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Everything posted by demon_x_slash

  1. I wouldn't touch Paypal with a barge pole. PayPalSucks.com is where you will learn about the PayPal Class Action Lawsuit, Abuse, Fraud & evil behind the PayPal system! Unlucky.
  2. It's actually printed on that particular brand of voucher that the store accepting the vouchers does not have to give change. I thought it was unfair too, that's why I checked the small print on the back. They're 'Choice' vouchers, don't know if anyone's got one that they can check themselves.
  3. Did you get anywhere with this? I am trying to persuade my other half not to take them up on their 'free trial' offer; I've told OH they're dodgy but OH's a bit dismissive when something's been decided...
  4. I'd like to know how councils classify property. We're in a one bedroom (tiny) flat with allocated parking, renting from a private landlord and his (useless) letting agents. On our Tax bills we're classed as a Band C, and as I'm a student we get a 25% discount. However, that still leaves us paying £120pcm...which seems a bit excessive for the teensy size of the property we're in. Oh, at least £20 of the above is 'for the Olympics', apparently. Sorry, but I've never seen a Walnut Whip worth £5 before, Kenny...
  5. I used to work for a High Street stationers; they accepted Choice High Street vouchers, but my manager always stipulated that we give store vouchers back in refund situations. We weren't even allowed to give cash as change for them - if the customer bought £8 worth of items with a £10 voucher, the store kept the £2 change.
  6. I can believe this. We've been in our flat for more than a year now, and yet we still receive Japanese-language business magazines for the tenant from five years back, fitness weekend invitations for the tenant four years back, and protein pill magazines for the tenant from a year and a half back. We always 'Return to Sender' every one, but get them with depressing regularity. We learned our lesson about not opening previous tenants' mail when we received the 'fitness weekend' woman's summons for an unpaid parking ticket. Huge amount of money for a student and a minimum-wager. We had a very hard time convincing the snotty council that I wasn't her, had to send ID, utility bills, inform the DVLA that she hadn't changed her address...now anything that has a company/sender name that we don't recognise, we have to look.
  7. The facelessness of councils is truly amazing. Widow in ashes scandal - Yahoo! News UK Regards
  8. I would stick with the £25. How long did it take you to get this problem sorted out? I don't know about you but that's a day's wages for me. Regards.
  9. My part-time retail job dream is to work for John Lewis. Not only do I agree with its work ethic and shareholding schemes, but you get discounts on Waitrose food! ....mmm, Waitrose food....
  10. Hi, Would someone mind posting the information on how to get a Chip and Sig card on the forum, please? This has been on my mind for quite some time, but the only information I can find from my bank (FL-abbey) is that they will only give Chip and Sig cards to the disabled, those with poor vision or memory loss, etc. Is this right? Can anyone ask for a Chip and Sig as an alternative to PIN? And what sort of reception does a Chip and Sig card get at a retailer? I'm a cashier, and I'm the only one of my colleagues who has even heard of the Sig scheme. Regards.
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