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Everything posted by demon_x_slash

  1. For the more fashion conscious Living Dead, thicker, a more heavy-duty thread is required to achieve that neat, cross hatched line around the neck that the zombie fellas find so alluring. Contact your local sailmaker for a good local stockist.
  2. Good idea, HP. If no one else objects, we'll use the original modern rules, which, of course, means that King's Cross is rendered unapproachable from the South. And I'll start: Warwick Avenue
  3. CQTOGMP: (abrv) Crying? Quoi? Taters of Goop Make Porridge?
  4. Pancakes with a filling of steamed and sliced baby new potatoes, diced spring onions, fresh chives, a squirt of lemon, black pepper and a spoonful of mayonnaise are impossibly delicious. OH appreciates my chili cheese and baked bean pancakes (I don't like baked beans, so I'll take his word for it). Normal cheese, ham, black pepper, chives and a dab of mustard is also great. Sorry, but my taste for sweet pancakes died a long time ago - haven't been able to stand anything sweet on pancakes for years
  5. I can provide the names of a few, for a fee of £2.50 and a form that demonstrates reasonable cause (how reasonable that is, depends on how reasonable you are ), which will enable the discerning Mod to subscribe to certain threads for fun and edification. Please enclose an SAE with your PO, and SD the RSPV to my POB.
  6. Er...sorry...? ... He - said no - to her...? ... ... ... I've tried it all which ways in my head and I still don't understand the concept you're trying to put across...definitely Does Not Compute...
  7. Got to agree with clavileno on this one - it's a similar thing to shops only 'offering' to treat - that offer can be withdrawn at the retailer's discretion, without having to give a reason. I don't see why food retailers are any different to goods retailers.
  8. I'm fairly sure that Rufus means 'red' - hope your friends' tot is a Ginger
  9. Yeah, secrecy and all that...but come on...admit it...sometimes you sidle up to him and offer him some sweet galenas (Old Toby), or Buckland Light Ale...
  10. Wurl, all spammers and touters are eejits, and this one doubly so
  11. Aaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa... I'm going to be laughing all evening now As for the sterilisation thing, well, I won't be contributing to the overpopulation problem - as soon as I'm declared Supreme Leader, there's a certain list - let's call it the 'Removal of Surplus 50% List' - that'll do the job nicely. All applications for the other half of the list - tentatively entitled 'The 50% That Deserve My Reign List' - should be addressed to: Don't Put Me On The Bad List Supreme Leader of the World 1 The Larch Wood Lane W12 7RJ
  12. Don't post commercial links - they are against site rules, as is touting for business.
  13. Commercial links are not allowed - please re-read the conditions of joining the site.
  14. That sort of thing just creates a generational obligation - I think it causes unnecessary trouble in families when the 'tradition' is defied...ultimately, it's no-one else's damned business what you and your OH call your child, not the gparents, not the friends, not the religious leader...general consultation is fine, but demands - no...
  15. *loti* Jorga Macadamia "TheGodMother" Jorga Enchilada "TheGodmother" Jorga Pippin Moonstar Barleycorn "TheGodMother" Jorga Motif Parisian "TheGodmother"...
  16. I always liked Jeremy Beadle - he was a presenter on LBC once, before my time, and did so much for charity - difference between him and most other celeb charity contributors is that he kept his involvements discreet and unassuming. I was very sorry to hear that he'd died.
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