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Everything posted by gregorious77

  1. Not got to look at the figures yet but its definitely fishy, he paid it off 2.5 years early and only saved £18!! PPI was circa 4K not 9K but still a good old chunk of cash. total extra on loan was 9K i.e PPI and interest.
  2. they will take every day plus a few more no doubt!!
  3. A good friend of mine had PPI on a substantial loan with Santander. They have recently written to him to say he had PPI and may have a claim as the banks now have to do. He was considering filling out the forms but I told him to hold fire until WE can work out the figures first! At first he was not up for claiming as he said he took the PPI as insurance for the loan but he is now not happy with the fact that he may have been able to purchase it cheaper from someone else etc. I have not looked at his paperwork yet but have a couple of general questions. Do Santander try and defend aggressively (like Cap1) Do they normally front load PPI? he said off the top of his head the PPI was 9K or so!!!
  4. They most likely wont go to court but they also will not just roll over in my experience, they do put some serious effort into putting you off the claim!
  5. await their response then send a letter before action if the do not uphold your claim. You could accept their offer as part payment of course as long as you clearly state it is part payment!!
  6. I bet you had it on the Capital one card!! they put iot onmine even though I said NO, same story for a load of other people on here too!!! SAR them to be sure.
  7. Yeah Cap1 do cough just not straight away!
  8. totally unacceptable, complain and report them!
  9. Yes its not my work anyway its all copy and pasted. Make sure anything you use in your POC you understand 100% as they will give a detailed defence to every point on there. If you just add something with breaches of laws etc make sure you research them and check they are relevant to your claim. If you need to know anything just ask!
  10. Have a look at my massive thread for Cap1! http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?307079-Are-Capital-1-contacting-customers-***WON***
  11. No they cant because it did not happen! You can ask them once more to send you proof but get on with putting in the claim in the mean time!
  12. You are right that the banks seem more confident since the black horse win but I still got my money from Cap1 although my case was allocated to the fast track. they did mention that case at the allocation hearing and swayed the Judge to allocate to fast track as he said the case seemed complicated due to my allegations of an unfair relationship.#To be honest I think you have enough of a case to keep it simple and just stick to the facts of miss selling due to being forced into it. Mine was settled out of court and included my costs!
  13. If you are confident they are lying then carry on with your claim and wait for them to buckle!!
  14. See above to answers to your questions and go get em.
  15. only you can decide court or FOS. Court will cost money which you will add onto the claim. It will be quicker 9 months in my case and you have control of timescales to a certain extent. You will have to do some work but all on here can help with that bit. FOS will do it all for you but who knows how long itll take?
  16. Why does the SAR only go back to 2008? You need to tell them to send the rest or you will report them! When is the 40 days up? Ask for a recording or transcript of the alleged call as well! They said the same to me but it was not detailed in the SAR at all although my SAR did go back to the beginning of the account.
  17. Just looked and his name was Henry Warwick (barrister) http://www.hendersonchambers.co.uk/barristers/barrister-profiles/junior/henry.warwick
  18. Just called Litigation department. Started off with Wendy Starr who I believe is a proper solicitor but not 100% sure then had Indi Kaur whos title is Legal specialist, I dont think she is a solicitor but when I had the allocation hearing by telephone they also had a brief on their side who did all the legal talking (indi was just listening in) I dont know what company it was although I might have his name written down somewhere in my notes.
  19. They will no doubt reply saying you decided to purchase PPI on the phone when you activated your card! make sure you request the transcript or recording of this call! they wont have it so good evidence for you.
  20. With all due respect it sounds to me like they are playing you and just stringing you along and buying time! Stop being so soft on them, give them a written time limit now and stick to it. Start your action exactly once this time limit is up and start taking control. I wouldn't waste any more time on the phone to these pond life you will have plenty of phone time later with the solicitors! They have YOUR money and they will try and keep hold of it as long as possible.
  21. In my case it was under £5K and I wanted to keep it small claims but Cap1 argued it was fast track due to allegations of unfair relationship being complicated. The Judge agreed at the allocation hearing and then used most of their directions for the case.
  22. Basically their directions are just protocol so pointless, you could add your own saying how you would like the case to progress.Are they relying on a witness statement or some sort of fact in their defence? You could add directions to narrow the points they are trying to defend. For example you could ask they provide a witness statement or a document that their defence relies on.
  23. It does look very familiar, it is a pointless document although the judge did agree in my case. Why do they believe it is fast track? is the claim >£5K?
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