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Everything posted by honeybee13

  1. Not prosecuting in the public interest seems to be bandied about on forums frequented by students. I don't think I've ever seen a prosecution not go ahead because of that. You would have to define why it isn't in the public interest to prosecute someone who isn't paying their way and is costing other travellers more. I can't think of a reason. HB
  2. Have you asked for advice from your students union people? HB
  3. That's an idea on Maquarie. On being accountable, you also have to blame Ofwat and possibly the Environment Agency although they've been badly defunded. I put the Frost article up for balance.
  4. I hope Lord Frost is OK. Islamists and the woke Left are uniting to topple the West ARCHIVE.PH archived 18 Apr 2024 19:12:37 UTC
  5. If Labour are elected I hope they go after everyone who made huge amounts of money out of this, by loading the company with debt. The sad thing is that some pension schemes, including the universities one, USS, will lose money along with customers.
  6. Maybe by the time VDL has agreements with other countries in the EU [she could be asking next month], the Tories won't have much time left in office.
  7. Possibly some good news for young people in the UK and Europe, plus universities and employers either side of the Channel. Brussels proposes return to pre-Brexit mobility for UK and EU young people | Brexit | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM European Commission to seek approval from leaders to start talks with UK on visa-free exchanges for 18- to 30-year-olds
  8. Given Starmer's previous job he should know whether it's a police matter or not. It's, err, interesting that Tory HO are happy to set Greater Manchester Police on Angela Rayner for £2-3k which has already been investigated but not think it's worth calling them in to investigate Menzies.
  9. If you mean your questions about guilt and convictions, we've been trying to tell you that... It's good that you have some help. HB
  10. We normally suggest waiting until they reply, let's give it more time. I assume they have the right contact details for you? HB
  11. We never know how long they will take to respond, it depends on how busy they are. They also look through people's ticket history to see if everything is normal. If you haven't evaded fares before this won't be a problem for you but it takes time. It seems that train companies are doing this more and more. HB
  12. Tory donor who funded Sunak's private jet has assets frozen in fraud investigation. Tory donor who funded Sunak private jet has £14.3m assets frozen in fraud case INEWS.CO.UK The latest case against medical entrepreneur Akhil Tripathi has resulted in more than £14m of his assets being frozen by a judge
  13. Journo Russell Scott has been looking at people who sold PPE to the Johnson government. https://twitter.com/RussellScott1/status/1780686322908487787
  14. I don't know how popular that would be now that time has passed. I think a lot of people would be interested in trying to get back money from contracts supplying faulty PPE when they see people who had no experience in supplying it buying mansions. It's a mystery to me why Lady Moan is the only one being pursued.
  15. As I said, his case sat around at CCHQ for three months. It sounds as if they're trying to string them out from the previous misdemeanour/sacking.
  16. According to the Graun, Menzies lost the whip yesterday evening. They said they can't say much more for legal reasons.
  17. It's mostly small investors, isn't it, TJ? I don't think Wall Street and institutions have bought into Truth Social. Much like US banks don't want to lend to him, I'm reading.
  18. I would have thought so but I'm no lawyer. What did the one that you spoke to say? You could also google about how/when a will trust is set up to get more of an idea before you speak to the original lawyer. HB
  19. Another one. Apparently this has been hushed up for about three months. They're working through their majority quite fast with all the sackings. Not that they've done anything about Menzies yet but he sounds like a blackmail risk. Here's the original article. Revealed: Tory MP allegedly demanded campaign cash to pay ‘bad people’ ARCHIVE.PH archived 18 Apr 2024 07:32:33 UTC
  20. Apologies, I was looking in the wrong place for the letter. It sounds as if dx has seen the unedited letter, hopefully he'll be able to reassure you when he gets here later. But as I said, if it isn't headed Letter of Claim [Used to be Letter Before Action] then it isn't one. HB
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