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Everything posted by liquidauctions

  1. Yes you could use a postal order, Be sure to send recorded. The judgement isnt paid and is due to come off in a few months so I wouldnt bother, The n244 would go to the DVLA who would want to contest it and they will want money so just leave it as you will just get into a legal dispute with sending statements and it will cost £75. + Stress of court dates
  2. So being a nasdaq listed company means dont declare how you calculate? I hope you boost up your claim amount by around 20% and say its sensative information.
  3. Call the information commisioners office, they advise you
  4. You need to fill out an n244 and make a statement why the judgement should be set aside and send it with £75 to the courts.
  5. Yes take that in with you to show the judge, Internal admissions always incriminate and they have admitted themselves saying it is unenforceble. They may just withdraw the defence so they dont incur any charges. I would write to Link with a copy of that page and any you may want to use, Highlight the relevent part and state you will be using it as evidence, If they are thinking of bluffing the will think twice.
  6. If you have a copy of the docuemntation regarding the the previous solicitors destroying the will then just send them a copy and state that you will use this as evidence if they dont stop acting in the next 14 days and also that it is a no cost oppurtunity and after that time you will issue proceedings and back date a charge of £2500 per day they starting acting on the will.
  7. 1.They can still take your house if the charge stands or doesnt, If they decide to default you, They will issue a claim, get a CCJ, Go straight for a bankruptcy petition or get a chrging order if they havent got one. Or just reposess it if they have. 2.Can you contest the charge? If the charge sheet has your signiture on it then no, they will only ammend the date. If it isnt your signiture then you can only contest the charge. That means if they want to sell your house it will take a few months extra and they will follow step 1. By reading your posts, I have an idea what your asking and despite the others egging you on I wouldnt stop paying. You cant also sell your house as you need a statutory declaration now a days stating that your are not selling it to get out of paying someone.
  8. Hi, If you havent got any account details, I would just send a letter with your details, and ask for a full subject access request. If the account was at another address then they may have extra authentication measures in place. You must send a cheque for £10 for a full SAR
  9. Send it to customer services, They will pass it on, unless you can find the data controllers address. Letter looks ok for first communication, All the points are covered. Send the same to the CRA's also so they know, they will then dispute it with huthinson so you are attacking from 2 angles.
  10. Whoever buys the debt CANT default you, This is because with the original lender, there is a passage that states "We will pass details of your account activity to credit reference agencies" or something similar. When it gets swithed to a debt buyer that agreement does not stand. From the day the default was placed, Exactly 6 years will go by and the default will then get removed. After 6 years it will clean up no less
  11. Hi The reason why you still have been able to get finance is (And I have read this on internal lending documents) Any CCJ under £200 isnt looked at and a £100 with defaults subject to lender. To get rid of the CCJ you have to fill out an N244 form (application to have a judgement set aside) Explain the issue about the address. You will have to write to Orange regarding the Default, It isnt covered under the CCA, Just stick to your story that when you cleared the payment it was made clear that no adverse entries would be placed, Ask them to check the phone recordings.. Shouldnt be a problem. With Barclaycard you need to send a Full Subject Access request and get to the root cause of the default. Forget Pheonix they wont have any info on you. A good tactic is to annoy the CRA's, tell them the data is wrong and they then contact the lender or service provider, If they dont get a reply within 30 days they delete it.
  12. I am 100% sure anyone could find something that caused them prejudice. Look at my case A bank converted my account into a basic one in 2006 (no chequebook overdraft etc) and they didnt tell me and even if they did it doesnt matter, They then charged me interest on 2 occasions when the balance was negative. Looking at their terms that account does not have a charge for interest if the balance is negative So theres 1 point. A bank charged me for a default notice, 86 E (6) of the act states otherwise A bank charged me interest 6 months before default, 86 E (4) of the Act states the debtor is only liable for interest 29 days after default Do you get my point? People will be able to stuble upon these things which infront of a judge can be shown to have given prejudice
  13. I understand that but what you dont understand is that jumping the gun makes it worse. more than 3-4 searches can stop a lender lending. When your file is clear you can get an online loan to deal with it. If the items upto £1500 you can get a payday loan, they lend easily but charge alot, which you can payback with an online loan in a month. If you dont manage to get your file clear within a month then you will be in deep with the payday loan CO. Its upto you.
  14. I agree with spam, If they want to issue a claim they dont take long so I would just wait untill atleast 6 years since the account was defaulted the first time and then just drop the statute barred line. They cant keep updating the dates of the default just to keep it current.
  15. Hi mate, I think you are jumping the gun because you dont fully understand how obtaining works (no offence) When you keep getting rejected for credit that makes it worse and eventually when everything clears up, If you have had too many rejections you will have to wait a year for the CRA to remove all the searches. And NO you cant ask a company to search with a specific agency, Most check experian AND equifax and some check all 3. Dont tell me you applied with the same company for finance???? DO NOT DO ANY MORE APPLICATIONS UNTILL YOU ARE 100% SURE THAT EVERYTHING ADVERSE IS GONE. DO NOT APPLY FOR FINANCE WITH THE SAME LENDER UNTILL 6 MONTHS. Waiting a few months untll your sure your file is clean is better than waiting a year due to all the rejections.
  16. Good luck with all of it, again I dont like to post negative comments but just like to ensure the OP knows what can happen if contested. If they have offered you compensation then they admit liability, If you could justify what you want and show you are wiilling to go further then you wont have a problem.
  17. Good on you OP, Looks lke you followed the correct procedures when leaving the company
  18. Fill out an N244, include all the dates you were in hospital with a letter from them, write a simple statement saying that you could not have defended yourself due to being in hospital and pay the fee and you will get a court date. Due to the large figure, there is almost 100% chance the claimants will be in court to overturn the decision, So you should write why the charging order should be set aside? Are the costs over inflated etc etc. If its just a case of you havent got the money then its no good, If its a case of there is a genuine reason to have it set aside and you could have won the case on a solid defence then you wont have a problem. Charging orders can only be given if there is a CCJ in place, I would send out 2 n244's, One for the charging order and one for the CCJ, If you just set aside the charging order then they can just come back for another. If you manage to get both set aside then they will get the ball rolling again. In the future if you cant attend court, Have an application put in to postpone the date.
  19. I would just test the amounts under unfair relationship. Also You are correct about people using no CCA as a get out stratergy in court. People have got it into their heads that no cca no debt, Ok this can work with a creditor but not with a judge. People need to really let go of that as a defence and pick up on something else.
  20. Im not trying to be negative in this situation but just try to get real point accross. If you think and have evidence that they did not deal with your account in a propper manner then you are entitled to a pay out which comes under prejudice. If its just a thought or anger then it could lead you into covering their costs if you do infact lose.
  21. Hi No they cant do what they like but then again they cant do what anyone else likes also. CCJ's take months to remove and involves court intervention to remove them and a fee. I would be glad to have it removed but I dont think getting credit will become easier if they give ou a CIFAS entry which is in thier right to do so.
  22. Unsure about international students, But students are usually exempt in full or part for council tax
  23. Hi, Marston are pricks. They work by scaring people into submission. Challenge them with any argument and they will fail to respond as they only recruit uneducated rough necks who cant spell
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