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Everything posted by speedfreek

  1. Maybe I'm over thinking things here? Wouldn't be the 1st time. Yes Correct but then it's advertised in a more accessible format to a wider audience. This is what is confusing me as I don't really understand how twitter works tbf! Does this increased exposure come with risks to posters? There's 7000 (is it) signed up to follow the CAG twitter account. Does that mean all 7000 will have everything I post pop up on their twitter feeds? What if they all have 7000 followers and retweet it? (I know pushing the boundaries of realism here) This to me is a little bit different (well quite intimidating) to posting on a search able open board where people have to actually purposefully go looking for things. Especially when people like myself will often post up quite intimate and easily identifiable information about health issues. I'm having a bit of a crisis in confidence in posting anything now that could identify me or is of a personal nature - which sort of defeats the point of CAG for me. Then we have old threads where I've revealed quite a bit about myself which when bumped by a reply are also tweeted. I'm not saying down with this sort of thing as I know CAG is part funded by gaining exposure! Just maybe that a bit more thought needs to go into what sections of the board are auto tweeted due to sensitivity and their content. I could just be me being silly! But then again...
  2. How does this work? What protection is in place for posters? Are all sections of the forum included? Have you produced a guide for us mere users? Especially for those annoying you can not post due to tags messages????? As somebody who use to build VR systems in the 90's and minimizes all web exposure! Especially where by I can be recognized; my anonymity means I can post up transcripts of ATOS assessment etc I've been through to help others etc. Plus my mental health medical history that I often need help with can readily identify me with out too much difficulty.... Talk to me!
  3. Both responses close but not quite the whole picture. Have read of this http://www.cpag.org.uk/content/esa-repeat-claims-and-appeals Pay note to Exemptions from the restriction section. Unfortunately the DWP does not seam to know or implement it's own rules correctly. If quoting chapter n verse from CPAG gets you know where send the CPAG link plus your story to your MP and ask for their help http://www.parliament.uk/about/contacting/mp/
  4. It no longer exists as it is replaced by Universal Credit! IR ESA becomes a top up/additional component paid extra to the underlying basic award/rate of Universal Credit. For those formally on IR-ESA who appeal the only issue now is conditionality whilst awaiting recon/appeal.
  5. This only applies to CONTRIBUTION based claims Those on Income based will carry on as usual with their basic UC award; as Income based ESA will not exist (except for those yet to be migrated) after Oct 2013! Not saying I agree with any of this just giving you the full facts!
  6. Nice link This is what I am saying we need to find out if the poster; 1, is in the 18-24 category so eligible 2, has been offered a job as per the guidance before the notice has been issued. Whilst the DWP waver on the notice states "it will have no effect on benefits by not signing" Call me little Miss fussy knickers whilst not signing the form has no consequences - the resultant loss of a job opportunity that it links/leads to will have. So caution needs to be shown until we know the full facts! Hey with the tight run ship that INGUS is; 1, the poster may not even know they've been offered a job 2, it could be an admin mistake If a job has been offered and as long as it meets the guidance and the poster has been propperly informed then they have to sign. Anything else then we need to use the guidance to give the poster the information in black n white to tell them to bog off!
  7. I give up The scheme encourages job creation by offering business (note not Ingus) cash monies to create a vacancy. If this promised cash suddenly vanishes because the claimant refuses to sign the form giving them the cash for creating this job.... I know it's Sunday so I'll spell it out; Ingus persuades Company A to create and offer a job to claimant B. This job has only been created on the premise that the Government are part funding it. If claimant B refuses to sign the forms to enable Company A to get this money do you think Company A will..... a, carry on regardless b, withdraw the job offer If a job offer is withdrawn because of claimant actions do you think that this will lead to the claimant being hit with a refusal to take up work sanction? You could even have a situation whereby a claimant starts the job then gets sacked for refusing to sign.
  8. I think you need to find out if you have been put forward for and accepted for a job as part of the scheme. So contact Ingus and ask them. I was hoping somebody with a bit more knowledge could drill through the guidance and see when in the process the consent form is issued. To me it looks like after a job offer has been accepted. Now a word of caution here - this is not a normal data waver! This is a waiver to allow a business to claim a payment from the Government for offering a young person a job. Undoubtedly Ingus will have their spoon in the pie. But and this is a big but would not signing this be classed as a refusal of a job offer and therefore attract a quite hefty sanction? The FAQ/Guidance all state job offer >>> get claimant to sign consent form. If no consent form signed then no job can start so...... Flumps might know? I've not really touched the WP stuff yet!
  9. WP Prov Guide states So..... I think you might have questions to ask.
  10. Oh yes there is http://www.dwp.gov.uk/youth-contract/key-initiatives/wage-incentives/wage-incentive-scheme-details/ WP Provider Guidance http://www.dwp.gov.uk/docs/wp-pg-chapter-20.pdf Youth Contract – Wage Incentives Questions and Answers http://www.dwp.gov.uk/docs/wi-questions-answers.pdf Google search for it http://www.google.co.uk/search?client=opera&q=%22Wage+Incentive+Scheme%22&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&channel=suggest
  11. Disability Rights UK ESA recording fact sheet http://www.disabilityrightsuk.org/news/2013/june/audio-recording-wca-assessments couple of links at the bottom there you might be interested, Hansard Steven Timms 3 questions to Mark Holborn on ESA recording http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201314/cmhansrd/cm130606/text/130606w0002.htm#13060670000031
  12. I never said well done for this! How you getting on with everything and the complaints bs0lths?
  13. Have a read of these threads for some pointers to what is going on. These are both missed WCA appointment letter threads. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?389245-Benefit-Stopped-because-of-ATOS-incompetence-**-RESOLVED-** http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?372590-ESA-Stopped-for-failing-to-attend-appointment.-Can-somebody-please-help You're at the mail stage before the appointment letters, but it's the same principle/evidence/method and both won! You should have received the ESA50 form plus a follow up reminder letter to send the ESA50 back.
  14. Good you're doing the right thing turning up far better to avoid the hassle of fighting a sanction than the resultant mess. On that note; you need to write a really polite but firm letter of complaint to the provider stating that you have informed them of an address change, that something is wrong and that you are after X months still not receiving any mail from them. State how you have had to attended what looks like a Mandated appointment with the only notification being a text message the night before. This is not a valid form of notification, puts you at risk of an unfair sanction as text communication is not infallible and you wish for their co-operation in resolving the matter. Ask for both parties to acknowledge receipt by a letter by return post enclosing a screen print of the address they have on file for you. I'd also politely ask the Provider for copies of the last couple of letters sent and a copy of their post log for your mail so far. Request that for the next mandated appointment to make sure everything is now fine and as a test that they telephone you when it's sent. If everything looks okay you will take this up with the post office to see if there are issues their end. Send recorded or hand in person and cc that to the DWP/JCP.Print out delivery receipt or get one in person. Best off covering your own back! Plus it could be a post office delivery issue You not got a mail redirect on your old place? Could you nip round and ask if they've got or have been receiving your mail? We're adults here and adults tend to be reasonable. They try and iron out issues when discovered. Especially when the steps a claimant takes (more the better) in this process have been proven to sway a DWP decision maker in your favour when an unjust sanction might be applied. Personally I find and initial polite non confrontational but firm approach tends to work wonders. If that fails then of course you lay down the law in a 2nd letter. The contrast between letter 1 & 2 makes the 2nd so much more surgical!
  15. Mines and banksarggg WCAs word for word are in here. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?301142-My-ESA-Medical-Word-For-Word/page2&highlight=WCA Even has extra trolling for good measure
  16. estellyn you really are out of sorts atm too much celebratory fizz my dear? What's going on; new (retrospective) statuary powers of recovery consolidation of IT systems - pre-integration trawls in prep for UC introduction of the civil £50 penalty. another robust drive to drive down fraud (well mainly our errors) removal of independent advice pre drive means it's deny deny defend and deny some more Anybody who didn't see this coming is battier than a guano cave! Somebody needs to write a simple guide of what actions have to be taken. We still see senior/respected members still not advising people to throw in the SARs to put the DWP to proof. With all these trawls and consolidations; any slight processing error on the claim or heaven forbid something was recorded manually and it will throw up a non payment doubt. They will not have any evidence whatsoever for this but the computer says anomaly so print automatic recovery letter. I shamelessly whored this off rightsnet a few months ago just incase. Any use too you Stu?
  17. Press release by Public Law Project http://www.publiclawproject.org.uk/documents/press_release_WCA_assessment_discriminatory.pdf Case numbers http://www.osscsc.gov.uk/Decisions/forthcoming3JPs.htm DWP Twitter Response (who wasn't expecting this?) https://twitter.com/dwppressoffice Press coverage: http://mind.org.uk/news/show/8895_victory_for_welfare_campaigners_as_judges_rule_controversial_disability_benefits_procedure_is_unfair http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2013/may/22/fitness-work-tests-mental-health-unfair http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22620894 Twitter
  18. SAR Guide to Obtain a copy of or view your patient records. A how to by the ICO http://www.ico.org.uk/for_the_public/personal_information The NHS Guide to http://www.nhs.uk/chq/pages/1309.aspx?categoryid=68 NHS SAR/FOI guide plus form I received off my local NHS Trust - handy to know what address and documentation you have to supply. Also has fees. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=37717&d=1345612669 - SAR Guide PDF http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=37718&d=1345612674 - NHS Trust request form PDF *Note* I had to request this form from my local NHS Trusts PALS - Patient Advice and Liaison Service. A quick phone call and they emailed it to me. Forms may/will differ from trust to trust so check local trust websites for how to obtain one and what you have to do. To view or get a copy of your GP records send a SAR letter (see bottom of this post for sample) & address it F.A.O. the Practice Manager. For NHS Hospital/Consultant records you have to look on the website for each trust you want the records off. Usually it's download/fill in a form, make a copy of the ID proof they want, send it to the trusts data controller and await contact from them for cost. Costs can vary but the rules are £10 for electronically held records and up to £50 for anything held on paper. With NHS records if you still are a patient or have been within 30 days the fee is waved and it is free. You can also arrange to view you records for free and keep them updated by requesting copies of new letters as and when they are written etc. Also keep an eye on the 40 day response window, be prepared to send a follow up letter if you feel that they have not sent everything. It usually takes a second letter as they tend to be lazy! Send all letters recorded signed for and print off when they were accepted. I use this letter for electronic GP records and vary it depending on what I'm after
  19. *inserts happy smiley 'So Much Win face' here* Another victory No you don't you just need to write a standard SAR letter see here http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?370178-NHS-SAR-template-and-info Just edit one of those to your needs usually costs £10 or you could go a and view them for free and if there's not too much ask for a print out on the day. That post needs redone tbf as I have better guides now.
  20. You sure about that DX? Policy changed last year to you could only hand it to JCP to be faxed (via appointment) if a postal attempt had failed. Basic advice is photo copy scan it. send 1st class and get a free proof of postage certificate if you can get to a post office. If you have a DWP pre pay 2nd class envelope you can upgrade it to 1st for about 10p Then call up the general ESA telephone line 10 days later to check receipt. Always as well make sure your name, NI No and the benefit it's for is on every sheet you send in. As NI and Name is already on there I just write ESA on the top of my fit notes Helps if it get lost to be re-routed to the correct dept. Not had an issue with them since I read that. Question should be why are you needing 1 month certs and having to get them 2 weeks before sending in?
  21. What NHS area are you in? For basic advice see here http://www.britishpainsociety.org/patient_faq.htm#q2 Have you tried a charity or similar? May have to try a few until you get what you are after but it's worth while calling around tbf!
  22. Doesn't matter what does or does not go on in the assessment all that matters is do you fit the regulations? I've always believed the assessment and how bad it is was always a ploy to distract you from arguing effectively your case v's the descriptors. If the assessment was bobbins then that = complaint v's ATOS. You have to highlight how bad it was to discredit it as evidence. That goes without saying but the I should win because reg X states Y and this bit about me evidenced here = Z has to be your main arguments and how you win! For Reg 29 & 35 1st link in this post. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?390155-ESA-Reg-29-35-Arguments-and-New-Appeals-System-Factsheets.
  23. speedfreek

    No consent

    Mental Health on the NHS ended last year! Seriously it did but who cares? Well you will if you have a need now! It is now part of the DWP Health Work & Wellbeing program. All NHS treatment is funneled through and controlled via a service called IAPT. IAPT are atrocious, will via nonfeasance, misfeasance & Malfeasance just completely ignore anything you or anybody else tells them. 6 - 12 sessions of CBT or drugs is all you will get now period unless you pay! IAPT set up by the DWP, micro managed by the DWP, defunded by 50% in 2010 and issued a non progression of staff dictate in 2011! It operates on the same principles and dodgy data sets (as instructed by the DWP) more a kin to ESA and the WCA test than an NHS service to help you. It's basically a shoddy, not fit for purpose telephone help line (sic). You have a serious mental health issue; explain it to us via a 20 minute phone call. Pathetic! Have referrals and reports indicating anything not in our IAPT mandate forget it! We will lose & then ignore them even if we sent you to the service they came from. This is my specialist subject and I'm about to go to war on them! I've got an outstanding SAR (IAPT seam to have lost a years patient records on me), covert audio recordings and am scrabbling together what little support there is left out there. Finding support and help is now even harder than getting treatment from IAPT! IAPTs main design is to stop all access to anything other than 6-12 sessions of CBT and thus end the expense of mental health treatment via the NHS and facilitate (by the use of fiddled/selective statistics) the sell off of all specialist hospitals and the disbanding of all specialist teams by 2015. Rant over!
  24. speedfreek

    No consent

    Complaint about what exactly? That they are trying to get you help? Expect rejection ridicule and good luck with that! As you will get nowhere! Go for it! Report back!
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