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Everything posted by CookieRocks

  1. Hi Ims, thanks for the reply. Even I can't seem to find any further information about it. It's just a shame that I've only found one years worth of statements (1993). This premium would definitely not have been needed. In terms of the amount, from January - September it was £5.25 per month; October - December £6.25 per month. As you said, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Do you suggest I use the CI spreadsheet, and if so what APR do I use? Thanks
  2. Hi there. I recently cleaned out the garage for the first time in 4 years and came across various statements from 1993. On a bunch of TSB statements, I came across something called 'Motoring Club Premiums' which was paid monthly. I have attached a PDF showing this. My question really is, can it be claimed back. I've asked my old man if he remembered taking it out, and he's sure he didn't. I have thought about sending a SAR to Lloyds, but I assume that they'd sit behind the 6 year rule, so didn't send the SAR off. However, if I do SAR them and they turn back to me and say they don't have data that far back, will the fact that I have these statements work in my favour, IF the 'Motoring Club Premiums' are indeed worth reclaiming. Any advice would be warmly appreciated. Thanks Motoring Club Premium.pdf
  3. ian.odoherty@bank of america.com (remove the spaces) Cookierocks
  4. Sony UK Gildas Pelliet, Managing Director - gildas DOT pelliet AT eu DOT sony DOT com Just replace the DOT and AT with the correct symbols (Hope it helps). CookieRocks
  5. Thanks Rebel. I'll check the links out. I think I should definitely email that Formal Complaint and maybe also speak to the Energy Ombudsman. I'll update when I can. Just a quick question if you can help. Would it be a good idea list the whole complaint history in a detailed manner or something more concise?
  6. Hi. It's been a long time, since I came back with an update. So here's what's happened so far. Nothing has been sorted out, and we are exactly 10 months on since the original complaint was first made. I've literally talked with manager after manager after manager. Initially they seem to 'want' to get things sorted out, but ultimately; they disappear after a round of conversations over the telephone and emails. Over the period of time, my circumstances have slightly changed, in that I have been in and out of hospital having a few surgeries, whilst also a family member having a serious stroke, so at times I have not been able to immediately back in touch with SSE. But whilst anything has happened, I have made a point of letting SSE know of the situation, and that I won't be able to respond for X amount of time. As the 8 week period for the complaint had passed, I figured since we weren't getting anywhere to a resolution, I should email Head of Customer Service (SSE) as stated in their complaints procedure. I wrote to them on two occasions and have got no reply at all from them. The strangest part about all this is: I am still not being sent any bills. Even though that was what caused this whole situation. I get told that the system has been generating the bills, which is fine, but I'm not getting them. What is even more staggering is that they are quick to send 'Debt Collection' notices almost on a monthly basis. I'm guessing that it's time to go to OfGem now. Is that the right course of action? I'm due to have more surgery in the next month or two, so I want to try get the ball rolling as soon as I can. All help and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks CookieRocks
  7. Hi. Hope someone can help with some advise: So the following is basically a brief of what's happened, or rather not happened. We moved into the property in March 2008 and oined Southern Electric to supply both Gas & Electricity. We recieved the first gas bill but no electricity bill. Found that a bit odd, so I contacted Southern Electric asking about the electricity bill, the advisor took all the details and said he would call back, but no call was returned. I called Southern Electric again, spoke to another advisor, who informed that both the Gas & Electric Bill was sent as one bill. Which I thought was strange but hey, if that's the information I'm giving by them, so then fair enough, I kept getting regular Gas Bills which I paid. In December 2010 we recieved a letter from Southern Electric stating we owed £1513.78, the letter said: 'In efforts to improve our customer service, out records show that your account has not been billed for some time. This has now been corrected to reflect the true balance on you account of £1513.78. dating from 27th March 2008 - 6th December 2010. Please accept our sincere apologies for this.' I called Southern Electric on 11th Januray 2011, in regards to letter that I recieved and told them that the amount was crazy. I mean, if it was my fault then it's a different story, but they admitted that their systems were not up-to-date, and that it was a fault on their side. The advisor was helpful enough, and said he will pass it onto his manager and call me back on 19th January 2011. I didn't hear from him, so I called back on 21st January 2011, at which point I was told that the person dealing with my query is not in and would call me first thing on Monday 24th January 2011, again I got no call. Once again, I called them on 26th January, spoke to some other advisor who again said 'your' advisor is out at the moment, but I promise that he will call today. About an hour later I got a call from the 'Advisor' dealing with my case and he said that management have decided to deduct £508.75 from the owed amount and also said they'd give me three years (36 months) to pay off the arrears. At first I thought, brilliant that's a result and asked him to send it to me in writing before I agree with anything. Got the written letter detailing the 'goodwill offer' on 29th January 2011. The letter letter says they want to take £76.00 per month DD over 36 months, which is broken down to £48.00 Usuage (Future Consumption) + £28.00 (Arrears). Which I think is quite high, and the bill payer (Father) isn't able to afford that monthly amount. The letter actually states that the balance after deduction is £1005.03, which is equivalent of 'one year' of electricity consumption. At that point I thought something isn't too right about this whole deal. Plus, the bill payer (father) can't afford the £76.00 per month either. I would have assumed that a years worth would be around the £550-ish mark if that. I went online to see if others had any similar experiences and was surprised to see it was not only me facing this issue. I checked Southern Electric's T&C's and it states the following: ' Figure 5.6: 'If we’ve been at fault by either significantly underestimating the amount of Energy you use or by not sending you bills we will only charge you for Energy you’ve used in the twelve months immediately before we discovered the mistake.' Also found Ofgems's ruling in regards to 'The Billing Code' which states: 'Back-billing: energy suppliers should, by July 2006, stop seeking payment from customers for any energy supplied where the supplier is at fault for not billing the customer for two years. From July 2007, energy suppliers should stop seeking payment for unbilled energy where a supplier has failed to bill for over 12 months and is at fault for not doing so'. I'm not sure if I undersand it 100%, but what I do get from it is that Southern Electric having not billed me for 33 months should onlyt be seeking payment for 12 months since I received the first bill which was the notice to pay £1513.78, since it was their fault that bills were not sent. I might well be wrong in that assumption, but if help or advise is available then I would be grateful for it. I was thinking of calling them again early next week, so any advise on what to say or do would be very appreciated. PS. Sorry it's such a long OP, but I figured I should detail it as much as possible. Thanks in advance. CookieRocks
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