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Everything posted by laalinz

  1. Hi, he has all his payslips. His holiday pay is paid on full time hours, his weekly hours never fall below 40 per week, he often worked more but never less. The average of hs working hours is 46 hrs per week. Yet they want to drop him to 16 and have took on extra staff to cover the hours he worked EVERY week. Thanks
  2. My brother has finally had a written response to his letter after requesting it twice. Dear ..... I am writing in response to the letter that you wrote on 20th April 2011 with regard to transfer of your employment from Supermarket A to Supermarket B. In discussion with (the writter) on Tuesday 3rd May you requested a written response to your complaint in order that you can take advice accordingly I am writing to set our Company's current position from the information that you have submitted and that we hold. If you require a formal meeting to discuss your complaint then please advise me so we can set up a meeting or alternatively if you have further information you wish to provide me with to consideration please submit within the next 48 hours. As you have formally requested a written response we have taken it that you so not wish to have such a meeting. In your letter you expressed concern that you did not believe supermarket B were adhereing to TUPE regulations in the offer of new term of employment, in that your working hours had averaged at a higher number than supermarket B were going to guarantee under the new contract which you have been offered. It is our undertsanding from supermarket A that you were empoloyed on 0 hours contract and at no time were guaranteed any hours, however you were regularly offered and worked hours for your store. Supermarket A had provided us with the average hours you have worked on a weekly basis these hours been a average and not fixed on a weekly basis. The fact that these hours were not fixed confirms the information provide by supermarket A and the Therm of the cntract that we have been sent relating to your empolyment, that you hous were entirly variable and that there is no Customs and Practice that can be implyed into your contact for fixed hours.(we have all my brothers paynotes and they all have full time hours on plus full time holiday pay) The supermarket B contract that you have been offered guarantees a minium of 7 1/2 hours more then your supermarket A contract therefore we conside this to be more favourable then a 0 hour contract. Supermarket B employees genarlly work in excess of the base hours but can not be given less then those hours. You have stated that you believe Supermarket B to be in peach in TUPE in this regard, howvere as you are entitled to remain on your supermarket A terms in there entirety and are been given the choice of alternative terms at Supermarket B we do not agree that there is any preach of the TUPE reguations. It is entirely a matter for you whether you remain on Supermarkt A's terms although we had anticipated that given the more fabvourable terms that supermarket B offered you would wish to sign upto those terms. In light of the above, please can you clarify whether you wish to reamin on your current terms or wish to take up the offer of Supermarket B's terms, please do this in writting to myself ......................... Supermarket B's HR Manager. They have took roughly 16 new employees on, on a 7 1/2 hour contract but the workers from Supermarket A have had to scrafice there working hours to 7 1/2 hours to enable them to take these new employees on)
  3. They have told him they plan to leave him on Supermarket A's contract and asked him to sign it again, which he refused. Thats his worry as the contract he has with Supermarket A has no hours stated, and he's worried that they will take that to mean that they can give him 3 hours (for example)if they want.
  4. Quick follow up as I am at work! They have told my brother that they will keep him on Supermarkets A's hours but they have looked at his time sheets and he doesn't have a case, but they have refused him copies of said time sheets. The only problem is Netto contract doesn't have any set hours so they could end up giving him 3 hours a week or something. HELP guys!!
  5. Hi, letter went recorded delivery yesterday. ( i left out the paragraph at the end though ......for now). Just to keep you up to date. They all had a 'welcome to Supermarket B' meeting yesterday and were presented with 16 hours contracts. My brother has been given to the 3 May to sign his because of his "dispute", but has been told that if he "doesn't sign it he is effectively handing in his resignation". Can they say that?
  6. Hi, Supermarket B has informed my brother that their solicitors are within their rights to change his hours. He has been told to send a letter into head office arguing his side. Any help with a draft of such letter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys
  7. Hi, she isn't swapping as its the second one that she has had that hasn't lasted more then a few months before something has gone wrong. She has decided to get the money from my brother who has the PlayStation on the buy now plan on her card. (the plan that they are putting the refund against). She has cut up her Argos card though, so they have lost a good customer! haha
  8. Hi, just a quickie, I have a CCCS DMP and Debt managers have had no problem with my account from next getting payments from CCCS but they keep writting to me about hubbies account saying that they have not received authorization for CCCS to act on his behalf. So I contacted CCCS and have today been informed from CCCS that the Next debts were in fact SOLD to Debt Managers. I was never informed of this and have in fact got a letter from Next saying that they have not sold the debt to Debt Managers so they do not have to provided me with any paperwork to say as such! (as in post 24).
  9. Hi rebel, many thanks for that. Have passed that on to my mam.
  10. Hi. Got my brother sat here with me. Holidays pay was worked out from the employee average working hours from the past 16 weeks. They don't have clocking machines, but they do fill in timesheets that are signed by store manager and area manager. Theses prove his working hours of 45 hours a week for the last year. The first year of working for supermarket A he worked 70 hours a week, with Tuesday and Thursdy as days off. Start time have always been 7am till 4 pm weekends. Although he often stayed back past 4pm, 8 till 5pm on a Sunday. Days off are Tuesday and Thursdays for the past two years. His set role has never changed. He hasn't not been informed what his new role will be but will genearlly be the same instore work. Unforms are proved by Supermarket A at the moment at no cost to employee. I look forward to your response
  11. Thank you very much for your reply. I will check these things with my brother and get back to you ASAP. Once again, thanks. Its not just him that this is happening to, some of Supermarket A's employee have worked there for years and they to are getting 7 hour contracts from supermarket B. Apparently Supermarket A is far from happy about how supermarket B is handling the staff in the takeover.
  12. Thanks, I never thought! Sorry They varied but he never worked less then 35 hours in the past two years. Some of these people have familes and Supermarket B has said that they know where the door is i they don't like it
  13. My brother works for our local (Supermarket A) which has been bought out by Supermarket B. He has been working an average of 50hours a week for A and is well liked and well thought of. They were informed of the take over but were told that they would recieve the average hours that they had been working for A. That is not the case, they are giving everyone a 7 hr contract and told them to expect to work between 7 and 16 hours a week (as they do not like paying NI) Everyone is up in arms and are saying that they can not afford such a massive drop in hours, but as it was A's policy to give contracts with no set amount of hours, B is saying like it or lump it. They were told that if they had a problem with the takeover they had to put it in writing to A, but this was effectively as good as handing in their notice! Does he have any right at all regarding these new hours. He has worked there two years. Thanks
  14. Hi guys, This is a one for my mam. She needs advice regarding Argos. She bought a tefal fryer one her argos store card on a buy now pay later plan which is now all paid off. She then let my brother buy a ps3 on her argos card on a new buy now pay later plan due to end in July, when he will pay the outstanding balance off as to incur no interest. the problem is though, the tefal fryer has a fault (still under guarentee) so she returned it to Argos and asked for a refund. They are saying that she can only have the refund applied to her card against the playstation buy now pay later plan. This seems unfair. This plan does not require payment until July, so why should they keep the refund and apply it to that plan? She has always paid her statements on time and incurred no late chargers so why should they think they can tell her how to use her refund for a faulty good? She now has no fryer (no chips ) and no money to buy another. Please help!
  15. seems like I am not the only one http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/article-1261209/Outrage-grows-tax-rebates-delayed-year.html
  16. Well its the 3rd March, no reply. Hubby rang Tax Office and asked what was happening? Was fobbed off about there been a backlog again! I really don't know what to do. It will has been 10 months since we inquired and were told that we were due a rebate!
  17. VERY are a right pain the the neither regions. I am just about to report them to FOS http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?276962-Laa-v-Very
  18. I will send another lba. Hopefully they will reply as I have yet to hear back regarding my bank account with them also (as in my other thread). They ignore everything I send.
  19. Yep, all worked out and letter sent to Barclaycard, no response. lba sent no response. They ignore everything from me.
  20. I have been enjoying the peace and quiet that CCCS DMP has brought and I am ashamed to say I have not been fighting anyone. Back in the fighting spirit now though. What would you suggest my next step would be? I have heard nothing from Barclays at all!!!
  21. Have today received a letter from Calders saying that their client is prepared to offer me a settlement figure if I contact them within 5 days. Only problem is I don't have spare cash to pay this one straight off no matter what figure they come up with.
  22. Its not in my contract but I agree with you. She has just made it plainly obvious to everyone in the office that I was the only one who did not receive a pay rise by saying to me "I have put your salary into your bank but the pay notes have not come, but you know what you are getting" but to everyone else she has told them that if they want to know what they are being paid that they should to go to her office.
  23. I would have no one to raise a grievence with anyway. The bosses are husband and wife and there is only 6 including them work there. "family atmosphere" they say!
  24. Thank you for your reply. I am looking for another job but my worry is that although I have glowing references from all my other places of employment, most employers ask for a ref from curent employer and I do not want to use them as a ref. Are the allowed to make me come in early and leave late? I feel like I have no say in this and I am going to have to do this even though it will cause childcare issues. Thanks
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