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Everything posted by duckwaddler

  1. Exactly, we are all individuals and so have the right to our own beliefs. Those of us who make a big hoo har about what Muslims do, are no different to those Muslims in the minority who think we should all do as they do.
  2. Knowing rather a lot of Muslims, my friends family being one of the largest I have ever known, I can assure you that the women are not, nor would allow themselves to feel inferior to the males - in fact I'd say they wear the trousers You probably have come across a few individual Muslim women who feel they must obey their Husbands - but my ex Husband expected me to obey him, he told me what to wear, where to go, and who to speak to, and if i didn't do as he said he would beat me. He was a Scouser, Catholic, not a Muslim. It's unfair to tar all Muslims with the same brush.
  3. I have, and because I'm wheat/gluten allergic, my Muslim friend makes me wheat/gluten free samosas when we eat at their house. I think it's nice to just have a little thought for others, and it's even nicer when it's returned
  4. Yes, you're right DD, Jewish people can't eat pork at all, I don't know a great deal about the Jewish religion, so I wasn't sure. I've read the Quoran, well the majority of it - and it does say that women must dress in a manner that doesn't reveal their figure. It is personal choice at the end of the day, some people think it's disgusting that young girls are allowed to wear shorts or short skirts, but again, it is their parents decision till they become adults themselves.
  5. You're absolutely right Nystagmite, they do - so as not to have this sort of trouble! I have done parties for 40+ children over the years, of all different mixed religions, there would be Muslim, Hindu, Bengali and English, and there were at least two children with peanut allergies. I did a table with regular food, vegetarian food, and Halal food - it would have been near on impossible had I not had my lists with names etc, and help from a couple of Mums. Only thing was, one year - the Halal food was cleared almost immediately of it's samosas, kebabs and curries & rice by EVERYONE so the year after I had to do two Halal tables
  6. I may be wrong, but I do have a Hindu friend who I'll ask - but I'm certain the only meat Hindus can't eat is beef? To be honest, I think the blame is being laid at the wrong feet here, the dinner lady's superiors ought to be ashamed of themselves for dismissing her, this, unless deliberate, is not a sackable offence in my opinion! But DD, if I were you I would take a lot of what the newspapers say with a pinch of salt, they are renowned for stirring up hatred amongst the public, if it's not bad news, you very rarely see it ;-)
  7. The thing is DD, the way your friends get dirty looks from Muslims who wear Hijabs, is no different to the dirty looks the Muslims get when wearing Hijabs from none Muslims or those who don't. If your friends drink and wear shorts and T-shirt, then they're not practising Muslims. A practising Jewish person only has to eat Kosha pork as far as I'm aware? As for the guy who refused to carry the wine, that's strict Muslim, a little like a staunch Catholic, but as for the wotsiting the woman while married, I'm afraid that's just men, they're ALL pretty much the same no matter their religion or culture
  8. The thing is, one of my closest friends is a British Muslim - and as a result of reactions such as the headline in this newspaper, she has tolerated so much over the 15yrs I have known her, all because she doesn't want to cause a fuss. And I'm talking things that none of us would put up with, nothing to do with her religion - but she knew that had she have complained the reaction would have been along the lines of "Muslim complaining" "if you don't like it you know what to do/where to go". It makes me so mad, I've always opened my mouth if anything's happened!
  9. Shocking and very sad indeed No amount of jail sentence will suffice, but Karma will catch up with these gutter crawling lowlifes!
  10. All I would need would be a little hut, a comfy pillow, and some peace and quiet
  11. I have a couple of phobia/fears, two of which I know exactly where they stem from, and I am getting better at dealing with them. However I have a couple of others that I have no clue where they stemmed from, but have always had them from as far back as my parents could remember! One is anything round my neck, such as a scarf, or even a top that has a collar that remotely touches my neck - I feel as if I'm being choked, it's quite a panicky feeling - apparantly I was like it when I was very small too, and freaked out when my parents put a dress on me that had a high neckline! Some think this could stem from a previous life, and if my other fear/phobia is anything to go by they could be on to something. Anybody else with fears or phobia that they don't know where they came from?
  12. I think that Newspaper headline is a little of an overreaction - all they did was make a complaint that their child was almost served the wrong thing, it was the ridiculous knee jerking reaction by her bosses that got her sacked, even though when it comes down to it, I think they were the ones responsible! Newspapers are fond of spreading hate, I won't buy into it!
  13. Ooof, if only I'd stuck with gun for old Hitler!!! Well done BobCat! Questions correct: 9 / 10 You took 104 seconds to complete this quiz. Total score: 796
  14. Same here, I'd be in shock, but the excitement would take over I'd beg them to take me from this planet and promise them anything lmaoo!!
  15. It's very cold and unfeeling don't you think Nystagmite? When my Dad had cancer, he'd not seen or spoken to his Sister for around 30yrs, I asked him if he thought she should know, so he told me to tell her when the time came, I didn't even know where she lived, so the police were very good in helping me get her address - I wrote her a letter, explaining that I needed to speak to her rather urgently - there is no way I could have even written it in the letter to her. It's not just common sense that seems to be a thing of the past, but it's also empathy, compassion, privacy, thoughtfulness etc that is too!
  16. The child is seven, so it's up to the parents to make that decision for them at the moment. If the child said I'd prefer to play, chatter or go home rather than do my school work, we wouldn't be able to say "okay, that's your choice".
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