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Everything posted by laalinz

  1. Because I have no assets at all, no spare money yet he is financially comfortable in a well paid job as is his new partner, will they not chase him more then me, to settle the debt. I haven't got it to give them, yet he has.
  2. Hi, Stressing to bits here so hope someone can help me. I moved out of the family home 5th August 2012 with my daughter. Myt ex had made all mortgage payments and insisted on keeping the family home. It wasn't a good relationship, so I let him have the house and just left with a bag of clothes from me and my daughter. I contacted the council and was declared homeless, I moved in with my parents while we went through thge paperwork of finding me and my daughter a home. I lived with my parents for 6 months and eventually moved into a private rental. I was unemployed at the time, receiving full house benefit. I had to seek legal advice about my ex's access to my daughter, which is now resolved, housing options were discussed and I said , "he wants the house just let him have it". My solicitor wrote many times asking him to remove my name from the mortgage. Which he never did. It's took me a long time to get back on my feet, with the emotional support of my parents and friends, I am back on my feet and running a part time dog walking business. He found a new partner very quickly and moved in "offically" with her September 2013. Today I discovered that he has stopped paying the mortgage payments and they have possessed the house, (he was in Amsterdam celebrating his girlfriends birthday while they repossessed the house yesterday). I know nothing of any of this until today when I called on a friend, whom is a old neighbour, and there is an notice in the window giving us 7 days to remove belongings. My credit score is shot anyway as he left me in debts for other things in my name also. I am now self employed but earnings are low, I receive full housing benefit still. I understand I am still liable for the mortgage (it's a terrible Northen Rock together mortgage and in negative equity). But i have no spare cash at all to my name after I pay bills and feed and clothe our daughter. He is an assistant manager in a discount supermarket and on a very good wage, he has three holidays booked this year and his new partner has a very well paid job also. I cannot believe he has just stopped paying the mortgage on a house he insisted on keeping when I left. I need to know legally where I stand in all this. Plus what will happen next. Please help!
  3. Just had a horrible day, put an offical complaint into EDF after the advisor I spoke to from EDF said I should definitely log an official complaint. Had a call from Richburn collector today who was rude, unhelpful and unpleasant, even though a new direct debit was in place regarding a overdue gas bill and I was reassured two times I would not be called upon. He's the email I have sent them (might add I was fuming at the time I sent this) Dear Sirs, I am writing to express my concern and upset by how my gas account has being managed recently. I missed a Direct Debit payment due to being made unemployed through redundancy in December, and when the missed bill arrived for £68.00, I went online to your website, to set up a direct debit into my partners bank account. My partner's account is where our electricity Direct Debit, which we hold with you, is paid from. I got the message that the DD request had being received and that you would be in touch to confirm if the DD had being set up. I heard nothing more until a bill for £321.43 arrived, which included the amount for £68.00 that I had requested a new Direct debit for. Once again I went online on your website and filled in the Direct Debit request form for this new gas bill, and this time I sent a email to accompany it. I received the DD request received message and email received. I expected to hear from you within ten days as stated. I never heard from you regarding my correspondence, just a red letter bill from yourselves. So once again I sent a email and DD request just in case I had filled it in wrong. I waited another ten days as your received message said. A week pasted and once again no response to any of my correspondence, just a new letter saying you were passing the debt to Richburn who would contact me. I sent another email explaining the situation and waited again as your message said that my email was received and you would be in touch within ten days. Another week and this time a letter from Richburn received! I rang you at this point on the 20 April and spoke to a gentlemen who explained you had a backdate of emails to catch up with and that is why I had heard nothing from you regarding me emails. This I find hard to believe, considering my first contact with you regarding this overdue bill was in December!! I informed the advisor I spoke to, that I would ring back when my partner arrived home from work to set the DD up, as he explained that doing such a thing would stop all collecting activity on my account. Ten minutes later I rang back with my partner and a DD was set up for £46 a month with a additional £19 to cover overdue amount. Once again we were reassured that Richburn would be notified and no collector would call. Today 25 April I receive a visit from a very unpleasant collector from Richburns! I told him a DD had being set up, so I didn’t understand why he was here. I Showed him the letters confirming the DD from you and he insisted that he had to ring you. I asked him to do this in the his car and he refused to do this, instead attempted to ring you from my doorstep to discuss my account. Surely discussing my details on the phone, outside in the street would be in breach of the data protection act? I asked a further three times for him to leave my property and he refused each time. I have a front garden with a hedge and a gate, which is always closed, he was encroaching on my property without my permission which he refused to acknowledge, so I class this “gentleman” as a trespasser who purposely tried to cause me embarrassment at my doorstep on my property, which he refused to leave! I rang you after the collector from Richburns left (but not without serving me a letter informing me that they would be applying for a warrant to cut off my supply). I spoke to a very nice gentleman in your customer service department who listen and said he would get someone to ring Richburn and that he would ring me back and explain what happened. He was good to his word and rang me back half an hour after our first conversation. He said that it was EDF’s fault and he apologised on your behalf. He explained that the advisor who had sent up the DD had no put a “debt recall” on my account. He said that the collector from Richburn had called on good authority. But in my opinion this DOES NOT excuse how the collector from Richburn’s treated me on my own doorstep and I am very upset and distressed by this whole experience. I believe he should have left when asked!! It is three months since my first contact with you after my original DD went unpaid and as a result cancelled. It has caused me nothing but anxiety and worry that I heard nothing to any of my correspondence and which has ultimately resulted in a debt collector at my door. I am currently suffering from depression since my redundancy and this whole experience has done nothing to help my current situation. I look forward to hearing from you in this regard. what do people think?
  4. Just don't feel up to running the DMP myself just yet as I have only had 8 months on DMP with CCCS. I will get there just not yet. I am seriously thinking of going to Payplan though as I was nearly in tears after my review in February as the advisor was far from compassionate and this today with NRAM has stressed me out.
  5. I have felt let down with CCCS since the phonecall which made me start this thread. Up until then I was very happy and relieved that the stress of creditors calling had gone. I do understand that DMP take several months to settle down. But I have had two months of NRAM calling me everyday about this payment plan. It's not until someone managed to catch me in today that I discovered that the unsecured part of my together mortgage had not being added to my DMP (ever though I have a letter from CCCS stating that it had dated 23 March 2012). I did chase CCCS today as it is them who I have the DMP with and they said that paperwork had being sent to NRAM last week, yet I had the "telling off" from CCCS early February when I enquired about the unsecured part of the together mortgage going onto my DMP with CCCS at my review. Hence the "feling of being let down by CCCS"
  6. Just had a distressing phonecall which resulted in my phoning CCCS to ask why Northern Rock were saying that no payment plan was in place for the unsecured element of my mortgage. When I pointed out this on was a DMP with CCCS the lady said that this was currently on going and that no such arrangement had being agreed. They were still outstanding paperwork from CCCS so this is why they have rang me everyday! I rang CCCS and the lady informed me that they had spoke to Northern Rock last week and the paperwork was sent out to them now. Yet I have a letter saying that they could confirm that NRAM debt had being added to my DMP dated 23 March. I feel like CCCS have failed me. I am currently awaiting notification from JSA with regard to any money I will get, then I will be transfering my DMP to someone else. I feel SO let down by CCCS the past few months.
  7. Hi, My partner has a bank loan with Natwest. We are currently on a DMP with the CCCS so I am chasing all creditors at the moment to reduce balances down to what I "actually" Owe them. I contacted natwest to enquire about the PPI on this bank loan in the hope that a SAR would not be required. (worth a shot I thought and they responded with a letter with this info: Loan Start Date: 22 May 2008 Loan Amount: £7,500 PPI Loan Insurance £1,838.00 Please note that the loan insurance was cancelled on 15 October 2008 with £1,304 of the £1,838 upaid. Loan durtation: 120 Months The statements arrived today and its showing 15 October 2008 Credit Insurance interest £483.33 Credit 15 October 2008 Credit Insurance rebate £1,304.07 What should be next move be? Write requesting that they refund my payment of £534.00 as this PPI did not provide the cover that we thought it would (which is why it was cancelled on 15 October in the first place)? Any advice would be very much appreciation! They will just take this off the loan amount outstanding, not send us a cheque to allow us to spread the amount throughout our debts?
  8. I have just been told I will be made redundant and will get my notice on Friday so the plan that resulted from my review is no good now anyway. Another thing I forgot to mention was, that the advisor was pushing the IVA. She said that to clear my debts within the ten year government allowed period she would need at least £340 per month of me. But after doing more research about IVA's its definitely not an option I am able to go down. I need the flexibility of the DMP as jobs are so unsure these days. She said that even if we could clear it in ten years my daughter would be 17 (she must have thought I couldn't do the math) and strongly suggested we discuss the IVA on our next review. With regard to complaining I really don't want to "rock the boat" with them so to speak. I got the telling off today in written correspondence saying that if I took any further credit my contract with them would be terminated. This unsecured loan was not further credit, it is in fact the oldest debt I own. I just misunderstood it.
  9. Thanks for the links, I have worked with only a one week unemployment break for just over 2 years so hopefully I should have paid enough NI on a 20 per week job at NMW........ We should still qualify for Tax credits as my partner works 50 per week but his income is less then the threshold so fingers crossed I should still be ok. Must say I did not realise that they had reduced the threshold so much!! that is going to hit a lot of families hard!
  10. I have being enjoying the peace and quiet a DMP with CCCS has brought me and didn't want to rock the boat. But I am about to be meade Redundant again so back in fighting form. Going to try again for these chargers form VERY. Do I have to start from the very begining again ? Thank you
  11. I'm BACK Paperwork found, Spreadsheet of chargers done and ready to go!! Do I need to start the reclaim all over again? Which template letter would you suggest I send with my spreadsheet? I'm going all the way with these now.................even to court if need be. I am BACK lol:fencing:
  12. Just being doing some reading and research and it would appear that my food and household is way under what CAB would recommend. Maybe that is why I struggle on my food allowance. I shop online so I can budget what I am spending, make my own food as hate feeding my family rubbish and its cheaper to give them a home made meal. Yet the last ten days of the month I cannot do a shop and its a struggled to give my family a healthy meal then. A DMP teaches you that it is do-able living on a budget.
  13. I do love you guys on here!!! I will keep you posted. I am going to call into CAB over the next few weeks to discuss my options after redundancy (which is looking very likely) think it may be worth discussing my DMP with them as wel and letting them look at my figures. Thank you l
  14. Thank you. Words of encouragement are very helpful. I have looked into redundancy options and what will happen and I hopefully will be able to claim contribution based JSA for 6 months. Hoping to be able to go to college and retrain as I have been made redundant 4 times in 5 years. Which is part of the reason why we are in this mess to start with. I'm going to see how I go on the plan for the next two months and if I am struggling (which I think I will I will seek another opinion). If i am redundant by the end of March, it will need looking at again anyway. Another thing is that I told the advisor I could really do with make some allowance in the plan for my partner to pass his driving licence as this will lead to a promotion for him resulting in more take home pay. She said we would review that at our next review in four months time. xx
  15. Hi, thanks for your feedback and your answer on my other post. I did spend along time on my figures for my review and checked them against the allowances on CCCS website (I went through it like a new claim on the website) and the maximum allowances were higher on there, then then advisor was said I was allowed. It was just a horrible conversation. I tried to handle my own DMP before going to CCCS and I found it to stressful at the time, I am very grateful for CCCS taking this stress away when I first set up the DMP plan with them. I don't want it to appear like I am saying they are a bad company, as they are far from it. Sometimes though, the advisor's could show a little more compassion to the people who are struggling in debt. We are stressed enough without a trip to a headmasters office. It felt like she was trying to get as much as possible for my creditors instead of making sure I had enough for my little family (one child of 7 years of age) to live on. this particular advisor definitely seemed to be working for the creditors in my case.
  16. 70 % of my expenditure figures were reduced by her as she said they were to high Outgoing: Mortgage: 480 pm water: 44 pm council tax: 145 pm (this has arrears but the cccs advisor wanted to put 115, which is what it is without arrears) gas 75pm Electricity: 56 pm Building/contents insurance: £18 pm Telephone/internet: 40pm TV Licence: £12 pm Satellite: 23 pm CCJ: 10 pm Life insurance: £20 pm (I was totally grilled about what this was for) Spares and car servicing: 11 pm (my car is 12 years old) Road tax: 18 pm car insurance 33 pm Breakdown: 10 pm Fuel/parking: 130 pm (this is now the same as last year even though the price of fuel has gone up) Food/cleaning products 380 pm (has had to stay the same as last year even though food has increased) School meals: 30 every four weeks pets: 23pm (I have three cats who I have had before taken on dmp and I now cannot afford insurance) School trips: 6 pm Medicine: 10 pm (my child and partner have allergies but this isn't enough to cover all plus painkillers) dentist: 10 pm (I was asked if I really needed to wear glasses, I wear them EVERY day!!) hairdressing: 28 pm (this is much less then I can pay in this area) Clothing footwear: 45 pm sports hobbies: 20 pm (just covers childs swimming lessons) pocket money for child: 11 pm Sundries 30 pm loan from family: 30 pm (this is on my mams credit card as the car broke down, followed by my washer, fridge freezer and oven. I owe £800)
  17. Thanks Peers, But I do not want to take the complaint any further, I have enough stress in my life at the moment without making complaints. But I have come away from the review totally dreading my next one in 4 months time..........I did even consider the possibility of seeing whether someone else would take on my DMP when I came away from the telephone call, as I felt like I had just been to see the headmaster. I had to ask her to show a little more compassion as this was very stressful to be in the position I am in, but I am doing all I can to face my debts head on!!
  18. Hi, thanks for reply My partner is in a very secure job but I am waiting on redundancy news, will know in two weeks time. Here's my figures. But i must add that the CCCS advisor I spoke to last night knocked very nearly every expenditure figure I gave her down, saying "thats too high". Income ME: £520 pm Partner: 1,200 pm Child tax credit: 188.00 every 4 weeks Child benefit: 88.00 every 4 weeks Outgoing: Mortgage: 480 pm water: 44 pm council tax: 145 pm (this has arrears but the cccs advisor wanted to put 115, which is what it is without arrears) gas 75pm Electricity: 56 pm Building/contents insurance: £18 pm Telephone/internet: 40pm TV Licence: £12 pm Satellite: 23 pm CCJ: 10 pm Life insurance: £20 pm (I was totally grilled about what this was for) Spares and car servicing: 11 pm (my car is 12 years old) Road tax: 18 pm Car insurance 33 pm Breakdown: 18 pm (this is high but its because of the age of the car) Fuel/parking: 130 pm Food/cleaning products 380 pm School meals: 30 every four weeks pets: 23pm (I have three cats who I have had before taken on DMP and I now cannot afford insurance) School trips: 6 pm Medicine: 10 pm (my child and partner have allergies but this isn't enough to cover all plus painkillers) dentist: 10 pm (I was asked if I really needed to wear glasses, I wear them EVERY day) hairdressing: 28 pm (this is much less then I can pay in this area) Clothing footwear: 45 pm sports hobbies: 20 pm (just covers childs swimming lessons) pocket money for child: 11 pm Sundries 30 pm loan from family: 30 pm (this is on my mams credit card as the car broke down, followed by my washer, fridge freezer and oven. I owe £800) Debts: Natwest loan £6,590 - PPI and chargers to recaim Barclays Loan £3,455 Chargers to reclaim Barclaycard CC £1,480.88 Chargers to recalim Halifax Credir card £717. - chargers reclaimed halving the balance Natwest overdraft £1,050 Barclays overdraft £1,050 Very catalogue: £906 - chargers to reclaim Next Dirtectory: £315.10 NRAM unsecured loan £25,300. I hate listing it and looking at it, makes me feel ashamed
  19. I clashed with a CCCS advisor tonight on the telephone while doing my review. She was very sharp with me and nearly had me in tears at one point. She was very taken aback when I said I did not want to talk with her any more. She advised me that they was no one else to talk to there and I continued with the review. I do feel like I am now paying a a lot more then I expected to as she kept knocking down the cost of things I said I paid out. I said I wasn't happy but would let it run for a few months and see how I coped but I already struggle every month as it is. Now my DD to CCCS has doubled
  20. Just gone through the horrid experience of my DMP with the CCCS. I got a right telling off by the consultant when I explained that a employee of NRAM had suggested we put the unsecured part of our together mortgage onto our DMP, after we had done a budget review with them. The CCCS consultation gave me a right telling off and nearly had me in tears as I had "hidden a debt from them, so had broken their terms of contract". I explained that I was unaware that this loan could be added, as I thought it formed part of my mortgage. She agreed to add this part of my together mortgage onto my DMP but told me to expect a telephone call and a letter from them outlining how unhappy they were with this loan being "hidden" She also cut a lot of my monthly out goings down by quite a lot more then what I had worked out, but I will let it run for a few months and see if I can survive on the figures. Needless to say it was not an enjoyable telephone conversation as this is a hard position to be in. She did suggest that we go down the IVA route as we had debts of £16,000 on loans, credit cards and overdrafts all combined. This unsecured loan which formed part of my together mortgage is £25,300. My house is worth around £99,000 and we are on a interest only mortgage, with an outstanding balance of £98,000. We bought just before the housing market crashed!! My partner is looking at a promotion at work (subject to him passing his driving test) which would make him a deputy manager in a discount superstore. Would a IVA affect his chances of this promotion. It would be quite a payrise for us. Oh and its looking like I may be facing another redundancy very soon My only real question is: would a IVA be the best way forward for me? I understand that my creditors have to agree to a IVA. Just how likely are NRAM to accept this? They are the only creditor who I feel may pose a problem. My others are NatWest, barclays and halifax. I have one CCJ against me and I was informed that this would be added to the IVA. What would be the implications of IVA route? I don't want credit again ever anyway as this stress is unreal. Completely stress out mam
  21. Hi all thanks for your advice. I have looked into things and it seems that I should have paid enough NI to get contribution based JSA, I wouldn't get income based due to my partner's wages. We already receive child tax credits but may be entitled to working after I lose my job. We are currently on a Debt management plan (due to us both being out of work for a period of 7 months and getting ourselves into a mess trying to keep the house over our heads as a result) I have sat for two hours today and reviewed our financial position, have an appointment later today to update my plan. Also looked at ways in which I can reduce our outgoing each month, so I am feeling a little more positive. Will use any unemployment time to chase PPI and unfair chargers on my debts and just hope I can get another job until the course I want to take starts in September. Suppose its not the end of the world after all losing my job, just gonna be a little tighter each month. Thanks again for your replies
  22. Hi all, We are officially in redundancy consultations at work. We have been asked to look at ways in which we can save each others jobs. ie going part time and things. Not an option for me as I am on NMW and part time hours of 20 per week. The woman who also does the same job role as me is paid alot more per hour (she has being there longer) plus she is full time. I tried to approach the subject of sharing hours but she cut me dead with the line "I cannot afford to go part time" so its looking like I will be made redundant. My partner works on a 30 hours a week contract but regularly works more. My questions are 1. Will I be able to claim JSA? 2. What benefits might I also be able to claim, if any 3. Would I be able to get any help with college fees as I would really like to go and retrain, this is the 4 redundancy in 4 years and I would like a new direction if possible. Thanks for any help and advice
  23. I'll dig the paperwork out............. Moorcroft say they are acting on behalf of Barclaycard. I did have the odd phonecall from Calders since being on the DMP but I just ignored them as they were very infrequent and maybe only about 6 in total. But they bang Moorcroft send me a letter about every three weeks threating to take me to court.
  24. Hey Slick, Thank you for coming back to me, long time no speak Hope your well. Sorry for later reply bn a bit under the weather with a tummy bug (joys having having children, they are walking germ bags). No I have not pursued the refund chargers (feel free to slap my hands) Think I may have to SAR them again unless I can find my paperwork. I have made all payments to CCCS and all of my creditors are listed on DMP. No notification that any accounts have been sold to any debt collector so Moorcroft letters were a bit of a shock as it was out of the blue.
  25. Hello, I know it has been a long time since I posted on this thread, but I went onto a DMP with the CCCS and must admit that I got lazy with chasing refunds while been on the plan. Everyone agreed to the plan and I have made every paymenst on time and things have been peaceful. The relief from the stress was unreal. I have started receiving threatening letters from Moorcroft regarding this Barclaycard account. The one received this morning wants me to arrange an date with them so they can call out to discuss my account with me at my home (like I am gonna ring them over anything) they do say that if I make a monthly payment of £75.00 they will settle for that. basically they are trying any means they can to get me to ring them. Strangely though, I have not been hounded by a single telephone call from Moorcroft, which is strange considering their usual hound dog style. I look forward to hearing from you guys xx Any advise on how I should approach them would be greatly received. I know I should start the horrid pass the letter regarding refund of penalty changers (which results in them ignoring EVERY letter I send)
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