after an accident. Although it is twelve months ago, they may follow it up as it is possible that he was NOT insured and also provide a reference number for your insurance company to support your claim against the third party. You need to push your insurance company.
  2. Quoting the reference number, just tell them that it has been brought to your attention that they have been writing to you as registered keeper at an incorrect address as you have moved. Tell them that all correspondence should be sent to ....... Their address is:- Smart Parking Limited Unit 43, Elmdon Trading Estate Bickenhill Lane Birmingham B37 7HE Do not go into details as you could quickly identify yourself as the driver and thus remove one of the hurdles that PPCs need to climb to successfully pursue you. As I posted above, they are not interested in reason, as being reasonable does not make them any money. Their response is likely to be that now that it has been passed to Zenith collections you should deal with them. However, unless they have assigned the 'debt' to Zenith which is not likely - they are just acting as Debt Collectors - only Smart Parking Ltd or their tame solicitors can take/institute action.
  3. Please don't phone. You need a paper trail in case they try for a judgement in default by deliberately sending letters to your old address. Not so Smart Parking will not be interested in your explanation, they make no money by accepting appeals!
  4. Sorry, need to correct my previous post, mixing two sections of the legislation. however the saving grace is that the legislation requires the notification to be made forthwith making it not a continuing offence, so the statute of limitationsicon means that after 6 months of it ceasing to be your permanent address they cannot pursue you, unless they can prove that you moved subsequently (the 6 months clock then starts again). is for the notification of change of ownership. If you were pursued by DVLA your mitigation would be that you did not have a permanent address (if that was so) and you still had connection with the registered address through your family. Sorry again for confusion.
  5. This would imply that you have not updated your address as Registered Keeper at DVLA. This does mean that you have committed an offence in not notifying a change of address, however the saving grace is that the legislation requires the notification to be made forthwith making it not a continuing offence, so the statute of limitations means that after 6 months of it ceasing to be your permanent address they cannot pursue you, unless they can prove that you moved subsequently (the 6 months clock then starts again). You should however update DVLA now, also your driving licence will need updating/renewing if not yet done . Am I right in believing that it was you only, left the marital home and your wife and family still live there? If this was an acrimonious split it could be that your wife deliberately witheld any earlier letters. Do not telephone or email any PPC. As you have not received the Notice to Keeper the best thing is to write to (not so) Smart Parking as the registered keeper notifying them of your current address, getting free proof of posting at your local Post Office. The reason for not telephoning or emailing is that doing so gives them a free means of harrassing you and last minute service of papers should it get so a court claim. If you can, ask your son or (if relations are now better with your ex), your wife to pass any further letters on to you so that you do not miss a County Court claim and subsequent judgement by default. If it gets as far as a court claim you will be able to get copies of the NTK, which if you post a redacted copy here can be examined by the experts and the necessary action advised.
  6. In your initial post you say that the drivers exchanged details. Do you still have the paper on which these deatails of the other driver were noted and did these include the insurance company and policy number? Were these details the same as those that you subsequently obtained from your own company? I am have difficulty understanding why you are doing the running with Arriva when it is your insurance company who should be claiming the repair costs from the third party. They should also be assisting you in recovering your excess and any other expenses to which you have been subject. It is not unusual for claims for repair on your vehicle to result in a 'fault' claim on renewal, until such time as their costs are met by the third party.
  7. You should remove the reg number from your post. You may be in time to do so by using the edit button
  8. You have identified yourself as the driver a) . I was unaware of ANY signage until alerted .... b) I claim that I did not see or read any sign due to there being none....
  9. Although the suggestions may help other viewers of the thread, it does not help the OP who has already lost entitlement on their licence. The only way beyond what has been suggested, SAR request etc would be:- a) if you have ever hired a vehicle, especially motorcycle, the hire company may have a photocopy on file. b) if you have ever been employed in a position where you drove company vehicles, the employer may have a photocopy on file. c) If you have committed an endorseable offence, DVLA can be directed to that date frame to search records (more specific than a SAR request). d) If you have had a claim on insurance, the company may have a photocopy on file. Unfortunately there is no magic bullet to direct you to a successful outcome. Sorry.
  10. What a stupid suggestion! All it will do is confirm to the Housing Association that you believe the vehicle should not be parked there. If the number plates are removed it will increase the claim that it has been abandoned. You need to do what others have previously suggested and obtain definitive clarification from Land Registry as to whom is the Landowner of the car park area.
  11. But that is in variance to your line 'Please note that I refuse to pay your demands and decline your invitation to name the driver, neither of which are required of me as the keeper of the vehicle.' in post #5. As others regularly point out in PPC threads, doing so reduces the hurdles, created by POFA 2012, that they have to jump.
  12. The 'O dear' is because you have identified the driver!
  13. You misunderstand dx's post. He is confirming that the PPC have complied with the requirement, unless notified of a change, to issue proceedings to the address supplied by DVLA as the registered keeper at the time of the alleged offence. The situation of moving following receipt of a PCN is one where ignoring is not the best course of action. However it is what it is and you must now deal with the situation in hand. dx says 'but being a good boy as far as updating all public records will guarantee that you get the set aside as you can show a decent prospect of overturning the original judgement.[/i]' Edit note - sorry dx I was compiling my post whilst you were answering.
  14. If it were my wife I would be very concerned as she could be a danger to herself and others on the roads if she had bouts of feeling faint. I assume then that you do not let her drive when she is having her period?
  15. The change of colour to yellow background for threads does not work for me! It is more difficult to differentiate between the bold for un-read threads and those that I have already viewed. If there was to be a change, why not use a different colour to indicate read/unread threads?
  16. This thread should be moved to the Private Parking Forum
  17. As there could easily be a computer glitch, doing it at midnight could unfortunately result in a loss of the next month's refund. I suggest that, providing that you both have off road parking at the propsed place of transfer (at your brother's according to post#1), you each do a SORN on the 30th when you have finished using the individual vehicle. You then can take your time doing the ownership transfer and retax the 'new' vehicle on 1st.
  18. Unless there has been a Stopping order by the council, Market Street is an adopted road already, it was a through road from Wellingborough Rd to Kettering Rd. The construction site access road is a seperate spur and will likely belong to the developer.
  19. Gick

    Road tax quandry

    Just a reminder that there have been several threads here about DVLA penalizing keepers who have not 'paid' the zero tax due on their class of vehicle. So in September you will need to go on line and compete the re-tax form although no monies will be due, assuming no change of status.
  20. I think he is looking for Performance Trade Centre Northampton back to being called Northampton Autosports
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