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Everything posted by cazzajay

  1. Thanks for the other suggestions by the way - I have been monitoring this thread! Rather than facebook, I did try tweeting them and their team did eventually respond two days after the tweet - I got my mates to retweet too and attached a photo of my half finished kitchen - was kinda hoping it would go viral! Also I think the finance company could be a route to go down if things grind to a halt. At the end of the day they are paying for it not me (I am paying them) so its an "ace up my sleeve" should the current developments turn out to be unsatisfactory. I did get it at 0% which essentially means B&Q are paying the interest - not sure whether that would help or hinder the cause... but we can cross that bridge when we come to it! I'll keep the updates coming! Thanks all for the help and suggestions so far!!
  2. Updates: Yesterday out of the blue I got a text saying some B&Q deliveries were on their way. Called up the installation callcentre to find out what they were, apparently it was a compuiter error - they sent out some of the missing panels (the ones in stock) but still waiting on the ones out of stock. She admitted there is a supplier issue and doesn't know when they will be back. She has however talked with the installer in the mean time and they agree it might be a better (quicker) solution to let me have different doors and panels so I have chosen an alternative (which to be honest is growing on me - I might even prefer the new ones) This morning I got a very apologetic call from B&Q's regional installations manager referencing my CEO letter. I explained to him that last night the installations team said they would order a different set of doors and panels and he said he will take charge of it and get back to me. I asked him what the plan is for the overcharging and he said he will get the kitchen finished first then send an inspector round to check what work has and hasn't been done and adjust the amounts accordingly. He also mentioned a good will gesture. Looks like things are moving - I'll keep the thread updated. It's looking hopeful that I get an amicable solution - hopefully there won't be the need to get the ombudsman involved after all! Still - not counting my chickens and all that...
  3. I have used Piriform Recuva (www.piriform.com/recuva) before to get deleted files from a disk - it's free and a UK product Only snag is it takes ages to do a deep scan - took 4 days to do my 320GB external HD. Found and retrieved about 70% of the 60GB of music files though. Just in case it is a fault with the controller rather than the hard drive itself, have you tried disassembling the caddy, removing the physical disk drive and connecting it to a SATA-USB lead (eBay or similar for a fiver or so)? Might be worth a go if you are feeling technical enough?
  4. cazzajay

    PC World Help

    I suppose unlike a laptop which can be taken apart and individual components swapped, tablets tend to contain soldered components and their repair is probably beyond the scope of a PC world technician. If it were me I would be glad they are sending it to the manufacturer for repair rather than attempting it themselves ... however that doesn't get you a tablet in the mean time. I take it you asked if an exchange was out of the question so you don't have to walk away empty handed?
  5. I don't understand... you were unable to produce an Oyster card when asked, then gave a false address, didn't attend court and now you plan on committing perjury to get out of the verdict given in your absence? My opinion not a wise course of action. Suggest you seek legal advice or pay the dues.
  6. I'll get the Furniture Ombudsman involved if I have to but I understand B&Q need to make a Final Offer first? Right now I'm struggling to get a response from anyone - still not got even an acknowledgement for my email sent on Monday to the CEO and CCd customer services. Royal Mail indicates the letter with a few photos in it of the state of the build was delivered to their HQ successfully today. I went into store yesterday evening and spoke to the install team but they said that they don't know what they can do (mentioned that they don't have any clout) When I put it to them that they prioritise existing builds rather than the outstanding ones at first they acted horrified but changed the subject quickly - all seemed rather odd. Something is awry! I wonder what is going on. The overcharging for the tiling is black and white - I am due a refund or a credit to my finance balance of the equavalent amount.. I still have the installations team (Fiona) trying to "chase up" the delivery but they are as useless as a chocolate frying pan it would appear and also a loose cannon in divulging company policy.
  7. Thanks, although it appears the furniture ombudsman is limited to £5000? Is that an issue? Over 24 hours on, I would have expected at least an acknowledgement given the CEO email was also CCd to the customer services email! I'm posting the written copy today after work (recorded delivery).
  8. Thanks for the clarification! How do I go about rejecting it? The finance company have already started taking money from my account via DD and I paid a 10% deposit? Given I have already given them 14 days in my previous email to the CEO should I wait for the 14 days to be up then issue some sort of email saying I want to reject the kitchen? From my persepctive I would be happy if I could change the range of doors and panels to another one that is in stock in its entirety. That would be a much lower cost to them.
  9. Hi Slick, Total value including fitting but excluding appliances (that I sourced elsewhere) was about £7500. I am confused - the kitchen is about 75% fitted - how can I reject it? The ombudsman route sounds better - I gave them 14 days to respond - if no response I will seek the ombudsman's advice on the matter. I actually considered Tesco Kitchens but read online about Mark Two so opted for B&Q (they did a good job of my bathroom... guess that was a one off!)
  10. Thanks! I Cc'd the customer services email in my CEO email sent yesterday I'm starting to think that might be a mistake though, perhaps the CEO might think CS will handle it and CS will think the CEO is handling it.
  11. I suppose so, there is exposed wiring and the (integrated) dishwasher's door is spring loaded for the weight of a cupboard door piggy backing on it - the force is enough to cause sharp knives to be catapulted out! I haven't sent the snail mail copy of the email yet - it's sat next to me in an envelope ready to go to the post office - should I hold off sending that?
  12. Thanks CitizenB - I'm currently having a browse around the active threads elsewhere to see if I can offer any help! Loving the community spirit of this forum!
  13. Good morning I am in a bit of a quandary regarding a B&Q Kitchen HomeFit installation that I ordered back in August 2013 and still is incomplete. When the installers arrived, they quickly determined some of the items that were ordered didn't turn up in the delivery, and that some of the items ordered (the panels) were from the wrong range. Some of the items were able to be delivered before the end of the installation, but others were not in stock. The installers did as much as they could, leaving me with two fridge freezers in the middle of my living room and a kitchen with a load of missing panels / exposed wires etc. That was three weeks ago. I have been continually told by the installation call centre at Preston Brook that the items are on their way every Friday (mysteriously they can't find out until half an hour before the contact centre closes so I never get my promised callbacks!) Then I call on the Monday to find out that either nothing turned up even though 380 were planned to (as I was told week one and three) or that the items turned up but were immediately allocated out again (as I was told week two). The call centre lady told me that there is a 200+ people back-log of orders for these panels (Santini Anthracite tall end panels). Every week I get an update that I must wait another week to find out if any arrive. It's a complete shambles! Several times I have been told that "the system is hopeless" and that "new systems - nobody gets taught how to use them properly". I have also had my suspicions confirmed that B&Q prioritise existing builds rather than outstanding ones to "save face"! That was the real shocker! I have also been overcharged for my tiling labour by about a third. I have outlined these in an email and follow up snailmail (recorded delivery) to the CEO Kevin O'Byrne but the problem is - I read online he is from DSG Retail! That's not exactly a good sign for a customer-centric CEO! This is the email: That was sent yesterday and a copy sent via snailmail today. I have yet to receive even a confirmation of receipt. Is there anything I can do next? Quite frankly I am getting to the point where I just want to swap the doors and panels for another range that is in stock, to get a finished kitchen (I put that to the call centre as an option but was quickly dismissed and told to be patient) I have been a member of CAG for a few years now but feel I only ever turn here for advice when things go wrong for *me* - I'm not sure how many "pearls of wisdom" I can offer in return for any help but promise I will pay more attention to the forums just in case something pops up! Many thanks Cazzajay
  14. I spose I am talking about some sort of national database where you get black marks against your name if you are in an accident even if you are not the driver (can't be at fault) Does the insurance industry "always win" when it comes to these things?
  15. I was a passenger in a friend's car when he was shunted from behind my a third party driver. Both of us have made a claim which the other insurer has admitted liability on. Me mam says that apparently insurers will put up my premium when it comes to renewal to "cover their costs, evening it out in the long run" is this just an old wives tale (she has been known lol) or is there any merit to this?
  16. My apologies I didn't mean to "perpetuate" anything. Just using the terminology
  17. Superb thanks for the quick response. I think Im gonna get them all - it's only 6 quid, guess i can forgoe the beer tonight !! So are there just the three CRAs?
  18. Hi all, I'm trying to get a picture of my credit situation - having had my ups and downs like most of us. I don't want to sign up for any of the free credit expert or owt like that - I just want to examine what is on my history, in its entirety. But I am a bit confused about the statutory credit report The question I have is - in order to get a complete picture - does the statutory credit report (2 quid one) need to be obtained separately from the three credit reference agencies, or will the statutory report from one agency cover everything? Also I know of: experian, call credit and equifax - are there any others? Thanks for any help! CJ
  19. They wouldn't tell me straight away - made it sound like I had to cough up the cash before they would tell me! Sounds like I avoided a potential mess there! They kept pestering me for ages asking for me to take up the policy, but I just told them to leave me alone! My renewal isn't due until this July so I've got a feeling this thread might rear its head again in the not too distant future...
  20. hmm. well got a phone call from 4 young drivers asking me if i wanted to go with them for my insurance they said "their insurer" doesn't care about how many crashes i have - premium woudl be the same whether i had 1 or 5 claims - but would NOT cover me for any personal injury claims that were made against me by a third party (should I have an at-fault accident) im pretty sure the law requires all insurers to cover all third party risks including personal injury, but apparently the guy at 4youngdrivers.co.uk said this was not the case and i was wrong. completely dodgy sounding and i suspect most of the other "really cheap with high excess" insurers on the comparison sites are the same.
  21. Hi all, I went for my renewal at moneysupermarket.com and put in my details and the top 10 or so insurers all seem to be a LOT (like £800) cheaper than the big name ones. All these top 10 I have never heard of before, and are offering me an excess of £3000!!! BTW my driving history = not good. I have 1 at fault claim and I live in basically the closest thing to a war zone in manchester where car theft is like shopping at asda for smart price kitchen roll Are these the bargain of the century, or is it some sort of [problem]? Amongst the 'possibly dodgy' insurers are 4youngdrivers.co.uk, Thamescity insurance, the policy shop, the insurance factory, quote line direct and some others all at around £1300... the first "big name" one is the AA with £2100 odd... And if I do decide to go for one of these and take on a contract with £3000 excess, and I have an accident thats my fault (touch wood), can i avoid paying this excess if I choose not to have my car repaired (i.e. only the other party gets repaired by my insurer)?
  22. aren't all media products such as games/dvds etc exempt somewhere for risk of piracy? i don't know?
  23. I think, also, all MOT centres have to offer the ability for the customer to view the MOT taking place - so you can assure yourself that the job is being done properly. I think most MOT places will be happy to explain and even point out the problems - especially if the centre also does repairs. Remember that driving a car without an MOT is not illegal if you are on your way to get it tested/repaired, and can prove this. Though I could be wrong....
  24. never bought anything from the comet site so i dont know much about it - i just stumbled across it and thought "must remember that" and whereelse to post it than on the CAG money saving forum!
  25. just got my car back. they didnt check the courtesy car for damage, i have a photocopy of the report that says no further damage found. ill keep it safe for future use (if required). will keep you all posted...
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