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Everything posted by liquidauctions

  1. So you where payin egg whilst they had sold the debt on? Refund chec the default notices for removal grounds SAR cabot and check documents SAR CL and check documents
  2. Has the person missed any payments prior to the repayment agreement? did they get letters telling them they are in default? Is it a secured or unsecured loan?
  3. Well an agreement if accepted by the bank with no previous missed payments cannot be recorded as default. Default means just that, a person who stops paying can only get into default.
  4. Hi; He can spend as much as he wants, no one can stop him taking advice. He can also contest anything if it were made clear by medical records that your grandma and grandads state of mind was not overall 100%. He can give his 50% as fees to the solicitor or even to charity. If your grandma was of fit state of mind and this is made clear then he cant do much. Either way, if you take the legal route and both sides have money then you should be ok. If you only have that property then it will go if you dont reach an agreement.
  5. Ok you should have set aside the charging order. Then include a letter from the tennant and show that they are responsible. The judge wont think twice and you wont have any problems again.
  6. Hi Banks have changed the way they think now, The only reason they have been reporting profits is because they have been writing off debts to make there balance sheets look better. They can sell the debt for 20% and write off the balance as it is better reporting 1 billion profit than 3 billion loss. If they dont like to accept a payment plan because they know that it is gambling debt then the only reason I can think of is that they MAY think that it may happen again (no offence) OR the offer is too low. Its upto the banks really but im sure if they take you to court a judge might think the offer is reasonable. If you cant increase the offer then you have tried your best.
  7. he cant force a sale, especially if one party lives in the property. He cant do much really unless he gets the courts to force a sale (20k fees approx). If he is complaining about the sale then he cant take the fees off the property. Your best and cheapest option maybe to get a mediator on board. Is your offer reasonable or does it take into account he wont have much choice unless he gets the courts to force a sale? If it goes to court no one will win even if one party does win as the fees will come from the property if its him and he hasnt any more money or you if you dont have any more money.
  8. I was browsing some domain names when I found one that I didnt mind but it was registered. It is another one of them undercover agencies like N hunter. Im just doing my SAR and will then reveal the details. I cant find it on any other forum also
  9. Hi, That is illegal and can be contested. When you sell/transfer now you have to sign a declaration that you are not doing so to avoid debt. It is just a waste of fee as it counts as fraud
  10. A default is issued when you cant or havent been paying them back on time, They send you a notice and you have 30 before you are defaulted. If you have an arrangement and stick to it then you should be ok. If you break an arrangement whilst in default they either sell the debt or hire a company who end up making things worse by writing letters and calling you 24/7/, the next step is getting a ccj etc so they are basically getting the ball rolling. Stick to what you are confident with repayments wise.
  11. Ford is correct, the case could go either way and you shouldnt prepare a case untill Lloyds have lost against the ICO. I would just reference it into a letter and set a figure you think is acceptable and ask 10-15% over that amount.
  12. Keep paying £40 per month, there is little you can do. Have you checked with your employer regarding bankruptcies? I heard even with a CCJ you cant work in finance
  13. If you send them it put a line through it so they cant archive it
  14. They cant remove them just like that, It takes months of communication to get adverse entries removed. Whatever they do you can too but it isnt easy as the lender would rather write off a balance than remove the entry. I wouldnt pay anyone to do any of that because I am confident in doing so myself and have already got a dault removed. It isnt an overnight thing, You start with an SAR which takes 40 days (plus around 10 if you requested it correctly) and take it from there.
  15. Tell them you agree to have the case set aside to save time and if they agree now you agree to number 3 (if it was my case) You dont agree to number 2 and you have proof it is unenforceable and you have a superb chance of success in court which would then cost the claimant.
  16. I cant advise you legally where you stand, It LOOKS like you have a good case. I would get the ball rolling by writing to #### and give them a timeline to act, Attach the relevent letters
  17. Please explain fully, The drainige dispute was brought against you or did you bring that dispute?
  18. Is there any plausible chance that the will revoking didnt go through fully and it was just suggested but not completed?
  19. Have they quoted any act? Have you told them that since your father stepped down he had nothing to do with the property?
  20. So you have been paid out just under 16k? You dont need hp anymore lol
  21. you should be ok. I have a court date in two weeks for the same, Pm me after the 3rd and I will give you some advice
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