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Everything posted by duckwaddler

  1. Love the Native American culture and everything about it BobCat! And old friend of mine, speaking of which I've not seen her in a while, her Dad is Native American! She's a beauty too! Terrible the way they were and still are treated in my opinion, everyone deserves the same respect, and to be left to live in peace without harassment.
  2. Lol BobCat! Or at least make all their doors disappear
  3. My friends do not say a single word or judge against any of my gay friends for your information, just thought I'd answer you that, I wouldn't want you thinking they behaved like my Catholic friend has, although, she knows if she does it in my home she's not welcome here I'd be fascinated to know what you think about how the Native Americans had their country snatched from under their noses - but you'd rather not go there, probably because it's off topic.
  4. DD I think you've swayed slightly off topic now, this thread was about a dinner lady being sacked, we've had criminal builders and gays brought into it. I don't know about you, but I've had enough - let me know if your builder needs my address
  5. Much the same way as true Catholics do DD - only difference being, over in Muslim countries gays and homeophrodites have their own community and are left alone, here they are beaten to a pulp. I also have a staunch Catholic friend, who by the way is divorced, she thinks her own divorce is acceptable, but despises gays and thinks they're ****.
  6. Pot and kettle springs to mind here DD P.S. Catholics who use contraception and who are divorced are in the same category as Muslims who drink in my opinion, bending the rules to suit.
  7. DD, you brought up that your builder was in prison, I made the same comment as you did about the man in the article, he has not been named, so no, I will not remove my post. And in my opinion, no matter what his crime, he has not abided by the laws/rules of this country - as you seem to be offended about Muslims not doing this, so why is he any different? Also, discrimination of any description against any group is against the law and rules of the UK - yet you don't seem to have a problem with that either! You say you have Muslim friends? Clearly not practising Muslims if they drink alcohol amongst other things - whereas I have a very close friend who is Muslim, all of what you have said in your posts is rubbish DD! her and her family have been like family to me for 15yrs, none of what you have said in your posts is true of them, or the Muslim community I used to live amongst and still associate with. Although, the opinions you have posted tonight have given my friend, who by the way was born and bred here 39yrs ago, an absolute life of hell! I just want to say one more thing before I go.... Had this have been a typical white family, with a child with a peanut allergy, and the dinner lady was Muslim, you would have been kicking up a fuss how it could have killed her!!! Discriminating against peoples beliefs is the cause of war in this world, not the beliefs themselves.
  8. I ordered the wrong mobile phone online a few weeks ago, sent it back, was reimbursed, and the phone, a Samsung galaxy Y has been sent back to me, they don't want it back and have refused to sign for it
  9. .It was you who said he was in prison, Libelous much? Please! If you'd like my address to give to your builder for him to take to a lawyer, I will be more than happy to pass it to you DD And to be honest, if you're offended by my post for being libelous about someone who's been in prison, then I'm offended at the nit picking descrimination against Muslims. Forgot to add, libelous is civil, inciting hate against a minority such as disabled, gay or ethnic group is criminal. Perhaps you'd prefer to live in America DD, after all, they're so very proud of their country, the country they took from under the noses of the native Americans, and forced their beliefs on them. Nuff said!
  10. Illegal immigrants can't claim benefits labrat You been reading too many facebook stories
  11. I saw this on FB a while back, apparently it's two different guys?
  12. Which by the way I could be particularly bitter over, considering my neighbours Son was killed by an IRA bomb in Warrington. But it is not all the Catholics or the Irish who are to blame!
  13. Your builder is obviously a crook, not much different from the guy in the article. So that's not an example I'm going to have sympathy for, besides, unless he had religious beliefs that stipulated he couldn't eat meat that had been slaughtered while a prayer was being said over it, then he was just nit picking, being awkward, and more likely looking to cause bother. I will not ever agree with nit picking at a race or religion, inciting hate, or generalising! What on earth does wearing a Hijab have to do with 911? Should we rid all Cathoics or Irish because of the IRA?
  14. Of course they're not unreasonable. Anyway Nystagmite, did you say something about the child having a wristband? What was this for?
  15. I just about know a little about our countries government, so someone elses is asking too much
  16. Besides, us British don't really abide by other countries rules do we? You go to Saudi to either live, or to holiday, and they have their own holiday/living complexes where the British can drink alcohol and wear what they want. I'd say building specific complexes for a nation who has moved into or is holidaying in your country, to allow them to do the things that go against your religion is putting yourself out - not that they're given much credit or respect for it.
  17. Offering a muslim their dietry requirements doesn't really affect our lives any more than offering a vegetarian option though does it? A lot of what you hear DD is propaganda - this "story" of "baa baa black sheep" being banned from schools is complete rubbish, it was ONE privately run nursery that did it - there was also a "story" about a poppy seller in Liverpool who was attacked by a group of Muslims going round facebook/google.... It was an absolute fabrication, orchestrated by an ex member of the BNP, as Liverpool will not nor ever accept the BNP! I purposely tried to find the article on the poppy seller story, as I am a Liverpuddlian, so wanted to know if it was truthful or not, and there was nothing - I also contacted the Merseyside police (as it did say in this fabricated report that the police were issuing a statement), the Merseyside police new nothing of it, it was a deliberate hateful story concocted to incite race hate! Another myth that does the rounds - that you're not allowed to fly your British flag during the football season, it's absolute poisonous claptrap!
  18. Well yes I am Government & help don't seem to fit in the same sentence together
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