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Everything posted by CookieRocks

  1. What I meant was, DRP state the date of chrage was [e.g.] 23/12 whereas the claim form pocs state the date of issue as [e.g.] 28/12 - 5 days difference. I'd have thought both dates should be the same? I myself was driving. Took my friend who is on crutches to the Retail Park for him to look at furniture/ carpets for his house. If I was to return the claim form in the way you suggest, what is the likely scenario thereafter?
  2. Hi I've been trying to get hold of the Landowner, but so far, no response to any of my emails, will give it a couple more days. There is one important thing of note in my case, which I need advice for: The car belongs to my father [owner/ registered keeper], who resides abroad, he only comes back maybe twice a year. At the time PE issued the Charge, he was not in the country... nor will he be here for the for the next few months. Obviously, the Claim Form is addressed to him. I can't acknowledge the Claim in his name, so do I need to do a Stat Dec? If so, how does that work? Whilst going through the a few of the letters that have been sent, I noticed that Debt Recovery plus has one date and the Claim Form shows an issued date as 5 days later... does this mean anything? Thanks to all for their help so far. Regards
  3. Hi DanDeerskin... The thread that CB linked is mine. The current state of affairs is: Co-Op won't deal with it, as you have found out, they have passed it onto Wescot, with their client being The SFA. I went to the FOS with my complaint, and they say that the Co-Op are within their rights to Default you and pass it to a third party collector. An extract from a reply from the FOS: "As discussed, the loan agreement, signed by [your name], was a Professional Career Development Loan that operates differently than other forms of credit - this is part of the indemnity that the business is the provider for. Therefore, in situations where customers are unable to make the contractual repayments due to financial hardship, the debt is passed to a third party and a mutually acceptable repayment plan agreed. These are the terms that [your name] agreed to. I've got a week to decide whether I want an Ombudsman Review, but at this stage, I'm not sure whether it's worth it or if anything will come of it. As CB has pointed out, it might just end up at a point where I might have to deal with Wescot to come to a mutual payment agreement. Regards
  4. Thanks for amending the thread title citizenB. I take it that I need to acknowledge the claim by 27 July at the latest, via MCOL? This is interesting. I'd like fellow Caggers opinions on this point too. Regards
  5. I guess my last post kinda asked for this Seems like the company has got itchy fingers lately. Today received Claim Form from PE. Attached is a redacted copy, which includes their POCs. Issue Date is 08/07/2013. What's the next step? Thanks in advance.
  6. Hi Margaret, Surprisingly, I received the ESA85 within 2 days of requesting. I went through it briefly on Saturday, and you were absolutely right. It's no better, in fact it's very repetitive in what it says, literally every section has a word for word copy of the same text. Annoying to say the least. Anyways, I'll try go through it over the next few days, and take it to my GP on Tuesday. A couple of question if I may: Generally speaking, how long do I have from this point on to submit further information/ evidence to them regarding my appeal? On average, how long does an appeal take? Assuming that they accept my initial appeal? I've heard it can take weeks, months upto maybe a year-ish. Regards
  7. Hi Starryeyes52 Firstly you're very welcome for the ESA3. If it helps others and is useful, it was worth posting it up. In regards to the GL24, I'd actually just sent it off before I'd noticed your post. I did write what I'd initially thought of briefly, but I added that that I believe that I meet the following.... XYZ descriptors and that I believe that the HCP's account of the assessment was flawed and untrue. That I'd be sending further information/ evidence once I get the ESA85. I just wanted to get it sent off as soon as possible, to avoid any delay with ESA payments. I'm hoping that there won't be too much of a delay, as my next payment would have been in 2 weeks anyways. I see my GP and Hospital Consultant in the next few weeks, so hopefully I'll have things sorted by then. Next time, I think I'll wait a few days before sending things off
  8. Thanks for your reply abc123def. Is something along these lines enough for section 8: 'I wish to appeal against your decision finding me fit for work, I believe my capacity for work is limited and will send the tribunal as well as your office a full submission when I finally receive the ESA 85 assessment report. Please note, I wish to be paid the assessment rate whilst waiting for the appeal to be heard.' Kind regards
  9. Hello everyone. So, I had the dreaded WCA 'medical' 6 weeks ago and the brown envelope finally arrived yesterday giving me a grand total of ZERO points. Obviously annoyed with that, but I thought I'd read it all and came to the ESA65 which was a brief summary from the HCP's 'findings, thoughts, opinions' or something along those lines. All I can is wow. I mean, I've read around the forum, and was expecting there to be some sort of sillyness from the HCP, but I was gobsmacked with the bare faced lies that was written down. Things that didn't even happen were there, things that weren't even spoken about were there, things there were talked about weren't there. I've already contacted the BDC to inform them that I will be appealing. Was told to download the GL24 which I have done, and have also asked to be sent a copy of the ESA85. Hoping to get it by the end of the week or sometime next week at the latest (I can only hope). A couple of questions I have if anyone can help me. I would like to send the GL24 off tomorrow, does section 8 need to be have detailed reason(s) as to why I am appealing? Or would I short paragraph be enough to start the appeal process, whilst I gather further and supplementary evidence from GP and Consultants to be sent a little later. When I spoke to BDC on the phone, I informed them that my current MED3 certificate is still valid until mid July. They said that I don't need to send another MED3 certificate with the GL24 as long as before the current one expires that I send another one to cover the period after. Is this accurate? In regards to being put back onto the assessment rate whilst appealing, according to the BDC, it's an automatic process once they allow the appeal. Is it wise to still write that I wish to be put back onto the assessment rate on the GL24? Lastly (for now at least) when sending further/ supplementary evidence, does it all have to be sent within this one month period given for the appeal? Obviously, I can counter all the Lies and BS that the HCP spouted once I get the ESA85, which would be included as part of the evidence I expect to send them further down the line. Sorry if these questions are tedious ones, I just want to get things clear in my head, so I can get this process moving correctly without messing up. Thanks in advance for any and all help provided. Kind Regards
  10. Thanks for looking in BankFodder. No, the complaint hasn't been posted up. On the form that they asked me fill in to initiate the complaint, I wrote a brief outline of the whole issue, although having looked at it, it's not centered on your final point. As already mentioned, I have the option to reply to the Adjudicator. What advise would you give in regards to how to word the correct reply, encompassing the issue in hand? Thanks for your help. Kind regards
  11. Hi. I believe this is Dalton Philips' email address. dalton.philips@ morrisonsplc. co.uk (remove the spaces) Good luck. Let us know what happens. Regards
  12. It's all a bit annoying to be honest. I'd be interested in what others have to say re: BCOBs as that seems an avenue that could be opened up. From the FOS' reply it doesn't seem like they have taken BCOBs into account, as I did include it in my initial complaint. Hopefully someone will be able to advise in that regard. Maybe BankFodder will get a chance to look in before my deadline of 25/06/2013. Thanks once again.
  13. Hi. FOS have investigated and their response is attached. Is this the end of the battle or is there something further I should/could argue. Thanks
  14. Hi citizenB. Wescot have stated their client is the Skills Funding Agency. It's in all their letters that they have sent. Do you think I should write to them and question that point?
  15. That was my thought too in regards to the Reduced Settlement Offer, already. I thought they'd wait for a while before dishing that out, especially since there is confusion over who owns it. Co-Op or S.F.A. At this stage whats clear is that Westcot are 'collecting' on behalf of their client. I've attached it below if it helps. There's no PPI, nor any penalty charges that I'm aware of. I've got a copy of the original agreement, looks all in order. Would it be worthwhile CCA-ing them to see what they have? I've not Sar'd the Co-Op as yet. I didn't think there'd be a need to do that. At no point has it been denied that the loan does exist nor has it been disputed. Might be worthwhile though, gathering any and all info whilst waiting for the FOS to quit twiddling their idle thumbs I guess. I'll get my sister to check the CRA files the next few days.
  16. Back with an update (not much has happened so far). FOS have taken the case on, issued a reference number and have written to the Co-Op asking for their side of the story. Apparently this can take up to 12 weeks, or I will be contacted within 12 weeks. I forget which way round it is. In the meantime, I wrote to Wescot to inform them that the account is in Official Dispute. They've replied back saying their client has not heard from FOS at all. Reading the letters more closely, I've noticed that Wescots' client is The Skills Funding Agency and not The Co-Operative Bank. The account numbers which they quote is the same as Co-Op number. As far as I'm aware, the contract that was signed was and is with The Co-op. So I'm a bit confused in that respect. On Wescots' last letter they said they will put a 30 day hold on the account, however, the very next day they sent a 'discount offer letter. call us with a reasonable offer and we'll consider it'. I find that strange. Should I write a short letter to Wescot querying why their client is SFA and not Co-Op?
  17. Yeah figured as much. I saw that link the other day, I guess it just goes to show the lengths of stupidity PPC's will go to just to try earn a bit more dough for themselves.. Emphasis on 'try'. Will continue to ignore until/ unless they start throwing about a claim form. I'm hoping the fact that I've had the customary three letters from DR+ should be the end of it, unfortunately if they give up on me then they'll go bother others, which sucks, but what can you do. Yeah I've noticed and read that Parking Eye seem to be throwing around these claim forms, and if it comes to that then I'll defend it. In fact, part of me is willing them to do it, just so I can see their faces when they lose at the end. I'd love to hear them defending their 'loss'. £150 + costs for overstaying by approx 10 mins.
  18. I've received a couple more letters from DR+ but I've continued to ignore them.They just seem like a lot of more bluster from them, but I suppose I need to keep an eye out on what happens in the near future.
  19. No HB, I'm the friend who referred JDfied to this community in the first instance, when he first talked to about his sister's issue. Regards
  20. Hi HB. I am posting on his behalf, because he is not able to come online, and he spoke to me on the phone and asked me to post what I have done on his behalf. Hope that clears any misunderstanding. Hopefully he'll be able to post himself soon. But I said I would post the previous post in the meantime. Regards
  21. Hi again. So this morning my sister received a letter. The following is it's contents: "I am writing to you in relation to suspected offences of fare evasion, contrary to the Regulations Railways Act 1889, section 5 and/or London Regional Transport Byelaws 2000. I am the inspector in charge of investigating these suspected offences and require to interview you under caution, in relation to these matters. Failure to reply to this letter in the next 7 days, may result in a summons being issues in relation to the above offences." Can anyone break down what the above means? I already spoke to the investigating Inspector, but he won't say anything over the phone. Needs to arrange a mutual day/ time for the interview so they can caution her, explain their investigation and ask for her response. He said she doesn't have to attend but if she does that then they will pass the pass to the prosecution team, and then they will decide what should be done with the case. Any advice? Thanks in advance. Regards Edit: Posted on behalf of JDfied.
  22. Hi citizenB Just got a letter from Westcott. It says they have been instructed by their clients to collect the outstanding balance on their behalf.
  23. In case you need it. Regards
  24. Thanks. I'll get onto it today. Hopefully speak to the FOS tomorrow initally by phone. Regards
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