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Everything posted by demon_x_slash

  1. I'm of the opinion that a child's first name must be as normal as possible, which then gives you license to make their middle name as extravagant, ridiculous and lyrical as you can If/when I have kids I'm seriously considering giving them middle names like Merlin or Grendel
  2. Don't worry, link reported - it won't be there for long
  3. See, didn't even need an Internet translator, and you got the speaking-round-the-fangs sound just right...
  4. Burble zoolong Zwaan kernaffan...what?? Wino - I remember Return to Zork! I gave up when throwing a pile of dead plague rats against the village teacher's door elicited no response nor reward whatsoever. Spoilsports. Don't know if you can run it on XP - have you tried installing it and clicking the option "Play in Windows 95 Capability" mode in the .exe properties?
  5. My 'puter keeps getting hijacked by my network administrator, AKA 'the OH' - that's why there was a gap of three damned minutes...grr, he's not even signed a contract, and he just takes it whenever... I'm ignoring your jibe - if you were on WoW, I'd totally pwn you in a second
  6. Never mind, dear, we're all n00bs in the beginning - you just haven't been enlightened yet
  7. My dear Bookie, your refreshing finger is far too premature - you've got to give me at least three point two seconds after I post to review said post, yell obscenities at the screen, and correct the snafus...
  8. Excess amounts of carrots stored in one place may lead to infestation...
  9. Is this going to be your only copy of the data?? (please say no) How long are you planning to store 'em like that? You're ringing my alarm bells, and I don't do it for a living...
  10. What happens if one of the eight drives randomly conks out? You know that it happens...
  11. barra, you don, when reading your posts I do still have to breathe between these bouts of hysterical laughter and you're really not helping... Best. Thread. Ever.
  12. My OH, who is a professional techie and has filled the entire flat with c**p like this, highly recommends a tape drive such as an HP Ultrium-4 1840, that supports 1.6TB tapes and can be had for around £2,000-3,000. LMS, I'm sorry, but tapes are a very reliable media, and perfect for this sort of storage - HP Ultrium tapes are very heavily tested and there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to read them in another compatible device. The cheapest way would be to buy a load of TB hard drives and configure them in a RAID-0 (or RAID-5, depending on how much cash you have - I know you said shoestring - and if you want redundancy) system. If you can't afford that, then you're a bit buggered, my old chum
  13. DING! Hit 61! and ventured for the first time into the beautiful, bizarre world of Outland. Hellfire Peninsula is like Dali's nightmare after a casket of Roquefort, but has the most incredible sky that I've ever seen; it's breathtakingly exquisite; my jaw literally dropped when I first stepped through the Dark Portal in the Blasted Lands. I'm glad I turned down the offer of various mages to port me to Shattrath, and waited until I'd earned it - that first breathless moment was priceless (and at 10g a portal, literally too)... Needless to reiterate - though I will - I'm definitely Very Impressed :D
  14. Pah, in my case it was £82 to photocopy our original tenancy agreement in front of us so that we could sign it again. Don't get me started on bl**dy agency fees. :mad:
  15. Sigh. I've had a reply to my letter, two months after I sent the original one, from a Hugh Wyllie (and isn't that a comedy name...). They've graciously accepted that I no longer live where they thought I did. However, they won't take my stamped Student Status letter from the Uni as proof that my graduation date has changed. A fine example of this country's ridiculous bureaucracy: I have to contact the University, who need to contact my LEA, who then themselves need to contact SLC with a new Support Notification. Er, actually, they 'request' that I contact the University, to 'request' that they contact my LEA. That's two 'requests' in one sentence, Hugh; bad form, old chap. Oh, and if I need anything else, ring them on an 0870 number... That's all right, dears, I think I'll stick to letters; it makes you all work harder. On with the to-ing and fro-ing - I'll update as usual.
  16. lol I'm being berated on all sides today, I come on here for a bit of peace and quiet, and along comes Esio...
  17. Many of us on here agree that a blanket prohibition of pets, with no reason given, may be considered an unfair term in a tenancy agreement...
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