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Posts posted by Homer67

  1. I don't think the two year thing is accurate but it depends on the probation period for the role but 2 years is a very long probationary period.

    This smacks of using any excuse to get rid of staff so they don't have to redeploy them or pay them compensation (redundancy).

    You need an employment lawyer and you may have access to one for free with your home insurance or a Union membership you have either?



  2. I would go somewhere else for a new eye test, not on the High Street, private patient at Moorfields in your area would be best.

    If you paid by Credit Card go back to the Opticians, complain and say you want a refund (do that anyway) if they refuse you can open a dispute with your CC provider for a chargeback.

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  3. This will only have legs (no pun intended) if the pothole has been previously reported and is above a specific size and the Council have failed to act in a timely manner.

    Don't expect the Council to be truthful on either account.

    Ambulance crews are not legal experts, I suspect they were just being sympathetic.

  4. Currently with EDF - a terribly inefficient company with awful Customer services.

    I'd like to change but I do not want to pay for fuel I haven't used so I do what I've always done my entire life which is put fuel bill money aside every month and pay it when the meter is read and the bill comes in.


    These days I have a smart meter so no one calls, EDF send me a reading (which I check) and I pay them on a quarterly basis.


    I am fed up with EDF as they have messed up several bills in the last 12 months and even when they credited a payment for the inconvenience they then debited it the next month and demanded I pay £25 immediately of lose the service.

    This month they sent me a letter telling me I signed up over the phone for a new tariff, I haven't spoken to them for at least 2 months!


    I have tried talking to other supplier but unless you want to pay monthly by their estimated amounts and end up in credit for fuel you haven't used, they are not interested in my custom.

    Surely there's a supplier out there who just supplies the fuel and bills you for what you've used?




  5. He had the car for 3 weeks and now claims it's faulty? What do you think he'd say to you if it was the other way round?

    Just tell him he has no comeback on you as you part exchanged a car with no known faults to the best of your knowledge.

    Don't have your new car serviced there.


  6. I would certainly hope that things have changed in the last 30 odd years regarding complaints being handled correctly but the original question was about the Police's ability to secure confidentiality.


    I hope that's improved as well but I have doubts!


    If what your friend said was taken as a statement then I believe she has the option to withdraw that statement by notifying the Police she wishes to do so, they will try to pressure her to not do that but she just needs to say she wants to withdraw.


    If what she said wasn't an official statement then the Police can't use it anyway.

  7. @honeybee13 I did make an official complaint as well as the subsequent report of the bloke making threats and nothing happened, no feedback, no support, nothing.


    This was about 35 years ago, I have had various innocent interactions with the Police since then (traffic stuff and reporting crime for others) and I am wholly unimpressed with every experience I have had with them.

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  8. In my experience the Police are terrible at keeping anonymity secure. A long time ago the Police badgered me into giving evidence on an assault case and told me the  perpetrator would not find out my ID and I would not have to see them in court.


    On the day  I turned up and was escorted by two cops who decided they wanted breakfast and walked me straight to the court canteen and sat me opposite the perpetrator - I had no idea who he was and was wondering why this bloke was staring at me so I asked the cops and they said "oh that's the bloke you're giving evidence against"


    I was fuming and wanted to walk out there and then but the cops told me I would be held in contempt if I did.


    Consequently it turned out this bloke lived near me and after asking around he identified me and turned up in the pub one day and made threats, I reported that to the Police who did precisely nothing.


    Over the years I have had the usual interactions with the Police that most law abiding  people do (neighbour was burgled etc) and each time they have proven themselves disinterested or downright incompetent. 


    I would never trust the Police or help them again.

  9. Picture of you is not relevant, only the fact they used POFA to identify you as the keeper of the vehicle, if the NTK does not refer to POFA then it is not compliant and they cannot transfer liability from the driver to the registered keeper.


    As you said the best action is do nothing (keep all their threatening and begging letters though) unless you get a letter before action, then it's snotty letter time.

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