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  1. Thanks for the reply Margaret. The problem is they appear to have rest the 6 month period, the letter I received today(dated 18/06/2013) states on the notes on the reverse that I cannot normally claim again within 6 months from the date of this letter. To clarify the exact wording of the letter from the beginning I'll write it here "We have decided that you are not entitled to Employment and Support allowance from 01-Jun-2013. This is because you have been found to be capable of work following your recent Work capability Assessment." This is the WCA from 12/12/2012, my confusion here is now with the reset 6 months or is it as you say that I need to wait until mid July and re apply based on the 6 month from the failed WCA from last year? Thanks in advance.
  2. Thanks for the reply, yes of course your answer makes it clear I've been stupid and should have made the new claim from the 12th of June. Since I would appear to have messed up would I make an entirely new claim based on a change in my health conditions or appeal this decision based on having a change in my health conditions? My condition has worsened since my last WCA. Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi, I hope someone can help as the DWP have been as clear as mud on this. I had my last WCA on the 12/12/2012 and failed to get any points. I received a letter stating I couldn't re apply for ESA for 6 months from the 1/01/2013. I appealed which was heard on the 23/05/2013 where again I got no points. I made a new claim from the 1/06/2013 for ESA which is a 6 month gap. Today(20/06/2013) I receive a letter stating that I'm not entitled to ESA due to receiving no points in my 'recent' WCA. I'm now at a loss to do as after contacting the DWP the lady I spoke to was less than helpful simply advising me to apply for JSA and that she couldn't go into any details regarding my ESA. I can only assume they are going to push that I've tried to make another claim within 6 months, when I thought back my last payment for ESA after the failed WCA was the 11/01/2013 so I'm wondering if they are going to claim that the 6 months would have actually been from that date so my new claim should have been from the 11/06/2013. I'm at my wits end as this letter I received today seems to reset the 6 month counter from 18/06/2013. So I'm left with no money and suspended Housing benefit, If I appeal this decision what happens? I need some advice on how to proceed with this situation, thank you.
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