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Everything posted by liquidauctions

  1. He cant do anything. If he takes you to court the FIRST question a judge will ask is if he approached the council and he will say yes they closed the case. I wouldnt bother making logs or being paranoid as a log wont count for anything in court as it isnt proof. Dont waste your time with it. If the council have been satisfied then dont worry.
  2. I agree with the above. In the future always tell them you would like a quote before they start work, And ask them what the charges will be for fault finding. That way if you have to take the car elsewhere then you know exactly where you stand.
  3. You cant just clear the bad credit. Report your other half for ID theft is the only way! If you cant/wont then sit tight for 6 years.
  4. Just had a CCJ removed and wanted to give some pointers. Aimed at people who have got CCJ's for silly things only satisfied ones. This does not apply to un-satisfied judgements! 1. Find a mistake, this could be that when you paid the amount it was less than what it states on your judgement or anything you would describe as unfair (didn’t get the form etc.). 2. Fill out the N244 and write your defence. Attach your fees of £75 and select that you want a hearing (important) 3. Once you get your court date, make sure you attend. How it works Its all common sense! A company would have to pay at least £150 ph to a solicitor for attending, they use local ones usually. So lets say the solicitor would study the case and prepare a counter for 2 hours, they have to travel an hour to get there and wait in court for an hour before both parties are called. Then an hour allocated for the case (they charge for full hours not 20 mins etc.) then an hour drive back and an hour writing to the client (Sorry if its getting confusing) That’s 7 hours at £150 = £1050+Vat. If you have paid the CCJ, who would spend that sort of money trying to stop you setting it aside? Which is also non recoverable! When the claimant does not have financial interest in your case, they will not bother attending! I got a CCJ in 2009, paid when i found out a month later. Filled out the N244 in late January 2011, got the court date on 1st March and the original claimant didnt bother attending as they had no interest in my case. It was set aside straight away. If you owe money, the claimant may attend, If you owe a small amount and agree to it, pay it and then fill out the N244. Hope this helps.
  5. The DCA has a duty to ensure all data is accurate. Just write to them first with your concerns and see what answer they give you. We can then counter it.
  6. I would love to see what companies they work for. It is a conflict of interest
  7. Did you tell them the amount was in dispute untill the PPI issue was resolved?
  8. £75. If you want a good chance of getting it set aside make sure the debt is paid first, that way the company shouldnt really feel like spending £150 per hour to send someone to court to contest it as it is non recoverable.
  9. Well my CCJ has now been set aside, Went to court today and the judge set it aside so basically my theory worked (no interest in the case)
  10. Well my CCJ has gone, I went to court today and they have set it aside
  11. If you applied through the same company it is becaucse of too many rejections
  12. If it is how you say it is then it looks like you have paid more for some confusing reason.
  13. If you want to do the right thing and make a payment no matter how small just send an F&f letter. They cant do anything to enforce the debt whilst you are away. If they get a CCJ against you and you do return you can have it set aside as you were not in the country.
  14. I dont know how they even managed to buy the debt without the licence? http://www.dbsg-uk.com/ is the auction site
  15. Yes it doesnt look good because by the looks of it you responded to the case and you made an agreement so basically you have accepted the debt. If you dont respond to the claim and get a CCJ by default then you have a chance.
  16. If it says they accept in f&f then they wont pursue you for any more money. It must be a template letter.
  17. It is due to financial association. The whole system is pretty nifty, If your friend is insured as a named drived with his mum or dad as the policyholder, they become financially associated.
  18. Hi You can try and good luck to you, but all the CRA's will say is that the data controller is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of data and they dont have the resources to deal with each piece of information they get sent on a monthly basis. Then the judge will ask the CRA's what steps they took when you pointed out your information was wrong. They will then reply they used there standard dispute procedure and Lowell assured them the data was accurate and they will pass the buck to Lowell. So if you should be claiming it should be from Lowell and the CRA's should be your witnesses if you want to do it the right way.
  19. Hi, Before I advise you, how did you get your hands on the cheque?
  20. The only way to stop them calling you all the time is to come to an agreement. They must have only called you 6 times because the reason they called you for wasnt dealt with i.e no answer. I think you are unfair, in making it out you are being victimised. We are all here for the similar reasons. The reason they wont accept your offer is because debt is recent most of it is last year. Try getting CAB to help you out, a letter from them may be better. If I was in your situation I would allow a judge to make the decision and he/she will see sense in your proposal as you have no assets. There is a high chance that any single debt over £3000 will land you in court. If you can get another job and want to see the back of the situation start applying around now as you are in a better position applying whilst employed than unemployed, an just go bankrupt. The reason I say that and have said it before is because this situation will get worse before it gets better.
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