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Everything posted by laalinz

  1. Hi, Thanks for the advice. Slick I used this thread http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?249257-PPI-Interest-Calculator
  2. Hi, Have today recieved SAR information regarding Halifax Credit Card. I have a few questions: I have worked out the PPI reclaim and am fairly happy with that. (have yet to work out the charges for late payments etc) Do I need to send separate letters for PPI reclam and charges or can I do it in one letter? Are the grounds that: We were not asked if we had other insurance to cover the credit card and we were not aware that we could buy insurance to cover the credit card elsewhere, grounds for a reclaim? When we tried to claim following redundancy we found that there was that many exemption clauses that we were not made aware of we just gave up claiming and struggled to find the money to repay the monthly credit card bills instead . Is that one of our reasons for reclaim? Many thanks guys.
  3. recieved my SAr today and it seems like we have been paying Payment Protection. Now I am getting a dab hand at working out late payments etc with interest but this is a new one on me. Can anyone point me in the right direction for some reading material please
  4. Ho scorer, What have they been up to with you. have drafted my letter before action and included that paragrapgh SS. Will send it tomorrow as I have had a nasty dose of the sickness bug. All better now though
  5. Today received a letter it states that as we have not kept to our agreed payment plan (no such plan exists) and as I am now £100 in arrears (I am in more then that) they are passing my account onto their home collections diversion (wonder if they have any nice homes in that collection) What a bunch of muppets!
  6. Hi, Hoping someone can help. My hubby rang HM Revenue in the end of May and we were told that he was due a rebate of around £450. He was told that due to a bag log he would receive the cheque in the middle of June. To cut a long story shorty we are still chasing this, only to be told every time we ring that there is a note on file saying cheque is to be issued. We never receive the ring back that they promise every time we speak to them. They sent a letter on the 5th October saying "thank you for your letter dated 26 July informing us that we sent your cheque to the wrong address as you had moved house" What.......we have lived in the ssame house since 2005! and never told them we have moved. I have today sent a complaint letter in. But I am at a loss as to what else I can do................that cheque would pay for Christmas and then some. Please HELP
  7. Many thanks, Will send that tomorrow. Will keep you updated x
  8. Letter recieved today. Dated 17 November Dear ****** Thank you for contacting us with your complaint relating to fees applied to your credit card account. I have detailed the findings of our investiagtion along with propsed resolution outlined below for your information. Having reviewed your account I have identified that you have been charged £12.00 on 39 Occasions, as detailed on the enclosed document. This charge is in line with the office of Fair Trading guildlines. As such these charges will not be refunded. Please note that any default fees properly accured were applied to your account in line with our published tariff and in accordance with your ageement with us, as deatiled in your Terms and Conditions and on the reverse of your statement. Please let me know if you remain dissatisfied by either phoning me on the above number or writing to me at the above address. If we can not reach agreement then you will have the right to refer your complaint to the Finanical Ombudsman Service, but I do hope that will not prove necessary. If I don't hear from you by eight weeks from the date of this letter then I will regard your complaibt as closed. i am sorry that you have needed to contavt us and am grateful to you for bring this to our attention. As I mentioned above, please get in touch with me if you wish to discuss the matter further. Your sincerely Masked Robber What would you suggest my next move is? lba? Thanks
  9. Love Sky's caller bar function. Mercers can now only get through on a withheld number and I always tell them I will not give security details to a withheld number. Should all these phone calls stop after my DMP is set up with CCCS?
  10. I have had no end of letters saying people are coming to my door between such and such a time...............still yet to see one! Maybe they heard my coffee isn't that good?!
  11. Thank you. It is only through you wonderful people on here I have found courage to face my debts head on and tackle them. The first scary step was counting them all up and admitting I was over my head! Thank you so much
  12. Have today, made arrangements for wages, child credit and tax credit to go into other account. Hubby is going to ring and changing all household DD's to his account. Have sat tonight and filled in forms for a DMP with CCCS I will still be fighting the sharks all the way for charges etc but I am taking control back my debt
  13. All forms filled out online with CCCS. Just waiting for paperwork to come through post now. Will still be on here though as you guys have kept me sane and besides still going after the sharks for my charges back! Am going to challange Barclays over my reserve fees next...........I feel now that as I will hopefully be able to fend of the letters and telephone calls with my DMP I will have more fight to go after them for MY money
  14. Trying to get a handle on it Spit, thanks
  15. Definitely will. Can I still claim back charges on Credit and store cards under a DMP?l
  16. Just read your blog. Very helpful. Am going to have a look at the cccs DMP and decide. Thanks
  17. I thought that would have effected my mortgage. When we weren't working we missed a few months payments and then rang us up and said unless we paid that part of the mortgage they would make it a secured loan. We struggled every month to find that payment even though we were on job seekers allowance. This is part of the reason why were are iin so much debt. Gas and elc bills, unsecured part of my mortgage they all went on credit cards as we were just trying to keep a roof over our heads. I wish I knew then what I know now!
  18. Ahhh didn't realise that. So do I have to add that into my DMP?
  19. Cheers slick, as always you know and give good advice.
  20. Haven't had a chance to read your blog, but will be reading it tonight as I have my serious head on today instead of my feeling sorry for myself head. Plab to sit down with a coffee and read through it. I'm stuck with my mortgage lender anyway as I have a Northern Rock together mortgage boo
  21. Thank you, Will keep you informed of developments. Some days you just have more fight in you then others
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