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Everything posted by BAYV

  1. Hi, I am a representative of BAYV and have been directed to this issue by the CAG team. As this was a while ago, did you actually send the letter in? If so what was the outcome? I would be grateful if you could let me know. Best regards BAYV
  2. Dear Lefty, the customer has a choice. They can 1. Choose a modified agreement 2. Choose a parallel agreement. it is entirely up to them. We do not automatically re-finance the original agreement. The benefits of each is explained during the time of purchase and the customer can make the choice. Currently it is a 50/50 split regards BAYV
  3. Hi, Kathryn26, I am not exactly sure what you want to do here. The details you have asked for have been sent to you as you have stated above. I am happy to help in any way I can. You can private message me, or post a request on this site. Once you have made contact, I will do my best to help. best regards BAYV
  4. Hi I think the best thing to do is to contact Linda Davies, the Customer Service Director. I this way, we can identify who you are and look in to the issues you have been having, I have advised you to do this in the past (March 2011). Did you manage to speak to her? Best regards BAYV
  5. Hi I am sorry but we have not received a request for this information. Have you got the details of the recorded delivery so I can try and trace the letter internally? Thank you BAYV
  6. Hi. We are currently investigating this issue. We have been in contact with the customer to take a statement. We have interviewed the member of staff involved. We have also spoken to the police and are waiting for an official response. As soon as we have completed the investigation, we will post a formal response. regards BAYV
  7. Hi, without knowing who you are I cannot answer the specific questions you have raised. However, I can give you some general advice. Every customer has a choice when making additional purchases with BAYV. You can as it would appear you have done, join up your existing agreements along with your new purchases to make one agreement. Or you can choose at the time of purchase to pay for your new products on a parallel agreement. This in affect means that your new products are on an agreement of their own and run along side your existing agreements. Currently 50% of our customers choose parallel. If you have products that are not working as you would expect, you need to call customer services and we will arrange for an engineer to visit your home. I also need to understand exactly what you mean when you say you have replaced them. This in itself raises a number of issues. 1. You should not have had to do that. 2. The goods are still owned by BAYV until full payments are made and 3. We cannot service goods that have not been purchased from us. All calls to our customer service centre are recorded and any contact will be recorded on your customer file. If we have let you down from a customer service point of view, then I am very sorry. However, it would be useful to know who you are so I can conduct a full investigation by reviewing your records. Yes you can refuse entry to your property and yes we would need to apply to the courts in this scenario. Returning your goods without penalty would depend on how much you have paid on your current purchases. Normally you would have to pay 50% of your current agreement. But there are circumstances that we would consider not to hold you do this particularly in the case of modified agreements. We always try to be fair and equitable in these situations. Like everyone, we do get things wrong from time to time but do our best to put those things right. I will look at your situation individually if you let me know who you are. It is not on our interest to treat customers unfairly. Finally, if you are not satisfied with an outcome from us, you can contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau or Trading Standards Officer. Full contact details are available on our website. I recommend that you do not post your personal contact details on this site Best regards BAYV
  8. Hi, I am a representative of BAYV. I'm sorry that we have not responded to your requests for information. Martin3030 has given the correct advice here except the correct person to write to is Linda Davies, our Customer Service Director. I can assure you that she will deal with your issue straight away. Best regards BAYV
  9. Hi there, We're sorry to hear you are having problems with your account. Please get in touch with us so we can help, as this is a public forum, please do not publish any personal details here, but you can email our customer service director Linda Davies at linda.davies@bayv.co.uk BAYV
  10. BAYV does not endorse any employee or ex-employee comments made on this site or any other site other than contributions made by the nominated representative known as BAYV. The contribution below has not been made with the authority of the company and does not represent the company's views, policies or processes. Regards BAYV
  11. Hi, it would appear that you have had a few issues here and I will make every effort to answer some of the queries you have raised. But in order to do this, I will need some additional information. 1. On your original agreement did you have the maintenance and Insurance? If you did, then they would automatically transfer over on to your re-finance agreement. The Account Manager was correct in saying that you need to write in to cancel these. I note that you say that you say they now have been removed. As these goods are on finance, you must have them covered by appropriate household insurance that covers hire purchase items. This is detailed in the terms and conditions of your agreement. You can purchase this insurance from any insurance company of your choice or you can choose to purchase ours which is underwritten by the insurance company homeserve. If you wish to cancel the insurance, you must provide proof in the form of an insurance certificate that states your HP goods are covered. Just to be clear, I am referring to your insurance and not your product maintenance agreement. As I don't know who you are, I cannot look up your account to see what cover you have purchased. You will need to contact us to talk through this with us. You can speak with our Customer Service Director, Linda Davies directly if you are not happy with the way your account is being handled at the moment. Your situation clearly has not been helped by the fact that you have had a number of different people to deal with and I apologise for this. However, you are saying that your account is still in arrears, and the company has the right to pursue any outstanding monies due on the account. From your note, it seems that you have had some personal issues to manage as well and we keep missing each other. We understand that sometimes customers have unforeseen circumstances that arise and we do have ways in which we can help get you through a difficult time. The key to this is open and constant communication. I can arrange for someone senior to contact you and see how we can get the account back on track. But as I stated earlier, you need to let us know who you are. Do not post your personal details on here. I recommend that you call and ask for Linda Davies, stating that you have posted your issue on this forum. You can also seek help from CAB and the debt advice line. The contact details for these organisations are posted on our website. Many thanks BAYV
  12. For your information, The Customer Service Director's name is Linda Davies. regards BAYV
  13. Hi I am sorry to hear that you have lost your job and that your financial circumstances have changed. We do have a number of ways in which we can help you through a difficult time. The first thing is, that we need to resolve the issue with your meter. This can be done immediately. You can call us at the customer service centre to arrange this. The primary purpose of the meter is to allow you to budget your payments easily so it is critical that you have one. We can organise a payment schedule for you so you can catch up over a period of time. It is possible to return some or all of your goods to us if this is what you want to do, but it would appear that your laptop is important to you, so we can work with you on an alternative solution. It is important however, that you do re-examine your income and outgoings and make the best decision that is right for you. You can also seek advice from the Citizen's Advice Bureau, The National Debt Line and the Consumer Credit Counselling Service. All of their contact details are available on our website. We don't want to lose you as a customer and we will help as best we can to get you through your difficult time. There are several Senior Directors at BAYV that are always available if you would rather talk through your issues with them. I will let our Customer Services Director know about your posting on this site, so if you wish to speak to her, you can. Do not post your personal details here. Yours sincerely BAYV
  14. Hi iffy82 We try our best to match a product with a person based on their needs and of course on what they can afford, each sales person is trained to be able to assess individual circumstances and offer a product based on the circumstances. If the sales person felt that the brand new product was a little too expensive for you then to make sure we didn’t place you under any unnecessary financial strain we would offer a cheaper alternative, sometimes in the form of our Quality Refurbished products, sometimes an alternative new product. As a responsible lender we encourage all of our employees to consider each customer individually and as a result there are cases where the sales person would air on the side of caution if they concluded that a person’s affordability might put some strain on their existing outgoings. I would imagine that the sales person who visited you made a call to a manager and talked it through with them who advised that based on the information provided you could in fact afford the new products. Please get in touch if you do decide to continue with you r purchase with us We hope to welcome you as a customer soon!
  15. Hi there We're sorry to hear that you've had some recent difficulties, the best way we can help is if you were to contact our Customer Service Director, Linda Davies. We'll need to know who you are and where you live, but please do not post your personal details on this site. You can speak directly to Linda Davies or email her at linda.davies@bayv.co.uk Many thanks BAYV
  16. Hi. we have a strict data protection policy and all of our Customer Account Managers are trained and monitored regularly to ensure compliance. We take data protection very seriously. In order for us to investigate this properly, I need you to contact Linda Davies, Customer Services Director and let her know who you are. We can then take a full statement from you and your partner's mother and then proceed with an investigation. Best regards BAYV
  17. At Bayv we are very sorry about your experience you had with us and thank you for the opportunity to address all of the issues you have had. Linda came to see you herself and I understand that all of your product issues have now been resolved. I also hope that we have gone some way in compensating you for the poor service you received. I also know that she will get back to you in the next 24 hours to confirm that your agreement enquiries are also resolved. We have addressed our internal processes to ensure that the chance of this happening again are eliminated. Once again, I hope that your future experience with us is much better and please feel free to contact Linda again if you have any further difficulties or worries. yours sincerely BAYV
  18. Hi. I am really sorry to hear that you have had these problems with us. I will investigate further and get back to you. First of all I need to know who you are and where you live, but please do not post your personal details on this site. You can speak directly to our Customer Service Director, Linda Davies or email her at linda.davies@bayv.co.uk I will ensure that all of your issues are dealt with appropriately. Many thanks BAYV
  19. Hi Scotty, Let me clarify for you. At Buy As You View, we offer two packages: EPS: Our EPS is offered by our insurance partners Homeserve. This is a value for money cover for theft and accidental damage for a low weekly payment. You do not have to take out EPS if you have household insurance that covers goods in the home on a hire purchase agreement. If you do not have home insurance, you can take out our EPS cover. However, you can choose any insurance company you like to obtain appropriate cover. All Sorted: This is an optional service cover package that gives a whole host of benefits that a standard manufacturer’s warranty does not offer. It gives complete peace of mind in the event of breakdown or repair. If you would like more information, perhaps our customer service team can explain the All Sorted and EPS packages available to you. Warm thanks, Buy As You View
  20. Hi, first of all, you should never post your own personal details on the internet. I would suggest that you remove your name from your original postings if you can. Optional service cover is exactly what is says...optional. There are a number of benefits for you if you take it and it is considerably better and cheaper than the company you have mentioned. However, if you do not wish to purchase cover, its absolutely fine and it can be removed from your account. I suggest that you call customer services and they can do it for you. I will also investigate your complaint about the agent invloved. Best regards BAYV
  21. Hi there, My name is Becky and I work at Buy As You View. I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing problems with your laptop and the damage to your meter has resulted in a delay to fixing it. It is true that we are unable to repair the laptop until the monies due on the account are up-to-date. However, we are more than happy to discuss your repayments to help you get back up to date. Once your account is up to date, we will then be able to ensure that your laptop is back in working order. As you will appreciate, we can not discuss the details of your account on this site but if you would like to email me at buyasyouview@bayv.co.uk we will be able to get in contact with you personally to get your payments on track and your laptop sorted. I look forward to hearing from you; together we can resolve your situation. Warm thanks, Rebecca
  22. Hi, you have made a number of serious accusations and unfortunatley I cannot investigate any of them unless I know who you are. May I suggest that you go through the correct channels and contact the company directly indicating that you are the customer who has posted a complaint on this forum. Your issues will then be dealt with by a member of the management team. Best regards BAYV
  23. We would like to point out that the Financial Ombudsman Service will indeed take on any complaint logged against BAYV and fully investigate this. I am sure Lefty would confirm this fact. Perhaps you would like to post the written response you have had from FOS? As regards any complaint we do take this serious and rectify if it is clearly established that the company is at fault. Clearly in relation to your complaint we are not at liberty to discuss matters on this forum and so we can only advise you once again BAYV are regulated by: The Consumer Credit Act 1974 The Sale of Goods Act The Supply of Goods Act The Data Protection Acts 1998 We are also members of the CCTA ( Consumer Credit Trade Association) Along with FOS you can also raise your issue with Trading standards BAYVs main contact in Trading Standards is Mr D.Gregory at www.bridgend.gov.uk BAYV
  24. Hi there, I am sorry to hear that you have had some problems with us. I have located your file and can assure you that our Customer Services Director is looking in to the issues you have raised and she will get back to you shortly. The Regional Manager that you mentioned has contacted me directly as well. Best regards BAYV
  25. I am unsure why you have been told this if the origional product was new and we are unable to repair it. Then under the legislation we are bound to repalce with a model of similar make and specification. Clearly it is not always possible to replace identical for identical but you should not have had a Xenius model. I can only offer our sincere apology and if you would like to contact me directly on 01656 754 522. I will arrange for a suitable replacement. Kind Regards BAYV
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