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  1. Hi Lefty Yes i gave the TV and Xbox back 2 BAUV and got them cheeper from Brighthouse and the TV is better and got the new style xbox. I have had the items scine feb/march this year. Not able to bring account up todate today, i offered a token payment but they wouldnt take it (they ringing as i type now). Just dont want them braying at my door like mad men again and they must have rung over a 100 times this week!!!!!
  2. Hi All I have a TV and Xbox with brighthouse and currently iam a week behind with payments cos my gas needed topping up and this is more important in my eyes. Last saturday i had 23 missed phone calls from them and today at 8am my phone was ringing and then a flipping well big bray on my door. It wasnt a normal knock but a bray as if they were using the side of their hand. I didnt answer cos i was in my pjs and the fact that they didnt knock normally. After about 10 mins i sneaked a look out of my bathroom window and they were just hanging around on my back balcony. Surely this is harrasment????? :mad2: . Help please Kind regards Charlotte
  3. Hi All I had a condenser dryer and a Baird hi fi system from Brighthouse and in May decided that i couldnt really afford them, so arranged for them to be collected and gave them back to Brighthouse. This happened on 25 May 2011. This morning i recieved 2 default notices for the items from Brighouse. What should i do? Thanks in advance Charlotte
  4. Hi thanks for all your replies. Its been sorted now. The jobcentre wouldnt help me so i phoned best up and they are helping me out. They were much more help than the Jobcentre!!!!
  5. Hi, thanks for reply. I just need £20 to get a weekly bus pass for next week ONLY untill i get my £15 on thurs/fri. Jobcentre wont help phoned them twice. They told me 2 walk but its a 20 min bus ride away. If i dont go i will get my benifit stopped. Im really upset about this. Phoned crisis loans n everything but no joy.
  6. Hi I am due 2 start BEST course on Monday but have no money to get there. Spoke 2 my advisor at Jobcentre 2day and they wont help me basically said u have 2 find a way 2 get there or else if u dont turn up ur benifit will be stopped. Tried for a crisis loan but they dont pay out 4 travel expensises - im at my wits end dont no what 2 do next. Any help would be appreciated.
  7. Hi there I have a TV and Xbox 360 with BAUV. Been with them for 2 years and do not owe any money to them - my account is up to date with them. I had some money problems last month because of my JSA being paid late due to them not paying me. So i had to brake into the meter to get the money out so i could get some shopping and electric etc. The meter is due to be emptied at the end of this month. I have the money that i owe BAYV saved up, but was just wondering if i will get into trouble for breaking into the meter? At the end of the day i have the money that i owe them and i had to do what i had to do to get essentail living things. Thanks in advance Charlie
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