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Posts posted by Homer67

  1. So the only issue is you overstaying for 10 mins well that's not going to go well for them should they try it on in court as it's your entry and exit time not your parked time and the BPA's own rules state 10 minutes as a minimum grace period to get out of the car park.

    Ignore but keep everything, never appeal, wait for a letter before claim and (if you get one) blow them out of the water with a suitable snotty letter.

  2. Have you removed the previous house member from the Council Tax?

    If not do so and get a copy of the new statement and keep it by the front door.

    If anyone knocks, say nothing other than 'they don't live here' and give them a copy of the Council Tax bill showing the only adult members of the household - preferably do this through an open window so you don't have the grief of them trying to engage you at the door.

  3. I know this site as it's local to me, it has a reputation amongst locals as a scam site (also cheap fuel in the area).

    Other than contacting the site owners to say call off your dogs, do nothing, do not contact ECP, they will ignore anything you say and will say you have appealed and revealed you were the driver.

    Keep all of their tripe and wait for a letter before action, then send a snotty letter telling them you'll happily see them in court but they better bring a fat wallet to pay their costs and yours.

    • Like 3
  4. Out of time to pass liability to the Registered Keeper - game over for them.

    Let them send all their rubbish, keep it, if they are stupid enough to issue a Letter Before Claim come back here for a snotty letter response.

    Wouldn't last 5 minutes in court as there's no keeper liability and you have not and never will, reveal who the driver was or where they went to eat.

  5. The NTK is out of time to transfer liability form the driver to the registered keeper - it ends there.

    Do nothing, send nothing, speak to no one, wait for them to send you a letter before action and then come back here for a snotty letter.

    If this went to court it would take seconds to bat it out as the NTK is out of time therefore NO KEEPER LIABILITY!

    Oh and it's not a FINE or PENALTY CHARGE!!! Stop referring to it as one as you are convincing yourself it has credence.

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