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Everything posted by speedfreek

  1. I'm not positive as I know very little but I'll try 1,2 & 3 are you living @ your dads house with your dad? As. Reg 9 seams to be about renting off direct family member in the same house is not allowed due to the fact they should support you. 4, (my personal bug bear) JSP and Council although under the same DWP bracket are separate agencies. Each agency should not give advice about the other as they are not trained too No matter what you are told by one dept. it is the persons who claims responsibility to inform each and every department you have a claim with. 5 & 6 Sounds like they knew you were claiming incorrectly (in breach of reg 9). Sorry but that's how it looks. You need to get in touch with your local Welfare Rights/CAB office for some proper advice. Although you have done the right thing You need proper advice on what you should of and could have claimed to decrease the over payment and what they can take off you for the over payment. Moving out that's another kettle of fish as that can be judged as trying to avoid so seek professional help/advice before you do anything
  2. Change is circumstances eh how long since you told them? Lets put it this way I put in a change on 20th October 09 (sent 1 copy by post and handed 2 copies in @ JCP) received notification of the change in letter dated 16th Jan 10 :-|
  3. As LR has said when you applied for LHA/CTB you agreed to inform them with in 30 days of any changes. It's a fraud prevention thing and nothing personal As soon as you provide it's paid. Pre-empt the letters and it all just continues Would you rather have benefit suspended until you provide evidence or be taken to court for fraud due to over payment? A lot of the time although they ask for this that and the other in letters all they really need is a signed statement until proof arrives e.g. was on JSA & applied for ESA. Went to council offices signed declaration "I'm living off saving until ESA awarded". Next day letter arrived we have been informed of a change; i.e. JSA stopped and another benefit unknown applied for (well I went in day they sent it so they gave me a print out) please provided 2 months of bank statements? Next day because I'd gone in the letter saying thank you everything continues as normal so no break in payment 8) Yesterday got a letter please provide details of your last ESA award letter Went into today with change of circumstances form, award letter etc. Spoke to adviser we don't need this as it says ESA awarded here is a receipt. :? rofl Though the LHA/CTB person did advise me that I may be related to Jay Z due to my second name! So today I have learnt something unexpected and new
  4. Apologies to Op for this mini hijack LR you might be interested in these folks Flexible New Deal Provider Information & Flexible New Deal Scandal My FND sanction warning letters are on there:-D
  5. That's what I'm readring atm. All claims now go through ATOS who use an 'Approved HCP' to decide if your criteria meet those to be called in for medical. There's a lot of chatter about this on DLA/IB boards as it circumnavigates/contradicts exiasting regulations. Everybody now gets an IB50. ATOS then makes the decision if a medical is needed and advises. So.....Basically everybody now is no longer exempt from a medical (in all probability) no matter what they have previously been told or excemption from which has been awarded. 1st they erroded civil liberties, next they came for the unemployed, then they went for the sick and disabled, lastly they went for the foreigners and put everybody into forced labour camps for there own good and the good of the nation. Rise of National Socialism 1930's Germany or New Labour UK 2000? I for one welcome our new ATOS Overlords
  6. It's classed as a change in circumstances by the council. You are under an obligation to inform your local council office of any change within 30 days. Until you contact them and provide proof they will automatically suspend the benefit payments. It's a bit of a pain if you're changing benefits, ill or just had it stopped and need the income. Though it's understandable on the councils part as it stops overpayments to people not entitled any more or signing off. They will/should send you a letter saying they've been informed of a change by DWP and giving you 30 days from the date on it to provide the evidence requested in it. It will also inform you that your payments will be suspended until such time and the claim closed after the 30 days is up. As soon as the evidence is provided payments are resumed and anything owed paid. It's usually sign a statement i.e. I am living off savings until..../provide 1-2 months of bank statements/letter off DWP about entitlement. I've just had to do this (last Friday) as applying for ESA meant my JSA claim stopped automatically.
  7. Maybe depends how board they are You will also receive letters saying you should call them to arrange a visit I've heard of a few people who do this without problem How I understand it on a compliance visit, if they don't believe you it's up to them to prove you are set up to receive a TV signal by making the equipment work. It's the same when they raid your house with a warrant You can tell if they have a warrant as they have to be accompanied by the police to keep the piece As for all this TV resistance m'larky about withdrawal of access etc. It's like waving a red rag at a bull The harder you push the more they'll think you've got something to hide therefore.... I would take the advice of not signing anything as this is the main weapon they use to secure your conviction in court. Maybe someone more knowledgeable on the law could comment on that as I'm unsure of legal issues or ramifications if it got brought to court Call me paranoid but signing a form which you do not receive a copy of which can be used against you in court. Then handing that to somebody who earns commission for the number of people they catch Yes I believe everything I read on the internet
  8. OP appears to have created a new thread instead of replying in their orginal one http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/benefits-tax-credits-minimum/255886-jsa-but-not-recieved.html
  9. Erika think this is a post in error Original thread from OP where this was ment I believe http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/benefits-tax-credits-minimum/255886-jsa-but-not-recieved.html
  10. Can I get a tax rebate if I'm on JSA? - Yahoo! UK & Ireland Answers
  11. Not sure if this rule was applied then but it does with my council now. Details here. Housing benefit and council tax benefit change of circumstances form | Lambeth Council I'm switching from JSA to ESA & was informed yesterday 'You have 30 days to notify the council of any changes in circumstance. Plus 7 days from handing the form in to provide evidence'.
  12. @ cbbc yes they can if your individual circumstances warrant it. All this really does is introduce a new box which says can the person do any work? If yes please supply details of what they can do. In practice (I've just been signed off today) all it really means is that your doctor will now ask do you think you can do any work? If you tell them you can and they agree with what you suggest then that will be written on the note.
  13. Thanks civilcid I understood that bit. What I'm more interested in is would having a PC (or any device e.g. phone, Xbox, PS3, Wii, etc) that is capable of streaming live TV over the internet i.e. has access to the internet and a screen be enough to secure a conviction for license evasion under present rules. As Buzby pointed out the offence isn't based on what you do with the equipment just that you have it. So even if it has never been used for streaming live TV would I still be found guilty of license evasion in a Court for owning it?
  14. A couple of questions on this point. Firstly With the switch over to DIGITAL broadcasts would a television/VCR equipped with only ANALOGUE receiving capability now be exempt as it is no longer capable of receiving a TV broadcast signal? Secondly In my case I use a 32" LCD (which has an analogue signal receiver) as my PC monitor. I do not have any digital receiving equipment (like a sky or freeview box) and the old analogue signal has been turned off. There is of course the probability that I am streaming TV over the internet via my PC so how would this situation be viewed/judged? I know they are looking at changing the law to include any internet connected device with screen but until that happens am I safe without a license?
  15. Just about spot on. Read this if you want more info Acas - Statement of Fitness for Work or 'Fit Note' It's an okay idea in theory but in practice a bit pointless as that's what Occupational Health is for. You'll either able to or or not work and the doctor unless an expert on every workplace and industry can only go on/suggest things you as the patient have told them. It looks more like a tool for the move of benefits to ESA as I'm sure some guidance will be issued that will make everybody eligible for the back to work group or not at all!
  16. Well I found this which explains what should happen Flexible New Deal: ESL48JP Entitlement doubt guidance | Flexible New Deal Provider Information & Flexible New Deal Scandal It looks like a very good resource for FND stuff. Not sure if I'm allowed to link to is could a member of the site team vet thanks
  17. Hello I've been on JSA for 1.5 years (Cont. from Nov 09 to Mar 10 then Income based there after) and was classed as stage 4 @ the end of February 2010 and received a letter from JCP saying that I was being referred to an external provider under FND on 1/3/10. On the 12/3/10 I got one of those Royal Mail you were out red slips and I picked up this letter on the 18/3/10 This was from the external provider dated 11/3/10; this stated I had missed an appointment with them on 10/3/10 and that I had to write to them within 7 working days to explain why or face being sanctioned. It also was to inform me of a new appointment to see them on the 17/3/10 for a second appointment. Just to complicate matters I missed my signing date on the 09/3/10 and filled in a form @ the JCP on the 15/3/10 stating I was ill between the period 08/3/10 to 12/3/10. I have a letter from JCP to confirm this. On the 23/3/10 I received another letter from the external provider which the 1st page said 'Please find our standard sanction letter. Regards' The 2nd page stated a doubt has arisen on your claim for JSA as you have not attended one or more FND appointments, a decision will be made and that I will be notified. It also states that benefit payments will not be affected until a decision has been reached. The 3rd page was a photo copy of Note for Guidance form ESL48JP which explains the above and appeals/decision processes etc. I have not been in-contact with either the External provider or JCP about any of this. I am also hopefully going to apply for ESA on 08/4/10, due to severe anxiety. I was hoping for earlier but my counsellor has to speak with my doctor and what with bank holiday weekend earliest appointment I could get afterwards. Does anybody have an thoughts on my sanction outcome, how long it will take until I get a decision and anything I can do to mitigate it? As I'm a bit confused by the whole thing and unsure what I should do. Also if this would have a knock on effect to an ESA claim? I've been advised by JCP to sign off JSA then call the number to apply for ESA the same day once med certs are in place is this correct?
  18. You could do a 'whois' search on the website URL I use this one Tools Scroll down to WHOIS/IPWHOIS Lookup just enter thenameyouwant.co.uk or .com .biz .etc and hit search. This should bring up who owns & registered the domain, their address and which ISP hosts it. You should also check for your details on Search for People, Businesses and Places - 192.com As it's the main online database holding ALL electoral role and telephone details Also register your number with the TPS (Telephone Protection Service). Does an ok job but is limited to stopping UK callers only!!!
  19. Hi, you're probably going to have to deal with Pipex Pipex UK Limited P.O Box 14503 Birmingham B46 9BD Tel: 0871 663 3300 I'm bulldog but am now billed by Pipex who still use my original BDOL (Bulldog) account number when I contact them. Not sure if this needs moving to the debt section as although an ISP problem it's now gone past that and into the DEBT COLLECTION AGENCY stage. Maybe a nice site admin can decide. As Wino says you now need advice on 1, how to deal with the DEBT COLLECTION AGENCY 2, how to dispute the debt 3, how to get info on what the debt is for, when it's from and for how much This can all be found on those boards.
  20. Sites also tend to use browser tracking cookies. So visit the same product page twice (it knows from the stored cookie) and the price goes up. Ryan Air use this to bump up flight prices and I've noticed it on Amazon too. Always delete the sites cookies if the price starts rising and try again.
  21. No help to the OP but I have a seen a trick to get past this issue Carry the bike on disguised as luggage Saw it on a Mountain Bike Video where they were highlighting this issue and basically packaged their bikes in cardboard and took them on The same principle would work with a large (very large) collapsible bag with handles
  22. Sorry just seen that this is an old thread Maybe it's worth while Right in order to change your telephone supplier you need to call BT and ask for them to do a "RETURN TO DONOR" costs about £30 and takes around 7 days (usually less). Do not accept anything other than this as you already have an active line it just needs re-routed to the BT side of the exchange. Basically some ISP's C&W, Virgin & Tiscali have their own equipment in the telephone exchange which is not run by BT. This is cheaper than renting the stuff off BT hence why you pay less. At present there is no way of moving between non BT telephone line suppliers without moving back to BT! If you are still having problems get back here as I'm about to embark on my 2nd complaint against Bulldog (now who ever they're owned by) and won my 1st one in similar circumstances so may be of help
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