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Everything posted by duckwaddler

  1. R.I.P, and condolences to his family and friends.
  2. Herbs make a bland meal into a work of art, sage is a particularly versatile one but very potent and not always to everyones taste.
  3. Thankyou Night Owl. I never realised just how much neglect was happening till I experienced it myself and started to search around.
  4. I agree with Tilly, your mum does deserve quality of care. Looks like things are finally working out for her though! My mum wasnt treated very well at all, and also we suspected she had the early stages of dementia, but thankfully she is not suffering any longer. I wish your mum well Lex x
  5. A dead deer on the road on the way back from my sisters in the small hours of this morning
  6. Knowing that something good is going to come from a really bad situation
  7. Thankyou for your advise nightowl but my mother sadly didnt make it, so ive decided to leave matters.
  8. hi im in need of a good solicitor for a neglect case with my mother what part of the country are you in and what solicitor are you using do you think they will take neglect of an 80plus lady seriously or not
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