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Everything posted by CookieRocks

  1. Thanks silverfox. I have all correspondence as all contact has been via email since May until present - their latest/ last reply ends with the following: 'In the absence of this information, we are unable to discuss this further with you. We have made our position clear and I'm unable to write to you again about this.' I am taking it as a final response letter. Is there any point still raising the formal complaint with Thames Water Ltd by snail mail? I've been dealing with the Senior Case Manager from the Executive office, I doubt that they'd deal with it anymore, if I do not send the other CT Bills plus bank statement payment proofs. Obviously, the CT Bill that I had sent them, show members of family living at our current address. But, the 'account' is made in my name so has nothing to do with others. I'll compose a response for both the ICO and Water Ombudsman, are there any other ways that I can deal with this too? I just don't see what else I can do at the moment. As you say, big companies do as they please. I'll give a day or two, see what other advise others may have as well. Regards CookieRocks
  2. Hi, back again. Thames Water Ltd have finally written back to me, disappointing reply to say the least. Having provided the information they requested, they refuse to correspond further. I provided the Council Tax bill corresponding to the period from which they opened the account in my name, which I thought would have cleared things quickly. Unfortunately it is not enough for them, they now want me to provide CT bills for 15/16 and 16/17. Furthermore the bills that have elapsed already they want bank statement proof that payments were made. I am not happy to provide this, on the fact that these payments were made by my father from his account, I don't think that my father's personal data, details and information have to be given to them. They state that I am still on the Electoral Roll for the previous address, however, having spoken to the Council for the previous address, they confirm that I am not on their register. They sent a screenshot from a system called Cameo, which appears to deal with the Electoral Roll - via Call Credit. However, I did a search on 192 and my name does show at the property. Could this be cached information? Removable upon request? I sent them screenshots from my Credit File with regards to 'payments' made towards the 'account', this was purely to show they have provided false/ incorrect information about me, yet they are now asking if I am disputing the account, why I have made payments. So they've completely twisted that around. As my name is still on the electoral roll, they refuse to remove it, because they think I am occupier or landlord renting out the property and to provide occupier details for them to remove the account, this is impossible because I am not the landlord. Without the other CT bills, bank statements showing payments for the CT bills, occupier details [which I don't have, and has nothing to do with me] they will not talk any further, and to speak to CCWater. Surely, they are able to find out who lives there? As mentioned, I am reluctant to get my father and any of his personal data involved in this. This is really doing my head in, what advise can you give? Does the ICO deal or get involved with this at this point? Or is CCWater the best way forward? This has been going on for almost 3 months now. Look forward to all help received. CookieRocks
  3. Yeah, tenants were/ are responsible for the water rates. But, again, this particularly doesn't bother me, especially as they are charging/ chasing for years 2014 - 2017 . I guess, its just easier to just play them by the book and getting on with things. S'pose I'm irritated by the big boy bully get away with what they want tactics. Thanks for your thoughts Ford. Appreciated. Thanks silverfox. I think I knew that'd be the only way forward in the end, as I mentioned to Ford above, just irritated more than anything. Plus, their continual refusal to discuss the matter added to an already difficult year stressed me out and tipped me over the edge and I ended up in hospital, but that's another story. What level of gesture should I look towards? Appreciate your advice and help.
  4. Hi, hoping for some advice. Last month, whilst checking my Elearscore/ Equifax credit file, Thames Water have added and defaulted an account onto my credit file. It's added on my previous address. I never had an account with Thames Water. I've not lived at the address for over 8 years. They've added the account in 2016 but backdated it to 2014. Default amount is over £1000+. From my formal complaint, they first said they got my details from me. They then said they got my details from a letter they opened which was from a solicitor which was addressed to me and dated around 2014 [it can only be a DCA solicitor letter. All mail was in a shared common hall as it was three storey flats]. They then also say that my details are still at the address on the Electoral Roll data. Obviously I dispute it all. They refuse to remove it, saying I have to prove that I wasn't living there, but I don't think I should have to. I think they need to prove that I was living there, they refuse to, I'm not sure they can, but it's just going back and forth now. Obviously this is affecting my credit rating and credit worthiness. What should I do? Thanks in advance. CookieRocks
  5. Thanks ericsbrother, will look into that aspect. Appreciate it. Hi Emmzzi. Thanks for replying. In short: She is officially being treated differently from all other colleagues, policy's are in place to deal with aspects of work, others are dealt with favourably whereas my sister is treated unfairly and everything that was been agreed verbally by management is all of a sudden he said/ she said conversations. These favoured staff have been told not to mark it in dairies and also told not to tell anyone that they are working from home. The reason that working from home is a big issue is that our mother was in and out of hospital and whilst at work my sister had an idea as to what the illness was, but by not being able to accompany her to hospital and directly talking to doctors and consultants, there is always going to that 'what if?' status of mind. Obviously it turned for the worse, with her sadly passing away. But at the same time, she is not saying that the company is at fault. Its their rapidness in trying to make this a formal grievance matter with the company as apposed to talking it out informally and trying to deal with it. Just like you, she doesn't know why the company are escalating this either. She is the only coloured staff member left, all others have been sacked and/or made redundant/ forced to resign by almost halving their salary by almost 50%. Now we aren't saying it is gender/ race related, but it can't be discounted at the moment. So she just wants to know what her rights are? Can she forcibly be made to resign? I'm guessing the Equality Act might be something to read up? Hope it makes sense. And she does keep her head down and work, which is always up to the companies expectation. So I'm not sure why the comment was needed. [i'm sure you meant it in a good way]
  6. Further to add: She has just joined a Union, so they may not be able to help. She is in that state of mind now where she dreads going into work, and feels sick when she comes back. It almost seems like something has rattled them and they are just in full defend mode [if that makes sense], but just can't put our finger on what it could be. Thanks. Regards
  7. Hi all. I need some advice for my sister. Main points: She has worked at this company for almost 3 years now; Never has any problems, and always gets her work done; Recently, she has a medical problem, which is unconfirmed and investigations are still ongoing; Apart from her self, our mother had a few hospital appointments, which ordinarily, she would have gone with her to understand exactly what the issue was, and therefore asked if she could work from home. They always replied, its only given at the company's discretion. Due to this and also then [everybody] receiving an email further stating that working from home was now not allowed, whilst she did ask, when things were a bit crazy personally, she respected the company policy and didn't ask again. Our mother sadly passed away. Understandably, everything is just not normal anymore. Her direct manager noticed that something was wrong, so he spoke with her via an informal talk. She spoke to her openly, with the hope that this can only sorted out. Since, she's been back to work, despite the changes, her mind has been up and down at work, and she has been told by other colleagues that they were granted to work from home, but they need to remove it from the diary and don't tell anybody about, furthermore, since the talk, a 'mate' of the manager who was working from home, his entries were changed to hospital the very next day in the work diary. Overall, the company seem to have been good with her, and were happy with the work she has been doing. Now the company seem to be trying to escalate this all formally, although she has not yet put in a formal grievance, hoping to get these concerns sorted out without the grievance route. There is no reason for it to be this way. So my questions are: How should she deal with this? should she put in a formal grievance if the next informal meeting resolves nothing. As it stands, its my sister that's trying to clear this issue. I wouldn't like to think that this is a colour problem, but other coloured people are no longer there, but if they still make things difficult for her, it might be thought of as an issue, does she include that in a formal grievance? If it gets to a point that she feels she has to resign for her own sanity and health, does this count as constructed dismissal? If they dismissed her, can she argue unfair dismissal? This is all I can think of asking at the moment, I'm sure down the line other things may come into this. Any help and advise would really be appreciated. Kind regards
  8. Hi sickofbullies. I actually did send just a single SAR to Lloyds Banking Group for Halifax and Lloyds TSB/ Lloyds accounts, with the same thinking in mind. Halifax wrote back to me after 2 weeks to say that they are considered seperate data processors, so I had to send Halifax the £10 fee as well [Lloyds decided to use the intial fee for themselves]. So I've lost out on two weeks for the Halifax SAR, as they will start the 40 days when they receive their own fee. Not sure if this helps you. If you do decide to send a single SAR, please let me know if they accepted it for all accounts. Regards
  9. Hi dx. This is what they sent. There's a lot of blah blah blah in their email about how they reconstruct the account without the premiums and assume xyz payments are made and this is what they came up with. It's not negotiable, and either I accept or go to FOS. I'm just not sure whether it's worth the effort with the FOS as that'll takes years, and is it worth the hassle in court? I mean, with this I get my F&F payment back plus a few quid on top. There are other claims that are worth plenty more that are worth the effort, some in their thousands and possibly two that are in the 20K - 40K range, assuming it is all worked out correctly. What are your thoughts? Kind regards.
  10. Hi again. So I sent just the PPI element of the complaint yesterday, got a reply from PPI 'Specialist' Team. Sent them Cover Letter, Spreadsheet and evidence. Complaint Upheld, huge difference between the amounts though. I've attached my Spreadsheet, as you can see it comes to a total of: £468.50. Their calculations give me a refund of: £69.82. Their breakdown is as follows: £46.84 PPI Premiums £0.00 Charges £17.48 Associated interest £6.87 8% interest -£1.37 Tax (on the 8%) Any advice or thoughts with the above? I'm not sure what to reply with. Thanks Kind regards
  11. According to Noddle, it dropped off either April or May 2015 [Account not on May file]. Was recorded under Santander's name. Only ever been dealt with between Cahoot at first and then Santander. Never had any DCA involved with the account. Thanks
  12. Thanks for that. That's interesting as they were quoting s77(3a). Does the fact that the account was defaulted dismiss s77(4) and give s77(3a) more substance? Thanks Kind regards
  13. I have confirmation that the CCA no longer exists: 'These formerly Cahoot loans are now managed by Santander and all requests would be managed by us. Therefore, you would not be able to address this request anywhere else to obtain this information. They confirmed they could not provide the document due to the age' Obviously, a defaulted account, they go on to say payments should be continued to be made. From what I understand, whilst the 'debt' exists, it would not be enforceable in court if payments were stopped, due to no CCA, is this still the case? Its dropped of Credit File already. Kind regards
  14. Payment is being sent to 'Cahoot' at their Prescot Address. Nobody chasing... Cahoot's own website says their registered address is that of Santander. That's why I'm confused in regards to no monies owing, no CCA, after all, they are both one and the same, with identical account number and sort code. There was one occasion where payment apparently wasn't sent, and Santander wrote in regards to the missed payment, this was in 2012. Other than that, payment has been consistent, so no chasing being done by Santander/ Cahoot or anyone else. Thanks Kind regards
  15. First of all my apologies for the foul language in post #12. I can understand why it was removed and apologise for it once again. [borne out of my frustration I guess]. I'm a tad confused with regards to this account now. Originally this was a Cahoot Loan taken out in 2006. Financial difficulty started circa. 2008. Went to a third party for help with asking Creditors to accept token payments. Been paying £5 per month. [Receive Transaction summary statements every six months from Santander]. As started in this thread, sent a CCA Request. Heard nothing, complained, got messed around. Eventually today received a letter from Santander saying the following: "Thank you for your recent correspondence, requesting a copy of your Credit Agreement under section 77/78 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. As there is no longer any monies outstanding to Santander UK PLC, there is no obligation for us to supply this information as specified in S77/78 (3a). We have tried to locate a copy of the agreement, however, due to the time that has elapsed since the account was last used we no longer hold a copy of this on our files. However, I can also confirm insurance has not been applied to the above account. I trust this will be of assistance. Please note any future correspondence in regards to this matter should be sent to the address above." Address above is Santander UK PLC - DSAR Team address. Now, the £5.00 cheques are being sent to Cahoot's address. But it has the same account number as is with the Santander statements. I assume as Cahoot are a part of Santander, that Santander should be able to supply the information, or allude to the monies being sent to Cahoots address? Do I contact Santander again and ask what is going on? Do I need to CCA Cahoot? even though the account number is the same as that of the request made to Santander? I'm puzzled Can anyone help or advise as to what to do or how to deal with this going forward? It'd be appreciated. Kind regards
  16. Sorry to ask another question. Just written up a phat-assed complaint. I need some clarification. Am I right in assuming that the way I've been been treated, lack of acknowledgement, lack of replies, lack of everything actually - can be encompassed/ construed as Santander failing to adhere to BCOBS 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3? Thanks. Kind regards
  17. That sums me down to a Tee. Make work twice as hard for myself and I wonder why I'm on ESA [sG] Thankfully, emails will still go through. I did wonder though when I had an 'I'm away til Tuesday' automated reply. Have a great long weekend. Kind regards
  18. Fair enough, have done the CQ as best as I can. Got Cover letters and Spreadsheets ready. Will send it their way first thing Monday. Lets see how they reply. Thanks as ever DX. Kind regards
  19. I think I have pushed enough, mainly by doing their head in via twitter and calling them and the CEO [removed]. I finally received a response from the Executive Office, apologising for the 'delay' and that a response has been sent today, to be here by the end of next week. Will see what it says... However, I am still going to make another formal complaint, purely because they have [removed]. me around. I'm sure there is enough to complain about their absolute disregard for customer service and no doubt they've failed with regards to their own complaints procedure and any CoC that they are members of, in regards to treating customers fairly.. so on and so forth... I'm not concerned about what they send in regards to the C.C.A. I'll just either continue payments as is, or drop them down to a quid. Its dropped off credit file so can't harm me in that respect. I'm just tired of being dictated to, its about time consumers start dictating in return. Kind regards
  20. DX, I'm a bit baffled now. Downloaded FOS's CQ; but having difficulty filling it in. Almost every question asked is asked in such a way or assumption that I took PPI out. Whereas, in my case, I didn't and its clear as day that I never took it out with them. I can write up my points in a bullet point manner to explain all of it [pretty clear and simple to do], and also add the spreadsheet, but I find the C.Q unworkable in my situation, or am I looking at it wrong? Kind regards
  21. I thought that too. Told them [Twitter lot; and CEO] the same in not such a polite way. Called them out as complete and utter BS'ers. Don't know if that was wise. Past caring though to be fair. Will give them til the end of this week and start again next week. Not great for my health all this either. Thanks for replying though CB. Kind regards
  22. Maybe I'm just being an impatient barsteward. But its bugging me now that I still haven't had a reply. There's been no response, no acknowledgement in any way whatsoever. I thought if I'd bug them enough on twitter, they'd get up and do something, it's done the job with other complaints, but its almost as if they are reading from a script and reply the same each time. I mean it's not a complicated request, either they have it or they don't have it, simples right? Obviously not. Is it best just sitting on it whilst they move at warp tortoise speed? Contacting the C.E.O. or Executive team has been a pointless exercise, ignorance is bliss I guess. Or should I go through their complaints procedure as shown online on their website? Irritated.... Kind regards
  23. Cheers for that dx. Will do as advised. I haven't told my guy that I will be claiming for either, but the last email conversation was left at: Me - 'I will await the SAR, go through it, and should I have anything further that I need to query, do you mind if I contact you or do I need to start from scratch'. Cap One - 'Glad we could come to an amicable settlement, Account is clear and will be marked as Satisfied [not that it was an issue, as it already fell off C.R.A.], and once you receive the SAR and you need any further help/ assistance, then by all means contact me directly'. So which do you suggest, directly to him, two separate complaints or just to their Registered Address and see who picks it up'. Kind regards,
  24. Crossed posts. Was actually thinking about you when I asked the questionnaire question Kind regards
  25. Thanks for that. There's no point me arguing about the recon, as I only have a late statement from 2005, so I can't argue that what they sent me for 2002 were not right or wrong. Gone through the SAR properly. Card taken out 05/2002. Logs shows PPI was not taken out. For some reason, PPI was being taken from - Start Date: 01/2003 to End Date: 11/07. Can't see anything anywhere that alludes to why it was being taken, nor any record of them asking or me asking or authorising for it to be taken or needed or wanted. Strangely, although the card was taken out in 2002 it was actually first used in 2005. Have filled out the spreadsheet, though not sure which one to use - FosCISheet or CIsheet - Done one of each for both P.P.I. and Charges (Just until I know which one to use). In regards to P.P.I. Questionnaire, is it still best practice to use the F.O.S. version, rather than Cap One's version (on their website)? Also, do I send it to their P.P.I. team or could I go through my contact, whom I have been dealing with from the 'CEO's Executive Office'? He seems a decent enough chap so far. Any help will be appreciated. Kind regards,
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